New Moon in Capricorn 2021

On the 12th of January at 9pm (PST), we have a New Moon in Capricorn at 23 degrees. As the first New Moon of the year in the earthy and practical sign of Capricorn, this is the perfect time for setting big intentions.

Capricorn New Moon 2021

I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Capricorn season falls over the transition into the New Year. As a cardinal sign ruled by Saturn, the planet of structure and time, Capricorn knows how to map out a plan and make real changes in your life. The catch? It won’t be overnight, and it will demand some grit and determination even when the going gets touch. 

A New Moon is when the sun and moon align together in the sky, marking the beginning of a new cycle. Some have said this New moon is like the dawn of a completely new era - it’s a pertinent time to ask yourself, who do I want to be stepping into this year? What is the dream I envision for myself? And what steps will I need to take to get there? 

This New Moon occurring at 23 degrees is reminiscent of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction which occurred in 2020 around this time (at the very same degree too). You might be reflective on the journey you have been on since then, or perhaps this will be a reality check of what you’ve been through. 

Pluto will be influential during this New Moon, which will encourage you to dig deep and to transform into an entirely new version of self for the year ahead. As Pluto communicates to us through the subconscious, it is important you get quiet in order to listen to the messages from your intuition. 

We will be gathering on this New Moon as part of our Art of Lunar Living course Culte La Lune to liberate our most authentic selves, reset boundaries, and declare our intentions for the month ahead. To register, head over to our workshops page here.

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Chiara Christian is a writer, gemini , and curious traveler. You can follow her meanderings @chiara_liane and keep up with her blog here.


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