North Node Astrology: North Node in Gemini, South Node in Sagittarius
When the North Node is in Gemini and the South Node is in Sagittarius from May 5, 2020, to January 18, 2022, themes of Adapting, Storytelling, and Beginning to Move Beyond Duality will be revealed.
Our global north and south nodes change astrological signs. As they do so, our planetary energetics change according to the zodiac. When the nodes change astrological signs, what happens first is we clear out the karma, the life lessons, and the past lives we're holding on to in the south node.
Suppose you're wondering about your personal north node astrology to uncover your soul purpose. In that case, we recommend starting with a birth chart reading.
As a collective, our present reality is this: we have made so many technological advancements and products intended to make our lives more accessible as a species. Still, many of these advancements have further complicated things, moving us away from our connection to the beautiful simplicity of nature.
In essence, we are provided with everything we could ever want and need in the natural world. Yet, we have evolved over the years always to be trying to improve upon nature. Many of these advancements have helped us improve processes that make our lives better and longer. Unfortunately, many have also separated us from what's essential in life. Going forward, this kind of adaptation is critical, along with the realization that multiple things can be true at once.
In astrology, while the south node dredges up our karma for us to face, release, and move past, the north node shows us which areas to embrace and focus on - the places, if we lean into, will propel our growth.
They're usually not the most comfortable things to do or the things that feel good to us at the moment. But, with the south node in Sagittarius, we are moving away from rigid, dogmatic thinking and beliefs. As a collective, we have been in this mode for a while now.
The north node in Gemini is all about duality and taking the good with the bad.
In this period, May 5, 2020, through January 18, 2022, we will notice several themes show up for us: adaptation, community, storytelling, teaching, learning, fluidity, duality, patience, observing, openness, honesty, communicating ideas, and information clearly, and listening.
We'll let go of
outdated and dogmatic beliefs
philosophizing everything
always being busy and on the go.
It's about the willingness to admit we can be wrong and understanding that it doesn't mean anything about us other than being human. It is about the fluidity of changing our minds, thoughts, and beliefs from one day to the next when presented with new information.
Allowing and even inviting in the questioning of ourselves from other people, listening to other people's advice and guidance, accepting ourselves when we are wrong, and allowing other people to be bad and make mistakes, makes us deeply human. The most essential parts are a willingness to stay open to learning, holding ourselves and each other accountable, and being open to accountability and feedback in return.
It's impossible to be right all of the time - to be right all of the time isn't even the goal. The goal is to continue to learn through connecting with and relating to other people. It's about releasing a feeling of needing to always be right, realizing that there is no such thing as always being right. Consider the practice of not making a decision until hearing out everyone's side.
As Socrates said, "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing," and this is good to remember right now. We don't know exactly how long all of this will go on or what else will come. New information is coming at us so fast that even our leaders don't know what is going on, honestly.
Sagittarius south node is clearing out any ideas we have around looking externally for the answers.
This will be further amplified when Saturn moves back into Aquarius for good in December.
This doesn't mean we will stop communicating and learning from other people. However, it does mean we are moving away from a hierarchy of believing that any one person has all of the knowledge and all of the answers. Instead, we can actually learn more in conversation when we see others as equal and having perhaps different, but just as necessary, knowledge as we do.
Gemini and Sagittarius are the signs associated with teaching, as well as learning new information.
Gemini is ruled by Mercury, both the messenger and communicator, and this is a great time to share information. While Sagittarius' way of teaching is philosophical and aims to teach big concepts and ideas in a monologue way, the Gemini north node teaching style is more interactive, having a back and forth conversation, opening up topics for a discussion where all involved who want to speak can be heard.
The roles of student and teacher are reversible and reciprocal - learning from the worlds around us, teaching and disseminating the information that we know, and being open to the idea that what we may know today may have new light shed on it tomorrow. This is a great time to enroll in courses or training, teach a course, or even just trade information with a friend who can teach you things you don't know while you're teaching them.
This is a time to really come together in our communities- to create and maintain them is emphasized right now. Gemini rules local communities and local travel trips (like road trips), while Sagittarius rules international travel and using travel as a way of finding oneself or going on a spiritual quest.
With the north node in Gemini, our emphasis isn't so much on seeking out and exploring new territory, it's more about familiarizing ourselves with the ground we are already on and peeling back the layers of what is right in front of us.
This can look like researching the history of the land that you live on - what indigenous peoples lived there? What are the native plants and animals? How can we pay respect to the land that we live on? What is the story of the land? Every living thing has a story, and the storytelling of all kinds is a great Gemini north node activity. So is questioning everything and satiating your curiosity about why things are the way that they are.
