Libra Season Horoscopes: Autumn Equinox Astrology

As we enter into the autumn months, it is a time to turn more inwards, especially at the peak of the Autumnal equinox on September 22. The sun also moves into Libra on this date, at 9:31 am est.

On the Autumn equinox, dark and light are in a perfect balance, the day lasting just as long as the night. We really have a choice when everything is perfectly balanced of what we will choose to hold onto.

Autumn Equinox Collage

On the 23rd, when the moon moves into Capricorn and makes a conjunction with Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter, and a trine to the sun in Virgo and Uranus in Taurus, we have an opportunity to say goodbye to anything not in line with our personal and collective goals for the upcoming months and new year. To plant literal seeds for Autumn equinox (or Mabon), a ritual you can try is to plant apple seeds into the ground, along with your hopes and desires for the future. Clear and clean regularly, this is for your home and also your home. 

Then on the 27th, Mercury moves into Scorpio, where it will make its last retrograde of the year - from October 13 until midday November 3rd, and a shadow period about a week before and after these dates. Yes, Mercury will be retrograde for Election Day in the U.S., even more reason to request an absentee ballot and get your vote in early!

Also, if there is a conversation you want to strike up with somebody, now is the time to do it. If you’re waiting for someone else to reach out, try going first and seeing what happens. Remember, Mars is still retrograde so we cannot force anything, but now is a good time to have the conversations you need to have. When Mercury is in Scorpio, we want to go more inward, assess our shadow selves and our interior lives, so we will all be more naturally focused on these things for the next month or so. 

On September 29, Saturn stations direct! Like Jupiter was, Saturn has been retrograde for about four months, since May 11. When Saturn goes direct, some restrictions will feel lifted. With Mars and Pluto still retrograde, this is still an internal time. If we have been feeling blocked in any area, we can expect to make some serious breakthroughs beginning later in October and beyond, after Saturn has come out of its retrograde shadow. 

If you’ve had your Saturn return then you know that Saturn likes to teach lessons, and will take away all that we don’t need so that we are left with what’s important, all for our greatest good. If we’ve “done our homework” and learned some lessons these past few months - and surely we all have learned something - then we are now going to see the rewards for our efforts and our willingness to surrender to Saturn’s teachings and learn. 

Everything Saturn does is for our benefit, to grow us up in the most responsible direction, and when Saturn goes direct in 25° Capricorn, we are being fully prepared to direct that energy where it needs to go looking into next year, when Saturn and Jupiter are in Aquarius. We will feel some more forward movement with plans we have made these past few months, too, which will be nice. But for now we are tying up loose ends, and finishing things we have already set in motion. 

On October 4, Pluto joins Jupiter and Saturn and will station direct in 22° Capricorn. These three planets were retrograde for the same period of time and in the same sign. Pluto stationed retrograde in 25° Capricorn on April 25 and when it goes direct, we can expect somewhat less internal intensity, and more external intensity.

It’s even more important now to cultivate that space of safe, calm, and well-being within ourselves, no matter what is going on in the world around us. It’s a balance of being in the world and participating, but not letting ourselves become drained. 

While Pluto was retrograde in Capricorn, it was really showing us the shadowy parts of the structures we have known for all of our lives, essentially. When the planets are retrograde these effects can be felt internally the most, and with these three planets direct and in Capricorn now until mid-December, we are being asked to live in alignment with what you want to see in the world.

With Mars still retrograde until November 13, only small and consistent actions will be sustained. No sense in burning ourselves out by trying to do too much at a time! That is not the way forward right now. Instead, try slow, steady, daily consistent action coupled with plenty of hydration, rest, meditation, baths, and with all of your practices and tools for self-care along the way. If you’re in the Culte la Lune course in these next couple months, it will really help to ground and connect you as we move through this last stretch of 2020. 

With the sun in Libra, we feel more relational with other people. We might feel like getting into a relationship if we aren’t currently, or deepening our relationship with our partner. Taking breaks for date nights might be on your mind, or just finding little romantic ways to connect that show each other that you care and you’re there, just because. Often when we give to others, it raises our spirits and it elevates the bond between us. And it doesn’t have to be gifts - Get to know your partner’s love language and do something unexpected and nice for them.

If you’re single right now, show yourself a little extra love and love yourself how you want to be loved. Often we can forget how powerful practices like mirror work can be. If you don’t know, mirror work is basically looking at yourself in the mirror and telling yourself “I love you”. You can take this further and gaze into your own eyes, beyond the point of what feels comfortable at first. I like to do this practice right after coming out of a meditation if I feel like there is something that came up that I want to remind myself, like “You are loved” “You are worthy” or “You’ve got this.” 

Libra’s sign in astrology is the sign of the scales, and weighing the equal balance is Libra’s M.O. We’ve seen injustice, and so we need to balance it out with justice, much like the legend Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg displayed in her long career on the Supreme Court. Libra wants justice and equality, and the way this sign tends to go about it is in a way that brings people together.

