Your Libra Season Money-Scope 

Libra traditionally rules the seventh house, the house of relationships - of the romantic variety and our relationships with everyone in our lives. 

It is more accurate than ever that taking good care of ourselves first is the best way to take care of the people who matter to us in our lives. 


While the seventh house is not a traditional money-related house like the second, eighth, or tenth houses, the seventh house relates to contracts, agreements with other people, and interpersonal style. 

The seventh house clues us into what commitments to stick to and why these commitments are important to us- and others’ to them.  

With the new moon on October 6th comes the opportunity to approach new ways of being when it comes to our relationship with money and each other. 

And while you can’t literally buy happiness, Libra season reminds us that you can buy simple pleasures and invest in your style, making you feel good. It’s that Venusian energy that attracts money and can inspire us to take the lead in diplomatic and artful ways.

Libra is represented by the Justice card in the tarot and reminds us of the balance that is necessary between giving to ourselves and giving to others, as well as the abundant flow of life that we are investing in when we invest our resources into people that we care about and causes that we believe in.

This is the harvest season and the time where the seeds we have sown over the past six months are coming to fruition. We are entering into the last quarter of the year - a time to wrap things up for ourselves in meaningful ways and to look back on the year. 


This is a great season to invest in your relationships, dear Aries! Treat a friend you haven’t seen in a while out to coffee, or plan something for friends in your backyard. They’ll appreciate it and so will you. 

Last season for you was all about getting back into a routine and organizing your time and life. This season it will be nice to shift the focus from efficiency in the processes of your life and put some time and attention back into your friendships and connections with other people.




 Money spent towards optimizing your nutrition and overall health habits yields excellent results for you this season, Taurus. Putting your physical health first allows for better mental health as well through peace of mind. 



Spend a little more money and your extra time on your creativity this month, Gemini. 

Perhaps in the form of a course, a book, or a hobby that you lose track of time when you’re doing it and end up feeling refreshed and reset at the end of it. Whatever form of creativity speaks to you, investing in it is a great way to take care of yourself this season. 



September is a great time to put money into the foundations of your house, making sure everything is up to code, all electrical outlets are working, roof and gutters are ready for the seasonal changes, and so on. 

These aren’t the most fun things to spend money on, but they’re super important, especially as it gets colder and the days are shorter.



This is a great season to plan local fun adventures to go on, Leo! Take a drive to see the beautiful fall foliage or a trip overnight or for a weekend that gets you out of your normal space.

Even a quick change of scenery expands our mind, so budget for these trips because they are worth taking and important for creativity and overall well-being.



This is a good time to spend money on your self-care routine, Virgo, whatever that means for you right now,, and whatever you need to recharge your batteries fully. 

Recharging yourself allows you to come up with new creative ideas and have more energy and bandwidth to take care of the more mundane things that sustain your lifestyle.



Libra, this is a great time to put yourself out there, get out of your comfort zone, and take some chances with your money. If you’re usually an overspender, then focus on saving this season, and if you hold on tightly to your money, let it flow a little more freely by treating yourself more than you would normally.



There might be some clues in your dreams as to what to invest in, so pay attention to them this month, Scorpio! If you find recurring themes in your dreams, it’s worth paying attention to and investing in the steps it takes to get there.



It’s a time to put your extra income towards humanitarian causes that you care about these next few weeks and see the abundance come back to you in ways you can’t anticipate. 

Give a little, and play with the amounts that feel right for you until you trust in the flow and the abundance of the resources and support systems surrounding you.


Invest in your future his season, Capricorn, by doing something that will grow your money over the long term. No get rich quick or short-term thinking here! 

If it’s something that’s helping today but will hurt you tomorrow, it’s time to let that go. Instead, focus your energy on the things that can level you up in your life, business, relationships, and life in general.



If you’re typically quite practical with your money, this is a great season to incorporate spiritual aspects in your money life by practicing manifestation and trusting in the universe a little more - while planning a little less. 

Feel free to switch it up and add variety to make each day that much more fun if you are in a routine. Spend money when you feel excited about it, and you can even find a way to make paying bills exciting by seeing it as an opportunity to free up space for more abundance to come back into your life.


The more money you give to causes that you care about, the more you tip, and the more you put back into investing in yourself, the more money returns and comes back to you, so practice these things as they come up, give to others when the opportunity arises. When you receive something somewhere, pay it forward by giving something away somewhere else, and get in the habit of keeping in the flow of money that way this season.

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Elisabeth is a writer and astrologer, based in Seattle. To connect with her more about astrology, you can connect with her via a chart reading her Instagram @elisabetham, or email her at


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