A Deep Dive Into the Retrogrades and Lunar Node Sign Changes: What Does It Mean For You?

The retrogrades are upon us. The lunar nodes are changing.

What exactly does this all mean? First, the basics: from the vantage point of Earth, a retrograding planet appears to be spinning backward, moving in the reverse direction. It’s an optical illusion created by differences in each planet’s orbit.

You may think that when a planet is retrograding, depending on what that particular planet rules, things will go a bit haywire — whether it’s in our communication, love, money, beliefs, government — but there’s more to it than that.

As we’re in full retrograde season now, let’s take a look at the current retrogrades and the node transitions and how they’ll affect each of our signs.

Retrograde Season

The Retrogrades

Saturn went retrograde on May 11.

Saturn just transitioned in Aquarius, but this ringed planet is not entirely done in Capricorn yet. When Saturn is retrograde in the first few degrees of Aquarius, and then in Capricorn, we review the structures and systems we've had in place. It's a little messy, but Saturn rules Capricorn and is comfortable there and wants to return to the comfort and what it knows.

Saturn retrograde in Capricorn has us looking at our government's capabilities and limitations with fresh eyes, alongside the patriarchal systems that brought us where we are now. We are reviewing the good things about it that we want to continue and separate from what we want to leave behind. Saturn will station direct again on September 29 and move into Aquarius again in mid-December and meet up with Jupiter, the time when air travel is projected to get normalized again. Sometimes we have to go backward to go forward again and clear out what's not working along the way.

We'll go into 2021 with more self-reliance, less naivety, and more of a solid foundation to go forward with if we use the last half of this year wisely.

Venus went retrograde on May 13 and will last until June 25.

Venus rules love, money, and beauty. Ideas and ideals around love, beauty, and money are going to be changing and redefined. This is a great time to work on and restructure your money mindset if your current one is not working for you. You might also feel like changing up something about your outward appearance or the style and design in your home. Don't be afraid to change things right now; play with a different style and bring out your inner goddess or muse. Changing things in our space offers new perspectives, which can be especially beneficial right now, so don't force anything, but definitely go with anything that feels the need to come up.

Lunar Node

The day after Venus went retrograde, Jupiter went retrograde too.

Jupiter rules our belief systems. There are many different belief systems, culturally and cross-culturally, and not just one we all ascribe to. Still, some overarching belief systems are important to take a look at and question right now. For instance, do you believe that you can thrive amid everything going on?

We may believe that the universe is on our side. However, we are seeing that many in the world right now do not. And it can be difficult to believe the universe is on your side if you feel the evidence up until now has shown otherwise. This is a time to challenge the old beliefs keeping us small and stuck and learn to adopt new, healthier ones that can bring us abundance, expansion, and joy - thereby inspiring others to find their own growth and happiness as well.

Lunar Nodes: The North & South Node Changes Signs

Another major shift: the lunar nodes transitioned from Cancer and Capricorn to Gemini and Sagittarius. Unlike the planets, the moon’s nodes are moving retrograde most of the time. So they move backward on their typical trajectory. Collectively, we’ve had Cancer as the north node and Capricorn as the south node for the past couple of years, pushing us towards growth in the areas relating to femininity and feminine pursuits, releasing ideas of needing to work around the clock to climb a social ladder or prioritizing work-life while neglecting home life.

North Node in Gemini

Now with the north node in Gemini, we are being urged to focus on the dialogue between those holding different opinions, asking questions, surrounding ourselves with people who can offer up different perspectives, and focusing on communication between groups and increased collaboration overall. 

This can feel like a push and pull for those with Saturn in Sagittarius or even Saturn in Capricorn in their natal chart, as these generations have grown up with the dogmatic idea that "the way that I believe is the only way.' "With the south node in Sagittarius, we are clearing out the idea that there is only one way, one absolute truth, leaving no room for other opinions, viewpoints, or beliefs to co-exist. 

