Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius: A Deeply Transformative Blood Moon

Mark the 26th of May on your calendar, because this Blood Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse is one of the most important cosmic events of the year. It is time to evolve and transform, and all zodiac signs will be affected!

Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius: A Deeply Transformative Blood Moon

With this first eclipse of the year, happening at 5° of Sagittarius, our belief systems and concept of truth will be challenged. This will be yet another opportunity to release the chapters of our lives that no longer serve our Highest Self.

The Universe is like a huge theater play, with plots and storylines that unfold on a daily basis. In order to understand the importance of this Lunar Eclipse, we need to look at how the cosmic portal is aligned. And oh boy, this month has been busy!

We kicked things off with a New Moon in Taurus on May 11th, where we were called to slow down and enjoy the present moment for a while. We then started shifting from a predominance of Fixed planets to the realm of the Mutable with 6 personal planets entering Mutable signs. This energetic switch calls us to become more resourceful, adaptable, and flexible.

On May 14th, the planet of growth and expansion, Jupiter, entered Pisces where it will remain until July 27. These highly spiritual weeks ahead are like a taster of the collective energy we’ll experience in 2022 when Jupiter will stay much longer in the sign of the Fish.

Retrograde season, aka Karmic rebalancing, continues as well, with Pluto, followed by Mercury and Saturn entering their introspective backward journey. A great time to reflect on your relationships, your past deeds, the consequences of some of your decisions as well as your patience and resilience.

As you can see, all this energy build-up is leading us straight towards the Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse. Listen, this will be a time of MAJOR revelations, a dose of chaos that will ultimately create more order in our life.

Think of it as Marie Kondo entering the messy bedroom and asking you to empty your closets and bring everything out in the open so that she can help you make sense of what needs to stay and what needs to go.

This eclipse is exactly like that: a seemingly chaotic time where we are forced to shine a light on what we’ve been hiding in our psyche’s dark corners, but a necessary step in order to reach more clarity and inner peace.

Embracing the ever-changing nature of the Universe

During a Lunar Eclipse, the Earth is midway between the Sun and the Full Moon. With the Sun’s reflection, a reddish color taints the Moon, which gives this lunar event the distinctive red hue. Thus, the name “Blood Moon”.

Astrologically, Full Moons are culmination points and ideal times for release. Moreover, Lunar Eclipses are pinnacles of deep-rooted emotional cycles. Cleanse your soul and your emotional body: your canvas needs to be clean if you want to make room for new exciting colors to enter your life.

Eclipses are often significant turning points in our life path. Viewed by some astrologers as “cosmic helping hands”, eclipses usher us towards change and take us at the gates of our comfort zone.

The good thing is that you can always trust the direction in which an eclipse is guiding you: it is all working out in the best-case scenario. Trust whatever is unfolding in your life and pay close attention to unexpected events that reveal to you the true colors of people or certain situations: they’re usually correct!

Cleansing our emotional waters

You’ve guessed it: this week, it’s time to say goodbye to the old structures you’ve been trying to get rid of. It is also time to prepare for when you’re going to welcome the new endless possibilities. 

A lot of internal reprogramming and belief shifting can be achieved during this week-frame, so use it in order to go through those “updates” you’ve been shying away from or postponing.

“I’ll do it once I have the money”, “I’ll exercise more when I’ll have the time”, “I’ll be happy when I’ll find Mr. Right”... All of these self-imposed delays, limiting beliefs or negative self-talk need to be dismantled, NOW, and they will be under this Lunar Eclipse.

Remember, you could feel excitable, on edge or easily triggered during this week. Take everything with a grain of salt and be extra careful about your reactions. Write down the thoughts that come to you, as they may hold the keys to your inner soul healing.

As humans, we like things that are familiar and comfortable, even our worst habits can be serving us in some way by keeping us “cozy” and seemingly safe. Real change requires us to be conscious of our emotions and feelings.

The effect of this Lunar Eclipse won’t affect us the same way. Depending on your natal placements and birth chart, and if you have multiple inner planets in Mutable Signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces), you could feel this Blood Moon’s energy with much more intensity.

Where this impact will play out in your life depends on the house and planets activated by this transit. What is certain is that we will collectively gravitate towards themes related to truth(s), belief systems, and higher learning.

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Seeking growth and wisdom through the Archer

Eclipses happen along the same axis for about nine years. With the Moon in Sagittarius and the Sun in Gemini, an opposition is brought to our awareness, to focus on: quantity and data-gathering (Gemini) or quality and big picture thinking (Sagittarius).

Gemini and Sagittarius are known as intelligence in motion. In fact, although they’re opposite signs, they are quite similar: both Gemini and Sagittarius seek truth, they just have different ways and approaches to reach it.

The sign of the Twins focuses on collecting bits and pieces of the full picture, like a giant puzzle; while the Sign of the Archer is all about gazing upon a distant horizon to see the full picture. But it is only through merging these two energies, a little like The Chariot Tarot card, that we can move forward in life.

On another note, Jupiter will be squaring this Total Lunar Eclipse, which adds a touch of grandiosity, fate, and synchronicity to the mix. Watch out for exaggerations, excessive optimism, or unrealistic pursuits.

With this aspect, the gap between our lower mind (Gemini) and our higher mind (Sagittarius) could look even bigger than it actually is. This can either limit you or help you shed the layers of your mental constructs and disintegrate duality into unity.

This Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius will also stimulate our need to fight for what we believe in and to defend the causes we hold dear. Beware of the two extremes: being scattered or jumping straight to hasty conclusions. 

Faith and optimism are great and noble fuel, but they need to be coupled with street-smart, actionable, and practical information.

Are you ready for some heavy belief shifting?

Sagittarius rules over higher learning, teaching, traveling, going live on Instagram, publishing that book you’ve been dying to share with your audience and all things related to inspiring others while being inspired as well.

What aspects of your life are you ready to look at from a new perspective? What beliefs need to be transmuted in order to aim towards your dreams with more precision?

Use this time to communicate in a broader way, and be ready to accept all the manifestations of the intentions you set earlier this year. Little hint: they may not show up in your life “exactly” how you imagined them. 

Be open to adapt to what the Universe throws your way, and remember that gems are often found in the darkness of a cave, or within seemingly regular rocks.

The Sign of the Archer also rules over freedom and what lays beyond the horizon. So we may crave to jump on a plane and escape our everyday life responsibilities or duties. Don’t fall into escapism, instead, focus on taking sacred pilgrimages and soul journeys. 

There is no better time to book a spiritual journey or retreat that can expand your horizon and challenge your perception of reality. This can be across the globe or in your backyard.

Why not dive into your mystical side, tap into your spirituality, and level up your manifestation mindset while exploring Tulum, Mexico? More on this retreat here!

In order to assist you through this highly potent Lunar Eclipse and make the best out of this tremendously powerful energy, make sure to read our upcoming article on Lunar Rituals for each of the Zodiac Signs.

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Fatima-Zahra, founder of Living Simplyy, is a Holistic Astrologer, Modern Mystic and Spiritual Mentor with the desire to guide people to the sacred remembrance of their divine nature. You can follow her journey on YouTube or Instagram.

Fatima-Zahra FARAHATE

Fatima-Zahra, the founder of Living Simplyy, is a holistic evolutionary astrologer and spiritual mentor. You can follow her on her website, YouTube channel, or Instagram where she shares cosmic insights for daily life.

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