October Astrology: How Mercury Retrograde Will Affect our North Node in Gemini

It’s October — spooky season, witchy season, the month that brings us Halloween, and in 2020, it’s not just the weather that’s getting chillier; there’s also a lot of astrological weather to pay attention to! 

Pluto, the planet of power and transformation, has been stationed direct and is moving forward in Capricorn and Saturn, and Jupiter. This is a great time to remind ourselves just how powerful we are. If things feel challenging and complex, remember that you have surmounted every challenge until now, and you don’t plan on giving up any time soon. Mars is squaring Pluto at this time, and these planets have a lot in common, namely that both can feel intense, so when they square, it can feel a bit like being in the pressure cooker. 

October Astrology

Mercury Stations Retrograde

On October 13th, Mercury stations retrograde in Scorpio, which we are in the shadow period of now. Mercury goes retrograde around three times every year, but this one feels incredibly potent. Mars is about halfway through its retrograde in Aries at this point. While Mars is the modern ruler of Aries, it is also the traditional ruler of Scorpio. Pluto is Scorpio’s current ruler, so it is a “same but different” situation. It is an excellent time to reflect on where we are doing the same thing in our lives yet expecting a different result.

Also, on October 13th, the sun in 20° Libra is opposite Mars retrograde in 19° Aries. This lends itself to ego conflicts if we are not staying rooted and centered in the belief that we are on different paths but ultimately the same mission. Where is our mindset being challenged, and how do we deal with the challenges presented to us? Do we look at them as opportunities for growth, or do we see them as threats that we need to defend or protect ourselves from? 

That’s not the only opposition, however. In the coming weeks, Mercury retrograde in Scorpio will form an opposition to Uranus retrograde in Taurus, peaking October 18-20. This can cause surprises, upsets to plans, and distractions from our focus, intentions, and goals. These can be happy surprises, of course! 

During this transit, we need to redirect our focus and practice doing one thing at a time. Mercury and Uranus both rule air signs, technology, and our nervous systems, so slow down, double-check everything, and settle into an exercise or routine that gets you into your parasympathetic nervous system and out of the fight, flight, or freeze mode. 

In one of my favorite books, The Power of Focusing, Ann Weiser Cornell, Ph.D., says, “We treat our problems like patients in a waiting room. When one is eased a little, we call out ‘Next!’ Instead, remind yourself to simply welcome what came. Make room for it. Receive it. Take time to feel how it feels.” 

As often as we can think of it, actively shifting out of the mode of needing to “do, do, do,” and “go, go, go” is the antidote to the ‘pressure cooker’ feeling. Especially right now, it’s a time to slow down and really receive the messages of what is already here and what is already within us. 

Ram Dass, an Aries sun, Cancer rising, Sagittarius moon, is quoted as having said, “I see my life as an unfolding set of opportunities to awaken,” and that might just be the best way to think about these retrogrades and more intense times. Maybe we don’t need to look at the things that trigger us as something happening to us. Still, instead, lessons continually propel our awakening without us having to do much more than just allow it. 

Of course, with awakening comes the even greater need to ground ourselves down into the reality of the here and now. We can do this by physically planting our feet into the ground - a practice shown to have physical and neurological benefits. 

Other ways to stay grounded during this time include staying in touch with our senses - keeping candles lit, adorning ourselves in our favorite scent, decorating our home space to welcome in autumn, baking treats to enjoy, crafting, and listening to relaxing music. These are just a few ideas to come back to that keep us in touch with our senses. 

October Astrology

The Sun in Libra

The sun is still in Libra, and Venus rules Libra. Venus is also opposite Neptune this week, an aspect that can lend itself to us feeling over-idealistic about things and missing the big (and authentic) picture. So these things that stimulate all of our senses to keep us rooted in the present will support us in our creative, balanced power and out of the drama and distractions that knock us off-center. It’s just a different way of going about what needs to be done, rather than feeling like a hustle, a grind, or a push.