If you are curious to learn more about north nodes, check out our full report: North Node Astrology: Uncovering Your Soul Purpose.

So what does this mean for you?

Well, for those of you with a lot of mutable energy and cardinal energy in your chart, or those who were born while a few planets were retrograde, you may feel more “at home” when things are a bit chaotic, more so than those with a lot of fixed energy or those used to standing on a firm ground of stability and certainty. We all have strengths and weaknesses, and no matter what yours are, you can be a leader right now, and mentor others in the areas that you know well, while keeping an open mind.

Read on to learn more by sign.


As we are all making pivots in our businesses, right now is a time for you to really focus on who you are and what you have to give, essentially selling the product that is "you". Channeling activism, speaking up about causes that ignite your fire, and using your knowledge and passion to put a voice to a movement or a calling is where your heart is and now is a good time to start.

Start where you are with what you have, and make adjustments as needed. You are good at launching and finding your footing, figuring out details and solutions as things come up. Anything you passionately care about you can get others to care about, too. Just be sure to focus so that you are using your energy in helpful ways for your business or platform. 


You may have heard the phrase "hard work is the only currency". That might be true for you for a while, at least through this next year. Don't let this deter you, though. Just know that it's going to take a mix of perseverance and patience as you start to see more and more tangible results for your efforts. Luckily, you can exercise your patience muscle when you know the rewards will be worth it, and they will.

Use your talents of digging your heels in just a little deeper, and keep plugging away while knowing things won't always be as they are right now. Building something from the ground up, something sustainable and long-lasting is totally worth it and always will be. There is no expiration date on your dreams. Continue on and remember that "the time will pass anyway". 

“Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use.” - Earl Nightingale


Are there areas where you know you have untapped potential? You've explored the possibilities and now is the time for forwarding motion. With the north node in your sign, the positives that come with your sign are highlighted: inclusivity of all over elitism, sharing of information and ideas through continued dialogue, and adaptability to rapidly changing environments, just to name a few.

You are adaptable and make the most of any situation, but you're realizing it's now time to create your own way. So what does your life look like if you could pick every detail instead of having it decided for you? What would you be doing if you went for your plan A, instead of settling? Believe it can work out, take aligned action, and it will. Even if it's in a new direction, your adaptability to figure it out is on your side. 


This is a time for you to retreat and rediscover your spiritual side. In order to bring forth what’s inside you waiting to be created, it will require some deep alone time and true isolation. Even if you feel like you have nothing in you that is calling out for creation, taking the time in your day for solitude and practicing something unrelated to work will recharge your batteries and get your creative juices flowing.

This is also a time for you to restructure your ideas around wellness and self-care. Maybe self-care pre-pandemic looked like one thing for you and now it most likely looks different. But taking care of yourself health-wise is still the number one priority for you so you can come out of this pressurized situation with a diamond to show for it. 


Organize and lead, now is the time to focus on your community and networks. This time until 2022 will be all about what you can do for your community and what the community can do for you. You're using your soul gifts and inspiring those around you by following your heart and leading with joy. The most inspiring thing you can do right now is live life on your own terms and show others that they can do it, too.

You have the gift of bringing people together and naturally attract the right crew to get the job done, and have fun while doing it. The connections you meet, make, and maintain through this time will likely lead to new and exciting opportunities in the next year and a half, too. 


This switch-up for you urges you to come into your personal power and prowess. Time to shine the spotlight on yourself, which might make you uncomfortable, but that is where your growth lies. Your career may look very different, and you have the skills to figure it out. Public speaking opportunities and recognition come when you align your career path with your passion pursuits instead of keeping them separate.

With the north node moving from your house of friend groups to your house of career and the public sector, you're learning that you can provide the greatest service to your community by coming out of hiding and doing the thing that scares you. Taking calculated risks in your career and building your self-worth benefits not just you but your family and friends, too. 


