Jupiter in Pisces 2021: What it Means for You
The main astrological event for May is Jupiter’s transition into Pisces. Jupiter expands and optimizes the qualities of the sign that it’s in. In this post we’re discussing what to know if it’s your Jupiter Return, as well as the most important astrological dates of the month.
Super Full Moon in Scorpio: Releasing the Darkness into the Light
The first Full Moon of April, also known as “Pink Moon”, will fall in 7°05’ of the mysterious and magnetic sign of Scorpio on the 27th of April. We are given the opportunity to plunge deep beneath the surface, and shine light on some jaw-dropping revelations.
What You Can Expect During Aries Season
As we stay in Aries season while preparing for Taurus season, this is a great time to get our routines in check. Learn more about what to expect during this time and what’s happening in the cosmos.
The One Simple Thing You Can Do To Gain More Insight From Your Tarot Cards
Getting stuck on how to interpret your tarot cards? You might be making a common mistake - here's how to shift it and leave your tarot sessions with more clarity, insight, and connection.
Libra Full Moon Horoscopes
The full moon in Libra peaks on Sunday, March 28. Aries season is all about asserting our independence and individuality, and the Libra full moon comes in to remind us to share all that love we have found for ourselves and spread it around. We have your horoscopes for each of the zodiac signs.
Super Full Moon in Libra: Affirmations For Each Sign
A Super Full Moon at 8°18’ of Libra is coming up this March 28th at 6:49 pm. This is the perfect time to find harmony in our relationship with others, and with ourselves. Ruled by Venus, the sign of Libra also represents beauty. Because of this, this Super Full Moon is a reminder to take a look at the world around you with fresh new lenses.
3 Moon Rituals to Help You Tap Into Positive Energy
As the lunar cycle moves towards the Full Moon, you may start to feel more creative or positive energy surging around you. Here are 3 moon rituals for creating positive energy: for manifesting, cleansing, for release and creating an overall sense of well-being in alignment with the moon.
New Moon in Pisces: How to Make the Most of this Fresh Start
The new moon in Pisces will take place on March 13, 2021, at 2:23 AM (PST), passing through Aries to lead us into a new lunar cycle. Learn more about this New Moon and join our New Moon Circle to learn cleansing and manifestation in alignment with the cosmic energetics.
5 Tips For Navigating and Surviving Mercury Retrograde
Mercury Retrograde is so infamous that even people who aren’t “woo woo” know about it. So what can we do to prepare for Mercury Retrograde, and how we can ensure our technology doesn’t breakdown, and our calendars go haywire? We’ve got practical strategies and tips to minimize the potential tricks that Mercury will try to play on you.
New Moon in Aquarius: Align With the Cosmic Energy of the Water Bearer
The February New Moon: This New Moon in Aquarius is represented by the mystical healer - the water bearer - an ancient constellation known to bring spiritual life and energy to the world. Aquarius is a most humanitarian astrological sign. Learn how to align to this free spirited, age of air, cosmic energy.
The First Retrograde of 2021: Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius
The first Mercury retrograde of 2021 is here, from January 30 to February 20, 2021. While it’s a transit our superstitions may lead us to dread, if we’re in flow with the messenger planet we can use the energy for good. Here’s what to Expect, and a fun infographic by zodiac sign.
Aquarius Season Horoscopes: Planning for the Future
As we end Capricorn season and move into Aquarius season, it is a great time to reflect on what we have let go of and what we have learned as the year turned over from 2020 to 2021.
We have our first Mercury retrograde of the year coming up at the end of this month starting on the 30th (Mercury will be retrograding in Aquarius, too) and a few days next month where we will have six planets in Aquarius, too.
In the meantime, here are your Aquarius season horoscopes for the next few weeks ahead.
New Moon in Capricorn 2021
On January 12th at 9pm (PT), we have a New Moon at 23 degrees of Capricorn. As a Cardinal/Earth sign who’s practical and ambitious, this marks the perfect time to set big intentions for the year ahead. You may also be reflecting on how far you’ve come since the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction last year, as the New Moon occurs at the exact same degree. Read on to get the full astrological download.
2021 New Year Horoscopes: The Astrology of the Great Conjunction
Whether you are planning on making New Year's Resolutions for 2021 or not, there is no doubting that this year has been a big deal, and the next one will be too. As we end the year under the Jupiter x Saturn Grand Conjunction, here is a bit of what the beginning of 2021 has in store astrologically for each sign in the zodiac - read on for 2021 New Year Horoscopes.
Last Full Moon of 2020 in Cancer
The final Full Moon of the year will fall at 8°53′ of Cancer on December 29th, 7:28 pm (PT). As a water sign, Cancer is deeply intuitive and emotional, which may make this Full Moon particularly emotionally charged. This is an opportune time to release anything which is not serving you, both emotionally and physically, in preparation for the new year. Read on to get the full download on the surrounding energy.