North Node in Gemini

Mercury retrogrades are a great time to review, and Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo. Everything can feel sped up with our North Node currently in Gemini from May 5, 2020, to January 18, 2022. Mercury likes to move at a rapid pace, and that is why when it retrogrades, those with a lot of Mercury-ruled aspects in their chart can really feel the difference. With our collective north node being in Gemini, we all feel these Mercury retrograde transits a little more acutely. 

The north and south nodes always have this oppositional energy. The north node is in Gemini during this time, the south node is opposite in Sagittarius. So opposite signs ultimately want the same thing yet have very different ways of going about it. So there is tension around teaching and learning, talking and communicating - how much do we share? How often? Also, making sure that we are transparent in our speech because intent doesn’t always equal outcome. 

We can view this as an opportunity to review and reflect on our mission for this period until January 18, 2022. The antidote to feeling lost during a Mercury retrograde is coming back to those things that are important to us and that we have governance over. The best thing to do in a Mercury retrograde is slow down without losing sight of our purpose, and what better way to come back to our goal than looking at the nodes? 

Depending on which house Gemini and Sagittarius rule in our charts, we embrace and release different things. This shorthand list of themes to embrace during this time should help point us in the right direction. 

*These are themes for each rising sign; for example, if you are a Gemini rising, then the north node in Gemini is transiting your first house. The south node in Sagittarius is transiting your 7th house.

Aries Rising  

If you have Aries rising then the north node in Gemini is transiting your third house, and this is a time for you to follow your interests in learning something new, teaching what you know, and just exchanging knowledge in general. You might be developing your skills and doing work with your hands. Writing, speaking, acting, and performing could be things you’re interested in too. You might feel like moving from topic to topic and more easily able to absorb information in this time. Jot ideas down as they come to you, lest you forget later that great creative plan you came up with in the shower or on your walk! 

Taurus Rising 

The north node in Gemini is in your second house of values until early 2022. This is a good time to take note of what your values actually are. Most people have at least a few core values, and decisions made become easier from this place. So take some time to get clear and intentional about those things are you. This is a great time for you to invest time and resources into the things that you value. It is also a good time to clear out all of the clutter from your home space. Removing unnecessary aspects makes room for the things you really want to show up! Focusing on quality over quantity. 

Gemini Rising

With the north node in Gemini transiting your first house, you are embarking on a new adventure. You are also reevaluating what you need and require and want in relationships. Think about what you want in relation to yourself and other people. What is truly important to you? And is what you want an ego desire or a soul desire? Neither is right or wrong necessarily, but get curious about why you want the things that you want. If you are single, really allow yourself to be single and explore. And if you are partnered up, really allow yourself to explore the depths of intimacy and commitment with your partner. Try something new if you want different results!

Cancer Rising

You are becoming more comfortable announcing and voicing your hidden desires and dreams. It would be a good time for you to study metaphysical topics that appeal to you like astrology, tarot, philosophy, and magic. You are finding a way of coming into your own around mystical topics and the more spiritual aspects of life. Focus on releasing the need for control and knowing the outcomes. This is also a time that you are focusing on healing - healing yourself, healing others, and often both, as when we help others we usually end up helping ourselves, too. 

Leo Rising 

You are in a period of distinguishing between the old and the new. What are you willing to take with you into your future? Imagine you have to wear it on your back and carry it up a hill. Does that change your answer at all? Pack light, yet strategically, and take only what you need into this next chapter. New friends, networks, and opportunities await you but it doesn’t come without sacrifice. You will have to say goodbye to something from your past, but that doesn’t make it gone forever. You are just clearing out mental space and making room for the new. 

Virgo Rising

This time until early 2022 offers you increased success in your career, provided you keep your head down and do the work. The public recognition for your ideas and projects that you seek is the ultimate reward and hey, a little financial compensation wouldn’t hurt either, right? Keep going, but maybe take these next few weeks to refocus on your vision and come back to the basics. This is also a really great time for you to get into a daily writing practice, since this Mercury energy is coursing through your veins right now. Get clear-headed and take your vision from idea to result by writing it down. 