If you know a Libra (and chances are that you know a few, they are very sociable!), then you probably also know them as great connectors; they are people who know everybody there is to know from all different walks of life and groups, and their charm and likability easily connects them to other people, as well as bringing the people that they know together for events where they can all meet each other and share ideas, as air signs love to do. 

We can all channel this Libra energy this season and as the Notorious RBG said, “Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.” A Libra who does this really well is Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez. The Libra stereotype is that they are conflict avoidant, but that doesn’t mean that Librans don’t have strong values and opinions! They do. Libra is ruled by the sign of Venus, the planet of values, love, and beauty, and this sign knows that there are ways to communicate strong opinions that will ultimately draw the right people to you and give eyes and ears to the causes you care about. 

So this season maybe we can practice what it feels like to come from a place of love in all we say and do. When we come together to stand up for what is right, and do it from love, mountains can be moved. It isn’t a blind love, nor is it a love that does not acknowledge how hard things are when we choose this path. There are ways to be courageous and fight, from love. It’s only love that can hold our hands as we walk through the depths, acknowledge the pain - the pain that may not even be all our own but our ancestors’ pain too - and wait with us until we all transmute it together. Which we can.

Autumn Equinox

After Libra season comes Scorpio, the sign of death, rebirth, and transformation. A chance for redemption is possible if we use this time wisely, too. By the time that Jupiter and Saturn meet up in Aquarius on December 19, things could look a lot different in our lives. Just remember that old ways won’t open new doors, so if there’s something new you’re inviting in you might have to try something new, too.

Just think how many challenges you have overcome in your own life just in the past four of five months this year. Sometimes we don’t know how strong we are until we are tested. Just the fact that you’re still here reading this and showing up for yourself says a whole lot. Not everything can be certain, but let’s be certain of our strength, our courage, and our capability to handle this, just like everything up until this point. You are here for a reason - needed, worthy, and valued. 

How will Libra season affect your sign most? Check your rising sign, and then your sun sign.


You might be thinking about settling down this season, or it could be a business partnership that you want. Either way, if you’ve been wanting to collaborate with someone, it’s a good time to initiate that and get the ball rolling. You could have something in the works by the time 2021 is here. 


A daily routine that you can show up for consistently is also a good idea this season, but make it something you can manage without too much headache. You’re on the right track and in the right place, just keep at it. As we go into Autumn, focus on digestion and eating more warm foods. 


Create create create! Your soul is calling you to create right now. If money is on your mind, money and the creative process are linked and if you’re blocked in one you might be blocked in the other. So put some movement in by playing around and making something new. 


Home and family life feel so much more important than your career right now. Embrace that. There are ebbs and flows and this is a time for you to really focus on these priorities. Work can wait. Take a pause. 


Your number one thing right now is you need to communicate your needs, to yourself and loved ones. You do so much and maybe haven’t been real about what it is that you need right now. Find it, treasure it, give it to yourself and let those you love in on what that is. 


You are creating something new for yourself and you’re really ready to only let in what you value and what values you. As long as your heart is in it, you will make money and you find success, passion, all the things you’re seeking. 


Thoughts around being in the right place could come up. Just know that wherever you find yourself, you are absolutely in the right place at the right time. You are here for a reason and we need you to just keep shining and being yourself. 


You need a safe container where you can communicate everything that is going on with you. That place could be a notebook, you never know what poetry you might turn your words into if you ever want anyone else to read it. Either way, get your words down on paper. 


If there is a cause you care deeply about, now is the time to invest your resources into that cause. Whatever resources those are, you guide by showing and doing, and you have values and principles. Now is the time to stand fully behind them. 


Now is a good time to think about what kind of legacy you are creating for yourself. What do you want to leave behind? Is there a form of self expression that you have within you that you would regret not putting out if you knew you could? Now is the time to work on starting or finishing this masterpiece, and visualize that feeling of putting it out there. 


You are in a phase of expanding limiting beliefs, that are in fact not your own. You are sitting on some wisdom and know is right for you, but perhaps trepidatious about taking next steps. You’ll never feel 100% ready and you’re not meant to. Do what you’re feeling called to do, and refine it as you go along.


If you’re feeling lost in all of the possibilities of the “what ifs” and the “could be’s” remember to keep your sights set on what you want the most and take action as if it’s already guaranteed. Keep in touch with your most supportive friends and networks. There is nothing you can’t handle.

Want to go deeper?

Join Culte La Lune: The Art of Lunar Living. It’s a 29 day virtual gathering beginning the night of the New Moon each lunar cycle. We practice lunar living, set intentions and call in our big juicy dreams. Depending on the moon phases — the new moon, the crescent moon, the full moon, etc — we have the opportunity to deepen our creativity, manifest more, cultivate our own zen and cleanse energetically.

Consider Culte La Lune your collective of woo woo witchy friends working to raise your vibration and create accountability with. We meditate, we move, and we create moments of personal self care.

Culte La Lune

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Elisabeth is a writer and astrologer, based in Seattle. To connect with her more about astrology, you can connect with her via a chart reading her Instagram @elisabetham, or email her at


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