This transit is urging you to learn new things and broaden your horizons. While you'd no doubt much rather be traveling and enjoying times with parties with friends, this is a good time for you to go mentally deep into books, reading them, or perhaps writing your own. Taking online courses is another idea. Anything where you're expanding your knowledge and/or teaching what you know to others. Both can be super beneficial and fulfilling for you right now.

You have a lot of wisdom to share and with the north node in a fellow air sign, it can go smoothly if you go with the flow and make the best of things until the next time you can get on a long plane ride and go somewhere tropical and warm. 


Your own house, the 8th house, is being lit up with this node transit. You are being challenged to go deeper when it comes to your finances and how your relationship to money is connected to your relationship to sex. It might be time to loosen up some of the control you have in these areas. You don't like to do anything overnight, so for now leave letting go just a little bit as an option to consider, rather than a change to make.

Still, love and money are linked, so if you have been looking to attract more of either it might be time to do some internal investigating and see what comes up for you around that. Let “trust” be your mantra and allow yourself to go there with yourself - nothing is off-topic. Stream of consciousness journaling might be a good practice to employ daily just to make sure you’re keeping it fresh and in continued dialogue with y-o-u. 


From now until 2022, the benefits of committed partnerships are highlighted and underscored for you, Sagittarius. Whether it's a commitment to a person, a project, or a business plan, dedication is tantamount to your success. Does the word "compromise" make you cringe almost as much as commitment does? Consider that "if you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go with others". There are still so many things you can do with other people that can bring benefit to you both, and the greater good.

With the south node in your sign clearing out your karma, you'll be coming to terms with the notion that your way isn't the only way that something can be done. Sometimes other people have good ideas, too. It's a collaborative effort for you and a time that brings advancement and growth in your personal and professional relationships with others. 


You may have found you’re pushing yourself hard the past couple of years with the south node in your sign. With the north node in your sixth house, the rest of 2020 and 2021 for you will be about integrating all the lessons you've learned. New priorities take place of the old as you learn to put your physical health first. Find ways to move your body daily in ways that feel good to you. Eat foods that nourish and feed your cells so you can function at the highest level.

Taking care of your body and your being affects every other area of your life, too. While you may have gotten used to eating meals on the go, for example, this is an opportunity for you to slow down and put as much thought and care into what goes into your body as what goes into your bank account. It should always feel healing and expansive, rather than restrictive and rushed. Let food be thy medicine. 


Two words for you, Aquarius: Abun-dance! Okay, it's one word, but you could actually dance your way to abundance during this transit. Let your joy and your passion be your guide, and if you're not lit up by it, don't do it. You've been over-structuring and over-planning everything to a T, yet things have been uprooted, showing you that while it's good to have a plan, it's also good to leave some wiggle room.

If you're used to burying yourself in work to avoid taking action that might instead have you feeling joy, this is a good opportunity to recategorize how you think of yourself. It's a good time to allow yourself to be open to new possibilities. The cynic in you might need some time to catch up, but you can turn it off while you turn on a song you like and dance around your bedroom and get out of your head for a while. Whatever you're working on might have some more lightness infused in it when you come back to it. 


Ways to improve your home - or change your home - might be on your mind right now. DIY projects are a good use of your time and you can put your creativity to use while having something awesome to show for it when you're done. If you're looking to change your surroundings entirely when quarantine is safely over, it can still be a good time to look ahead to where you want to move. Consider the possibility of taking out a loan and learning all of the technicals you need to know in order to get there.

Don't be afraid to take some initiative and rely on your intuition rather than other people's ideas of what they think you should do. Remember that this is your life and you know what kind of home you would feel your best in. You can browse Pinterest or architecture and design blogs to see what type of home style speaks to you, then take the practical steps to get there. 

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Elisabeth is a writer and astrologer, based in Seattle. To connect with her more about astrology, you can connect with her via a chart reading her Instagram @elisabetham, or email her at info@elisabethmckinley.com


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