Astrology Forecast: Mercury Retrograde, Lunar Eclipse, and Mantras For Your Sign

Now that we're in Gemini season after the stable, practical, naturally organized and reliable Taurus season β€” where we have hopefully used this time to get our house and finances in order and to get in touch with the sensual earthiness of our surroundings β€” we are in playful airy Gemini season until the summer solstice in June moves us into Cancer. 

Astrology Forecast: Mercury in Cancer -

Gemini season is all about communication, transitioning from spring to summer (in the northern hemisphere; from autumn to winter in the southern hemisphere). You might feel the urge to get your friends together for socially distant treks in nature, or virtually via a book club or even consider starting a podcast with your pals. 

We might find it hard to focus with scattered energy currently being amplified with Neptune in Pisces making a hard aspect to Venus retrograde in Gemini. All the more reason to continue implementing the routines we picked up in Taurus season to help keep some structure to our days. 

In the last week of May, Mars in Pisces aspects Uranus in Taurus, igniting a creative flair.

It is a good week to explore numerous creative potentials to see where each might lead. Mars in Pisces inspires us and gives the energy to pursue creativity for creativity’s sake, and while it is more idealistic than realistic, this is a great time for envisioning future goals. We see there are limitless options and more than enough projects to occupy the time. It’s an exciting and future-forward energy that provides a nice balance to the day-to-day limitations we are experiencing. It's easy to get swept up in multiple possibilities and it will be helpful to prioritize. 

On May 28, Mercury moves from Gemini into Cancer, and we head more inward and get more introspective heading into June, and the Mercury retrograde that begins on June 18.

The need to speak aloud our needs is increased and we feel compelled to share who we are and what we need with the intent of understanding ourselves and others better. There are also feelings of nostalgia, perhaps for summers past. 

We have a series of eclipses coming up, starting with the full moon eclipse in Sagittarius on June 5.

These eclipses will most significantly affect those with personal planets in Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini, and Virgo, especially those with these signs ruling their chart. On this day at around 3 pm EST, the moon and the south node in Sagittarius meet up at the same point in the sky. This eclipse calls for a big release of the past, any heaviness, anything that’s holding us back.

When Mars moves into Aries at the end of June, it will stay there for the rest of the year (which is rare).

This time will be about action, and really putting our action where our words are and where our vision is so that we can create the future that we want. And part of that is letting go of limiting beliefs that keep us stuck and small. 

Eclipses can be intense, and they generally tend to accelerate human evolution at a faster rate. This eclipse highlights our relationship with the truth and whatever house in our birth chart that is ruled by Sagittarius. We’re dealing with logic and philosophy here, as well as rapidly changing belief systems.

The sun will be in 15 degrees Gemini and the moon will be in 15 degrees of Sagittarius, so any planets aspecting these points will be heavy hitters, as well. Gemini and Sagittarius are both mutable signs, and while change isn’t always easy, the full moon illuminates the sky, shining light on what kinds of change are necessary. Overall, the need to express ourselves and share is strong, though the themes and specifics will be different for everyone. 

Here are some mantras for your zodiac sign.

As always, take only what resonates and leave the rest. 


I am capable and I take comfort in that. All of me deserves my attention and love. 


I am creative and I shine bright. I have all I need and will ever need. 


I value myself and I practice healthy habits that are good for me and the work I do in the world. 


I speak lovingly and directly, to others and to myself. I take care of myself, body, mind, and spirit. 


I am creative and if I can dream it, I can do it. I release all limiting beliefs. I am creating the future in the present moment. 


I am growing and I offer myself compassion in this transition. I am in full alignment with who I am, where I've been, and who I am becoming. I create my community by being fully myself.


I have stamina and energy to accomplish all my goals. Everything is happening at the right time. 


I look for the good in humanity and I am the change I wish to see. All I seek is within. 


I am abundant and my approach to life determines my outcome. I have the freedom to choose. 


I am co-creating and I attract all that I will ever need to myself. I am full, balanced, and whole. I fill up my own cup first.


I release perfectionism and I accept myself as I am. I put in the work, I am patient with the outcome and learn more about myself in the process. There are no failures, only lessons. 


I am expressive and creative. I play with life and validate my inner child. I allow all emotions and I find peace and joy at the center of it all.

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Elisabeth is a writer and astrologer, based in Seattle. To connect with her more about astrology, you can connect with her via a chart reading her Instagram @elisabetham, or email her at


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