Scorpio Season Horoscopes

On October 22, the sun moves into the sign of Scorpio. Side note: does anyone else feel like Libra season went really fast? And in the evening, the moon in Capricorn will make exact conjunctions to Jupiter, then Pluto, then Saturn. Of course we are starting off Scorpio season with intensity! 

Venus forms a trine to Pluto on this day as well, bringing harmony into our relationships. It’s a great day to have a conversation centered around feelings with people that we feel safe and secure with, and for deepening relationships with intimacy, but it’s going to require some vulnerability in the process. 

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Vesta moves into Virgo

The third big event of this day is that the asteroid Vesta - the brightest asteroid in our sky - moves from Leo into Virgo. Vesta usually only spends a month or two in each sign, but will occasionally stay longer, and this time Vesta will be in Virgo until July 19, 2021. In Roman culture, Vesta was the virgin goddess of the hearth, home, and family, she was the patron deity of bakers. These next few months and the first half of 2021 are an incredibly productive time to really prioritize values around our home space.

Cleaning and organizing, sure, but also consider learning feng shui techniques, and using expressive design in your home so that it really reflects who you are as a person. This time can also have us redefining our ideas around what home means, and in particular, taking care of our one true home in this life - our bodies. Physical, emotional, and mental health and routines will be even more important to upkeep as we move into 2021, because our challenges are not over when the new year comes - it won’t get easier necessarily, we just get better. 

Mercury in Retrograde

Mercury is still retrograde in Scorpio, and this is a sign that loves investigating into the other. It craves deep connection, vulnerability, and intimacy, but doesn’t necessarily want to go first. So notice if you have some resistance around sharing first, and perhaps do it anyway. Great rewards come with great risk and this day definitely encourages us to take some calculated risk in the intimacy department. 

Venus makes a trine to Saturn on October 24th, providing stabilizing support for us to conserve our energy for the winter months ahead.

Like an animal preparing for hibernation, we are also gathering the internal resources we need to settle in. For creatives, that means having the supplies we need to make our art without interruption. It also means making sure we have on hand what we need, and continuing to prioritize our health and wellbeing. This is also a great day for taking stock of all that we have, and expressing gratitude for all that we have, all that we are, and all that we’ve learned. 

The next day, Mercury retrograde makes an exact trine to Neptune retrograde. This is a great day for creativity and advanced planning, especially if we look to what hasn’t worked in the past and use that data to inform how we might do things differently this time. The moon is in Pisces and opposite Vesta in Virgo this day as well, adding even more so this creative energy. You might want to cook and bake, or dance and play music. However you express yourself on this day, have fun and let yourself lose track of time. Intuition is also heightened with this transit, so pay extra attention to your ideas. 

Venus in Libra

On October 27, Venus moves into Libra. On this same day, Mercury retrogrades back into Libra. Coincidence? This literally happens within 8 minutes of each other. The number 8 is quite a theme for the last half of October and into the early portion of November. In numerology, 8 is the sign of infinity. 

Venus has a love for life and a desire for a beautiful life, in all regards, in the sign of Libra. And Mercury retrograding back into Libra has us reassessing yet again the relationships in our lives, their definition, purpose, and fairly judging how the give and take how the symbiotic nature of our relationships serves us and other people. Getting through this year has in large part been to our relationships, our relationships to other people, our relationships to our commitments and work and our passions, mutual support, mutual connection and understanding. 

October 28, the moon in Aries will be conjunct Chiron and opposite Venus in Libra.

This brings tension between what we want and what we need. Our emotional wounds may get triggered in one way or another. This is not an invitation for us to avoid these things, but rather, to be aware and notice what comes up in us and face it with courage and compassion. Our inner child just may need some extra nurturance and love around this date, so maybe plan some time to be alone with them doing the things that they used to enjoy doing, playing, making art, singing, whatever that thing is for you. 

October 29, the moon will be conjunct Mars retrograde again and we know this can highlight issues we have around embracing masculine energy - in ourselves and in those around us.

The moon in Aries also squares Jupiter in Capricorn on this day, and we may need to balance this by staying in our feminine and soft energy, or leaning heavily into the masculine. Neither is right or wrong, it depends on how you want to feel. If you need a soft and restful day, give yourself that! And if you need to push and get things done, you can likely muster up the energy to support this endeavor on the 29th. We could also feel powerful and righteous anger on or around this day, and channeling this into physical exertion is helpful. 

