Astrology Forecast: Mercury Retrograde is Over, Mars Goes Direct Too (and more)!

As we move into the end of 2020 and reflect back on what made this year so pivotal, we could certainly point at many events.

Astrologically speaking, it had a lot to do with the meet up and trifecta of Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto all coming together in Capricorn. From November 8 through 13th, we have Jupiter exactly conjunct Pluto in 22 degrees of Capricorn for the last time. 

Astrology Report from Oui We

Jupiter and Pluto were last exactly conjunct from June 23 to July 1 in 24 degrees Capricorn, and that was also right after we had the last solar eclipse in Cancer on the same day as our summer solstice here in the northern hemisphere. This time, this Jupiter-Pluto conjunction is leading up to the lunar eclipse in Gemini on November 30 and then the solar eclipse in Sagittarius on December 14. 

We know that Pluto is the planet of rebirth and transformation, and Jupiter is the planet that expands whatever it is nearby, and so this conjunction feels like a last final clearing out of the pieces that made this year what it is — challenging, but necessary. 

Mars Goes Direct

Also on November 13, Mars goes direct in 15 degrees of Aries, and will continue going through its home sign until January 6, 2021. This change in direction supports our efforts in utilizing the outward expression of Mars energy for the rest of the year, whereas while it’s been retrograde our focus has been on our inward motivations.

Hopefully we all have used this Mars retrograde energy the past couple of months towards reevaluating how we prioritize our actions, and making sure that our actions are aligned with our deepest intentions. 

November 10th, Mercury — now direct as well — moves back into the sign of Scorpio, and with Mercury at its regular pace again, it’s a great time to pick up and finish the projects we started (or intended to start) over the summer months.

Tying up any loose ends, and communicating any needs, feelings, or insights we have on our hearts and minds, will go a great way in setting the tone for the holiday season as well as the year ahead. Things may get confusing for a while, but it is always up to us to recenter ourselves into clarity, and we always have that available to us, even when things feel uncertain. 

We have a brief opposition of Venus in Libra and Mars in Aries this week, too. Mars rules Aries and Venus rules Libra, so this opposition brings with it a week of extremes. This is a great time to tune into our relationships and get clear about what we expect and be honest with ourselves and others about what is important to us.

We are in a transition period where the old is burning off and the new is on its way, which can lend itself to feeling like we are in unfamiliar territory. Just like embarking on any new adventure, we can be curious about the uncertainty, and move forward with caution whilst remaining optimistic.

The great thing about a new adventure is that we get to choose it. We can’t control an outcome, but we get to choose what we allow into our world and what we give back to the world. Being extra intentional about the things that matter to us not only benefits us, but everyone and everything around us as well.

Mars in Aries assertiveness serves us well when faced with situations where we feel our boundaries are encroached upon. Venus in Libra lends an understanding and compassionate hand, showing us that everyone we may encounter can offer up something we don’t know. 

If you’re trying to make somebody right or wrong, just know that we are all doing our best at this time! But that also doesn’t mean you have to box yourself into groups or modes of relating that don’t feel right to you.

Allow yourself to trust that there is a gift in doing something with faith, hope, and without having an agenda. It’s not about the other person. You can still step into a place of integrity no matter what the circumstances or situation. 

New Moon In Scorpio

The new moon in Scorpio on the 15th is a great opportunity to start something new, as most planets will be direct. We can use the transformational powers of this Mars and Pluto ruled sign to move on, forge ahead, and start something completely wild and new. 

New Moon in Scorpio

Overall, the month of November breathes fresh air into our lungs and experience. We are on the right track, and right where we are meant to be, and the details will come together when we can begin to accept that one foot in front of the other and small changes done consistently are the way forward. 

November is a month for coming back to nurturance. We may have gotten sidetracked or distracted with things that felt heavy or shaky, and now we have the opportunity to come back to our practices without judgement towards ourselves for anything we did in the past to make ourselves feel better. 

Our healing and reflection will continue to take precedence as we move into the winter months ahead. Conserving our energy is important, but even more so is generating our own energy and transmuting any feelings of fear and anxiety into ease, groundedness, and inner knowing. 

Still in Scorpio season for another couple of weeks, we shift the focus back onto trusting ourselves, our practices, and our coping skills to be the solid foundation for whatever comes next. Taking care of ourselves reminds us we know what is best for us in each given moment.  Trigger points are access points to healing and growth and regeneration.

As we tune into the colder weather, we can generate our own light from within and magnify that outward. Any practice that connects ourselves to that power within, which raises our energy and shakes things up in loving ways, will helps us to do just that. 

Elisabeth is a writer and astrologer, based in Seattle. To connect with her more about astrology, you can connect with her via a chart reading her Instagram @elisabetham, or email her at


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