With this north node transit through Gemini, we are learning to stay in one place - which we have seen is quite literally the case physically. But we are also learning to stay in one place mentally. The flip side of seeing multiple sides of any given situation is that tendencies to doubt ourselves can come up, and create an inability to focus on one thing. We want to do it all!
Instead of philosophizing or endless debates on what we could do or should do, this time is showing us to focus on what's right in front of us and taking care of the day to day things that can fall by the wayside when we're always looking at the bigger picture and things outside of our control.
Another theme coming up during this time is the need to let go of resistance. Bigger universal factors are at play, and yes, we all play a role in that, but most of us are just needing to focus on enriching our lives and the lives of those around us. Fulfillment comes from focusing on expending energy on what we do have control over - taking care of ourselves so we can focus on the task at hand.
Before the south node was in Sagittarius, it was in Capricorn, where Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are retrograding right now, and we are not quite done with this karma yet.
We are still feeling very much limited and restricted. But with the north node having been in Cancer from November of 2018 until May 5, 2020, we have hopefully been leaning into how to make our home environment a place where we can be comfortable. Now we are making it a place where we can be focused as well, with so many people working from home that weren't before. That's another part of the dichotomy and duality of this time.
The south node in Sagittarius will spark up urges to want to escape, to run away, and to think that rebelling against what everyone else seems to be doing is the way to freedom.
This freedom theme will come up a lot, too. What is freedom? What does it mean to you? We don't have to have the answers right now, and we won't have the answers until we're ready, but sometimes just asking questions and learning to be comfortable in that in-between space is enough to get things flowing again.
Also, getting out into nature is important, and so is switching up our environment if safely possible, but the intention is everything. If we are running away from something, we might not find what we are looking for in escapism, as good as might feel in the moment to do so. Creating a life that you don't feel a need to run away from is a better long-term solution.
Fans of Anthony Bourdain's travel shows know this idea well. He would always mix in the off-the-beaten-path places with the well-worn paths and showed us what it looks like to respect the cultures and practices of the places he would visit. We never saw him going into a place where he acted like he knew anything. He didn't assume; he would ask questions and have conversations, and he would listen and laugh and enjoy food with strangers.
Even though Anthony Bourdain traveled all over, his interactions with the locals wherever he went rings very true to Gemini north node. We can also practice this within our local communities, even if only from a distance right now until we can get close again. This is not the time to completely isolate ourselves from the world and let our desires be the social creatures that we are atrophy.
Being honest in the way we communicate with others opens up portals and possibilities for deeply relating within and between us.
It requires vulnerability and intimacy - a couple of other qualities that we had hopefully developed and strengthened when the north node was in Cancer. Being very open and honest about who you are and what you need in all of our relationships from day one is a challenge for many of us, but it is this kind of clear and transparent communication that leads to strong friendships and relationships. Also, learning how to disagree and argue well is important.
In the space of holding each other accountable, tensions can rise, especially with the fire energy we have right now with the sun and Mercury in Leo, and with Mars and Chiron in Aries squaring the planets in Capricorn.
All in all, this north node shift into Gemini is having us look with brand new eyes at ourselves, what we truly want in the world, and what the world is asking and requiring of us in order to level up.
It can be easy right now to get stuck in existential thinking or trying to rationalize what it all means and why we are all here - those thoughts and ideas might be coming up for a lot of us more than usual. This type of analysis paralysis can lead to indecision and making simple situations complicated.
Let ideas come to you, sit in them, let them germinate, not everything that comes to you needs to be analyzed, explained, or performed right away. It's okay to sit with it. It may feel uncomfortable to do so because of the low-level impatience running through all of us right now. But this waiting is testing our trust muscle, too. Take care of the small goals that keep you healthy and happy for right now. Keep creating and working on whatever you're working on.
We know that always leaping to fix the uncertainty, or doing the thing we think might quell the uncomfortable feeling, can have us running around and never really getting off that hamster wheel. The Gemini north node is not an active leap into intentional growth. In other words, it's not necessarily about deciding to do something because you think that growth is what you will get as a result. It's more about truly coming to an understanding and loving ourselves. Then, that understanding and compassion will radiate outwards, leading us to make choices that end up being of benefit.
To best work with the energy of the north node in Gemini, you can use this time as an excuse to focus on yourself.
It's a time to focus on what you can control while surrendering to what you cannot. Act when inspired, but don't force it. Just be, without doing, when the mood strikes. If this all sounds like a lot, it is. The energy can be quite scattered during this time. And it's good that so many ideas are bursting through, but just remember that you're one person, and you're not meant to do things alone. Reach out to your community when you need to, and collaborate with others as we continue learning and teaching, and co-creating together.
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Elisabeth is a writer and astrologer, based in Seattle. To connect with her more about astrology her Instagram is @elisabetham, or email her at