How to Incorporate CBD into Your Full Moon Ritual Practice
A full moon ritual is a ceremonial practice taking place on or around the evening of the Full Moon. During a Full Moon, the sun lights up the moon, illuminating the celestial body, and inviting us to consider the areas of our life that need some illumination too. Learn 4 methods for incorporating CBD and self-care into your lunar lifestyle.
October Full Moon in Aries: Unleash Your Inner Warrior
Mark the 20th of October on your calendars! As we enter the spooky season with its share of pumpkin spice lattes, cozy nights and crunchy leaves, we are reaching an energetic tipping point with a powerful Full Moon happening at 27°25’ of Aries.
Timing With The Moon: Predictive Astrology & How To Use It Daily
One of the best tools for timing is based on the Moon’s cycle. Multiple astrological practices such as horary astrology or electional astrology use these transits to choose the best moment to implement certain actions, boost the quality of our results, and manifest our dreams faster.
5 Tips For Accessing Your Akashic Records
In the Akashic Records, you can access intuitive information about anything from your soul’s purpose and your soul contracts in this lifetime to your past life experiences. If you’ve been wondering if you can access your own Akashic Records - you can! And in this post I share my top 5 tips to help you do so.
Your Libra Season Money-Scope
Your Libra Money-Scope is here! While you can’t literally buy happiness, Libra season reminds us that you can buy simple pleasures and invest in your style, making you feel good. It’s that Venusian energy that attracts money and can inspire us to take the lead in diplomatic and artful ways.
Mercury Retrograde Is Here, and It’s About To Get Funky!
It’s Mercury retrograde season again! From September 27 to October 18, the infamous Mercury retrograde will begin its reverse motion in Libra, adding yet another layer of frenzy in this already tense month. This astrological event will have an impact on you, but not as dire as you may think. Read ahead to get the full scope!
5 Ritual Practices for Manifesting In The Age of Aquarius
Welcome to the Age of Aquarius, a time of renewed collective hope, inspiration, and diversity! Read on for our top 5 rituals and practices that will help you optimize your manifestation practice throughout the Age of Aquarius.
Back to school with the September New Moon in Virgo
September is here, and it’s time to go back to school, or work! On September 7, the New Moon happening at 14°37’ of Virgo will represent a new chapter of our lives where change, order and organization play a major role.
The Energy of An Aquarius Moon
It’s the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. When the Moon is in Aquarius, what if during that particular lunar phase, for just a few days, humanity could call on these eccentric, futuristic and benevolent Aquarian energies?
How to Tap Into Your Intuition: 8 Ways to Listen to Your Intuition
If you have been wanting to enhance your own intuitive and psychic abilities, I have good news for you: You don’t have to have been born with supernatural abilities in order to be intuitive! Here are 8 simple and effective ways you can strengthen you own intuitive abilities.
Super Full Moon in Capricorn: Powerful Journal Prompts and Ritual
With the Super Full Moon of June 24 happening at 3°27’ of Capricorn, it’s time to express the feelings that have been building up over time, and acknowledge the hidden corners of your psyche.
Solar Eclipse x New Moon in Gemini: Game-Changing New Beginnings
On June 10, a powerful Solar Eclipse at 19°47’ of Gemini will help us set major intentions for the upcoming months. This is the final Eclipse of the season, after the intense Total Lunar Eclipse we experienced back on May 26 where we were asked to release and surrender.
Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius: A Deeply Transformative Blood Moon
Mark the 26th of May on your calendar, because this Blood Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse is one of the most important cosmic events of the year. It is time to evolve and transform, and all zodiac signs will be affected!
Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius: Release Rituals for Each Sign
Are you feeling these vibrational shifts? This Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius on the 26th of May is a cosmic recalibration where we will be asked to evolve… either we want to, or not! Here are a few lunar rituals for each Zodiac sign to assist you on your journey through these powerful tides.
What is Channeling? And Can I Do It?
You may have heard lots of people talking about channeling and receiving channeled messages lately. We break down what it is, how to do it, and what you should know beforehand in this comprehensive guide to channeling.