Full Moon in Taurus

The full moon in 8° Taurus on October 31 reminds us of the eternal nature of all things. It’s a time of year where the veil between worlds is thinned already, and the full moon amplifies this for us even more this year. This full moon is a good time to release with love and let go, but there is a difference in letting go out of hurt or pain and letting go with love. The latter leaves room for the memories of love to remain. It’s a line of balancing what is sentimental without becoming too overly attached to living sentimental lives or lives of the past. 

Where in our lives are we holding on to the ghosts of what no longer is? It could be in the way that we hold on to a past story, either created out of habit or out of something that someone gave to us while our precious consciousness was malleable and still forming. Sometimes it requires going back to go forward, sometimes it requires excavating what was imprinted on us before we even realized it, in order to remove and detach from those ideas, to clear out that space in our minds and hearts for new ways of being to enter. 

Also on Halloween, the full moon will make an exact conjunction to Uranus retrograde at 8° Taurus. Uranus does not like being in steady and reliable Taurus, and being retrograde in this sign is especially a challenge for this eccentric and unpredictable planet. The moon, however, is exalted in the sign of Taurus and it can make a quite comfortable home here. Themes that emerge on this day with this full moon and conjunction are just how much comfortability are we truly comfortable with? 

This full moon in Taurus illuminates our needs for safety and security, like the good bones of a house that supports and shelters us. It is a reminder that we need to take care of our most basic needs in order to live full and creative lives that bloom upon that. With that, this full moon puts authenticity front and center, leaving no room for anywhere where we are faking it or not being true - to ourselves and with ourselves. If something is not working for us, now is the time to call it out for what it is, and either accept it, change it, or leave it behind, depending on our desires for what we wish to carry with us into the next year. 

On November 1, Saturn makes a square to Mercury retrograde in Libra and a trine to the full moon in Taurus. This makes this weekend a good time to deep clean your house or “deep clean” your personal finances, making sure that everything is in good order before we wind down the year. Overall, this is a time for greater nurturance of ourselves and going as slow as we need to. Our culture is not one that usually supports us slowing down and going at our own pace, and yet the only pace that matters is your own. So take it in, give yourself what you need, and here are your Scorpio Season Horoscopes (Check your rising sign first! And then your sun sign) .

Scorpio Season Horoscope

Scorpio Season Horoscopes By Sign


This season for you is a reminder to follow your curiosity and try things out just to see how they feel. This is actually a process that deepens your awareness, though it may not always be a conscious effort. Trust that the things you are naturally drawn towards hold gifts for your life. Spend this season creating what it is you want to see in the world, instead of searching for it externally. You’re wanting it simply because it’s a part that is already inside you that you haven't gotten in touch with or learned to accept quite yet. So when you’re creating you’re also practicing deepening your relationship with yourself and your relationship to acceptance of all the parts of you. 


This season for you is a deeper lesson in how your relationships are mirrors to what is going on in your internal world. Where can you deepen interactions with others, and which relationships are only meant to stay on the surface? Without judgement or trying to change it, this is a great opportunity to recognize habits around relating with other people. The details are still coming together and it’s all right. How do you handle conflict? Are you looking for problems that aren’t actually there? Let go of the mistakes and foibles of the past, you’ve learned the lesson from them and so there’s no point in continuing to hang on. Get real about what you want and go after it. It’s not going to be perfect, but it’s going to be worth it if you’re holding dear what matters to you. 


Placing importance on taking care of your health has been a big theme for you this year, and this season is no different, really. Remember that health isn’t just the food that we eat and exercise that we do, but it is also the things we tell ourselves, the quality of our relationships, and the energy in which we imbue our food and movements with. It is proven that the molecules of water can change based on the environment it is in, and we are mostly water after all. Tell yourself the things you would tell a friend, and realize that you deserve that same treatment, too. This isn’t a time to try to fit in, either, you are meant to show a different way. 


Romance is an art form, a skill that no one is necessarily born with but that one develops with practice and intention. Practice romancing yourself this season. Allow yourself to dive head first into pleasure, and perhaps even theatrics. It can be fun to switch it up and play a different role! Practice with your partner too if they are willing to go along with the antics. It is almost Halloween, after all, and it can be fun to play dress up. It all comes back to how you want to feel, and right now you would most certainly benefit from giving yourself some lightness, joy, and little pleasures. 


