Aquarius Season Horoscopes: Planning for the Future
As we end Capricorn season and move into Aquarius season, it is a great time to reflect on what we have let go of and what we have learned as the year turned over from 2020 to 2021.
We have our first Mercury retrograde of the year coming up at the end of this month starting on the 30th (Mercury will be retrograding in Aquarius, too) and a few days next month where we will have six planets in Aquarius, too.
In the meantime, here are your Aquarius season horoscopes for the next few weeks ahead.
2021 New Year Horoscopes: The Astrology of the Great Conjunction
Whether you are planning on making New Year's Resolutions for 2021 or not, there is no doubting that this year has been a big deal, and the next one will be too. As we end the year under the Jupiter x Saturn Grand Conjunction, here is a bit of what the beginning of 2021 has in store astrologically for each sign in the zodiac - read on for 2021 New Year Horoscopes.
Last Full Moon of 2020 in Cancer
The final Full Moon of the year will fall at 8°53′ of Cancer on December 29th, 7:28 pm (PT). As a water sign, Cancer is deeply intuitive and emotional, which may make this Full Moon particularly emotionally charged. This is an opportune time to release anything which is not serving you, both emotionally and physically, in preparation for the new year. Read on to get the full download on the surrounding energy.
Astrology Forecast: Mercury Retrograde is Over, Mars Goes Direct Too (and more)!
Here is this week’s astrology forecast. Read on to learn more about the cosmic weather for the rest of Scorpio season, from the last Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto conjunction, to the fresh new beginning we have with Mercury and Mars both going direct.
Scorpio Season Horoscopes
It’s Scorpio season. Here’s the full report on astrology by sign as well as what to know in regards to Vesta moving into Virgo, the continued Mercury retrograde, Venus in Libra, and the coming Blue Full Moon in Taurus.
October Astrology: How Mercury Retrograde Will Affect our North Node in Gemini
On October 13th, Mercury stations retrograde in Scorpio, which will be particularly potent mixed in with the other astrological weather. As the North Node currently transits through Gemini, we may feel this upcoming retrograde more acutely. It's a good time to spend reflecting, grounding, and tapping back into our bodies.
Libra Season Horoscopes: Autumn Equinox Astrology
On September 22nd, we have the Autumn Equinox where dark and light are in a perfect balance, the day lasting just as long as the night. The sun will also move into Libra, the sign of the scales representing balance and relationships. Saturn and Pluto will station direct, and Mercury will retrograde through Scorpio coinciding with Election Day in the U.S.
Get the full zodiac report here.
September Horoscopes: Mars Goes Retrograde and Jupiter Goes Direct
The specifics of how Mars retrograde will impact you depend on the details of your chart. Mars is considered a malefic planet. “Malefic” means challenging. Jupiter, on the other hand is benefic. It’s the planet of luck, optimism and expansion, and moving forward again in the sign of Capricorn, this is particularly a transit of monetary luck.
Get the full zodiac report here.
Virgo Season Zodiac Report: Horoscopes, Uranus Retrograde, and North Node in Gemini
Uranus, the planet of unpredictable outcomes and rebellions, has officially stationed retrograde. As we enter Virgo season it’s all about taking daily detailed steps that add up to the big picture outcomes we are looking towards. Learn more about these cosmic movements, plus dive deeper into north and south node astrology. Get the full Virgo season zodiac report.
North Node Astrology: North Node in Gemini, South Node in Sagittarius
The north node, the soul purpose, represents areas of growth and life lessons to integrate. During the universal North Node in Gemini, which started May 5, 2020, and will last through January 18, 2022, we will notice a number of themes show up for us - specifically adapting, communicating, openness, freedom, and letting go.
Cancer New Moon: Your Horoscope By Zodiac Sign
New moons are magical times, and this new moon on July 20 is extra special. Seeds sown on this new moon really have an added power and potential to come to fruition. It’s like we are getting a second, more potent opportunity to really make our voices heard. Read on for your New Moon in Cancer / Leo Season Horoscope.
Chiron Retrograde in Aries: Self Reliance, Autonomy and Healing Old Wounds
Chiron goes retrograde in Aries on July 11, where it will be for the next five months, going forward in time for the great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on December 20. Chiron is the comet that reminds us that what wounded us is also our point of healing. Those things we would rather change about ourselves are often our greatest gifts to the world. Read on for more about the current cosmic state and how you can continue to care for yourself and the world.
More Retrogrades + the Lunar Eclipse of July 2020 - The Possibilities Are Endless: What Will You Create?
We're halfway through this dynamic year, and the next six months are likely to be even more eventful than the first six. Right now, we have six planets retrograde from June 23 to June 25. We have six eclipses this year, too. Read on to learn how will this Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn will affect you personally according to your rising sign.
Mercury Retrograde in Cancer: Feeling all the Feels
Mercury goes retrograde. We have a New Moon and solar eclipse in Cancer. Expect significant changes to continue in the way you view and value things, your sensitivity levels, heightened intuition, and increased vulnerabilities. This 2020 ride isn't over yet. It's a roller coaster, a marathon, a bevy of metaphors that keeps us hanging on. Read on for more information for each sign.
Astrology Forecast: Mercury Retrograde, Lunar Eclipse, and Mantras For Your Sign
We are in playful airy Gemini season until the summer solstice in June moves us into Cancer. With Mercury moving into Cancer on May 28 and a series of lunar eclipses coming up, starting with the full moon eclipse in Sagittarius on June 5, here are some mantras for your zodiac sign into the end of the month as we transition into the next. As always, take only what resonates and leave the rest.