Libra Rising

You are releasing future expectations and instead choosing to live in the present. Focus on what is essential now. Your creativity is expanding into new levels and taking you along for the ride! Follow your creative impulses and see where they might lead you during this time. This is a new kind of explorational journey for you, an inward one. You have some nuggets of wisdom within you waiting to burst out, so instead of looking to everyone else for inspiration, look to yourself. Be your own guru. The time will pass anyway, so take it slow, but if you use this time to finish the projects you’ve already started, you could come out of this year with something truly magical to show for it! 

Scorpio Rising

This time has been a reminder for you that there is more to do and deeper layers to uncover. This is a period of discerning what is important and what is not. You may be exploring aspects of your personality or character that you had previously repressed, minimized, or denied. This is a good time to invest in therapy or another form or practice where someone can help hold you accountable. Remember that anything we deny or repress will just come out in other ways, so just get clear on the kind of person you are and the person you want to be. It can also help to reframe any past experiences that keep popping up in order to begin to think about it differently and move on. 

Sagittarius Rising

This is a time of developing maturity in the choices of the people you want to be around and date and be in a relationship with. Instead of looking for a perfect or ideal partnership, you are settling into the idea of knowing that there are no perfect people, only people that want to make it work and those who don’t. Let go of ideas of how things should “look” and focus more on how they make you feel. You might be proving your commitment to yourself (or others) during this transit. The south node is in your first house, and you might be seeing yourself in a new light. Communicate with your partner or those in your circle who can reflect an accurate portrayal of who you are back to you. Things may appear a little topsy-turvy right now, but things are shifting into place. 

Capricorn Rising

Your focus is on how you function in a group, your place within a group, and your sense of belonging. Where do you subordinate yourself or assert your dominance in a situation? You are organizing your daily routines and life structure, as well as reorganizing the hierarchies in your life. You are also finding new ways of collaborating with others. This phase for you is ultimately about bringing the ideas and visions you have into practical reality, in a way that is of service to others and the planet. The north node is currently transiting your sixth house, so you could also be implementing new routines involving writing, and keeping a journal to track your progress and insights is a good idea. 

Aquarius Rising

You are stepping out as a leader, finding your authority, and challenging yourself. This transit through your fifth house is all about putting your ego to use in service of the greater good and a mission much bigger than yourself and immediate surroundings. This isn’t a time to shy away or step out of the spotlight. You’re a little bit outside of your comfort zone here, and that is where the challenge comes in! You have a real opportunity to shine and stand out in this next year, but try not to let it get to your head too much. Remember why you are doing what you are doing and focus on your ultimate goal and mission, likely rooted in unity, universal love, and freedom. If you are feeling challenged by external circumstances, come back to yourself and remember why you chose this path. 

Pisces Rising

You are in a time of finding your tribe and finally feeling at home with yourself. You are perhaps also looking for a new home or a living situation - or updating your current home to more suit your own personal style. Family could be on your mind as well, taking care of family is a high priority, starting a family, researching the history of your family, and connecting to your roots. Ensure that your environment reflects who you are and a place where you can relax and be yourself - that means the people, places and the things around you, but also what you tell yourself about yourself and the world. The more you relax and settle into who you truly are, the more you are accepted for being just who you are. 

Overall, this Gemini north and Sagittarius south node transit lends itself to storytelling and the exchanging of information and ideas, and there are certainly a lot of opinions. For each of us it is a good time to slow down, especially as things certainly feel sped up, and really absorb information, separate out what our values are as opposed to what isn’t important to us, and focusing on one thing at a time. It is a good time for listening to others and engaging in important conversations, but we have to be sure not to let the Mars energy take over to where we get defensive and throw fire on a situation, or shut down completely on the flip side. 

It takes staying present to stay open, and taking breaks as needed, but it is so important right now and I believe we can all do it in our own special ways if we just breathe (air) and release the impulse to immediately react and get fired up (fire). Embracing the positive qualities that both Gemini and Sagittarius share is helpful to lighting up our path, like teaching, learning, storytelling, sharing information and ideas, creativity, and speaking truth to power. 

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Elisabeth is a writer and astrologer, based in Seattle. To connect with her more about astrology, you can connect with her via a chart reading her Instagram @elisabetham, or email her at info@elisabethmckinley.com.


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