Are you prioritizing emotional safety and security within your most intimate relationships? Some people haven’t yet earned access to you and it is time for you to reassess where you are giving and not receiving anything back. If you notice self-protective mechanisms rising up this season, you can channel that energy into protecting others and championing for those who need your nurturance and generosity right now. Have the hard conversations right now, because shame needs secrets to grow. Talking about it will help you and it might help someone else, too. Dance it out and flow with it, and don’t let anyone rush or force your process of healing and growing. 


Developing a deeper love relationship with your creativity will serve you well this season. Go with your instincts and try not to edit or halt yourself in the middle of the process. Create what it is that you want to see in the world and don’t try to mold what you’re doing to fit into something that already exists. There is a place for both, but exploring with your instincts will serve you well right now. There is a vulnerable element in the process of whatever you are creating now and you don’t necessarily need to announce new projects that are in their infancy. Holding yourself and being held accountable is one thing but make sure you’re giving your projects the room they need to breathe and develop into what they will. Something new is coming and you can feel it, you are creating it, but because it’s new you may not recognize all that it is right away. Sit with it as long as you need to. 


What do you value and how are you upholding those values? Time to put your actions where your values are! If you value family time, prioritize quality time with your family. If you value hard work, continue your efforts and reward yourself for a job well done. This is a good season for you to work on collaborative projects with others - whether that is a small organization in your local or global community encouraging people to vote, or a partnership with plans to bring forth a new creative project in the new year, there could be a greatly enhanced mutual benefit in working with others right now. 


Give yourself some credit! What have you learned this year that you didn’t know last year? If you didn’t already know, you are here for a reason and that reason includes bringing healing to the planet, in whatever form or medium ignites your passion. To do this, however, you may need to ask for some help, which requires great courage and vulnerability. Despite what you might tell yourself, you don’t need to have it all together all of the time. Embrace yourself and your humanness. Your personal story is likely more universal than you realize, and healing yourself brings healing to others, too. Notice what habits and fears you picked up from your family of origin, lineage, and environment, and which are your own. No small task, to be sure, but if you figure out where you picked up a fear, it can be easier to let it go. 


What a wild ride this year has been so far! And as we near the end of it, you likely have some nuggets of wisdom from this year that you are ready to share with others. You may have also noticed some things have shifted during the flight, so to speak. One theme right now is the realization that nothing is certain or guaranteed, so you might as well take chances at the things that excite you and bring you more joy. You’re not meant to know the details or every step of the unfolding process, you’re just meant to take that next step! The small steps you are taking are far more powerful and productive than you realize right now. 


To what degree are you taking in the advice of other people and not listening to the advice of your own soul? You laid out your path before you got here, and only you can make this next big decision for yourself and your life. Any path is a path forward, and instead of waiting to make a decision, you may find that making a decision clears the way and the mental clutter for you. We can sometimes feel frozen when there are too many options, so narrow it down to what you really want and desire, and not based on where you think you should be, or what someone else wants for you. Be open to new ideas, opportunities, and help from outside forces once you’ve decided which way to go. 


New career heights are possible, but still in the incubation stage. Just like you wouldn’t plant seeds and then immediately dig them up, try to give your ideas and your projects some breathing room to grow. Use technology to connect with people globally who are working on the same things that you are, and take advantage of the use of technology and the fact that there are so many virtual events right now. Things may be kind of hazy right now but when you notice that coming up, it’s just a good reminder to stay patient and diligent with the process.


The power of attraction is *strong* and especially so right now. What you focus on is coming to fruition with greater speed and ease, so it’s important to keep focused on the things that you want to amplify, feelings like joy and peace.  If you don’t understand what you’re trying to achieve through what you’re making then you’re thoughtlessly creating, and it’s a balance of incorporating your head and your heart in your work. You are transitioning into a new level of experience, and with this comes growing pains. This is a normal part of the process. Don’t give up now! 

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Elisabeth is a writer and astrologer, based in Seattle. To connect with her more about astrology, you can connect with her via a chart reading her Instagram @elisabetham, or email her at


Full Moon in Taurus


New Moon in Libra