What Is Human Design? The Human Design Types & Human Design Chart, Explained
You’ve heard of the Enneagram, Astrology, and Myers-Briggs - but have you heard of Human Design? The concept of Human Design has recently dominated the health and wellness industry as more people discover how their type can help them better align themselves and the world.
Combining elements from astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and the chakra system, Human Design offers a unique perspective on our inherent nature and potential. At the core of Human Design are its different types and intricate charts, which provide insights into our individuality and how we interact with the world.
WARNING: Learning about your Human Design could cause you to live fully and embrace your uniqueness! Are you ready to live your truest form? Let’s get started.
What is human Design?
According to the Jovian Archive, Human Design is a map to understand your genetic nature better. The Human Design Chart, also known as the BodyGraph, defines where energy flows within you (see below for an example) and how you can harness that energy to your best ability.
Andi’s Human Design Chart calculated via Jovian Archives
In addition to better understanding your genetic nature, you can uncover the conscious and unconscious aspects of yourself that will lead you into true alignment with who you are. This concept is based on psychology to encourage greater fulfillment in your life.
Your Human Design type is based on your birth date, birth time, and birthplace - rooted in the idea that every individual was created to live on earth with purpose and intent.
It's time for a brief history of Human Design lesson!
Human Design has been around for roughly 35 years since the Founder, Ra Uru Hu, encountered what he called a "Voice." His encounter lasted for eight days, where this entity shared information that would soon create the Human Design concept's blueprint.
The teachings of Human Design are based on Western Astrology, Chakras, Quantum Physics, Kabbalah, and I Ching. You may notice some elements from these existing practices as we learn more about Human Design. Ra Uru Hu's students have become teachers of Human Design around the world since the discovery back in the 1980s, and they continue to encourage others to experiment with their designs.
Ok… so where does the science come in?
Human Design is based on Neutrinos. Neutrinos are particles with a mass almost equivalent to zero, making them highly unique and fast-moving. Three trillion neutrinos pass through the planet per second. Ra Uru Hu defined the science of neutrinos as the foundation behind the Human Design System and how energy passes through our bodies, influencing our interactions throughout life.
The Human Design Types
Human Design categorizes individuals into five primary types, each representing a distinct energetic blueprint. These types reflect our inner nature, decision-making strategies, and interaction styles with the outer world. Discovering your Human Design type can offer a profound understanding of how you're wired to navigate life.
Some folks consider there to be four types, and others five, for the sake of this article, we're going to break it down into five types:
Manifesting Generators
Three categories define the five types:
The strategy, or how you make decisions.
How the aura functions and affects others.
Your signature indicates where your life is moving.
Type & Strategy
Finding your type is the first step to understanding your Human Design and how it works. As mentioned, five types will help you experience greater alignment within yourself. But, just as necessary are Strategy and Authority.
Throughout your Human Design experiment, the goal is to master your Strategy and Authority. Once you've hit mastery, complete new ease of life is opened to you. For example, you may find your relationships are stronger, your decision-making skills are sharper, and you're overall healthier.
Each type has a different aura, based on the energy centers, that communicates and engages with others and the world differently. How you communicate is called your strategy.
Using our strategy is how we begin to live a life with less resistance. Let's start by discussing the types and strategies and work our way into Authority and Profiles. By the end, you'll be well-versed in the concepts of Human Design so that you can start applying them to your own life.
Before we continue, it's time for you to calculate your Human Design chart.
Human Design Type #1: Generators
Generators, which make up 37% of the population, are destined to build. They are the workforce of the world. While they account for the majority, they hold a critical societal role. Without Generators, there would be no “making” and “doing.” They have sustainable and consistent energy to accomplish tasks and radiate vitality when engaged in what they love.
This type is known to be energetic and eager to respond to problems and challenges - as defined by their Strategy. Their strategy is to wait to respond to opportunities rather than initiate action. In addition, they have a consistent energy source located in their Sacral, so there’s little risk for burnout.
As a Generator, you may feel inclined to hop headfirst into a new project or commitment; however, you may find yourself later bored or frustrated. To conserve energy and avoid frustration, express caution about what you say “yes” to and allow time before making a decision.
These strategies will allow you to feel satisfied in life. When you learn to listen to your body, you will find your signature theme: satisfaction and purpose in life.
Human Design Type #2: Manifesting Generators
Manifesting Generators make up about 33% of the population. This type combines aspects of both Manifestors and Generators. They have the energy and drive to initiate action, but like Generators, they should also wait to respond. Manifesting Generators are known for their efficiency and multitasking abilities.
What makes this type different is that this type holds both a Manifestor and a Generator’s characteristics. Manifesting Generators find joy in trying new things and squeezing the most out of life. They are notorious for finding shortcuts to mastery.
Manifesting Generators tend to work hard like a Generator, with their energy stemming from the Sacral, but have the power to speak things into existence, like a Manifestor.
You may be a Manifesting Generator if you experience bursts of energy with the need to recharge or if you feel strongly about whether something is for you or not. Manifesting Generators know immediately if they are on the right track.
You need to be aware of what you respond to and, like Manifestors, ensure you are informing others before you act. Satisfaction will come when Manifesting Generators learn to conserve energy by working and responding with caution and intention.
Human Design Type #3: Manifestors
Manifestors are the initiators of action. They have a powerful impact on the world around them, often catalyzing change and transformation. Manifestors include 10% of the population and are known to be the world's trailblazers. Manifestors are happiest when they are on their own, solving problems and making a difference; however, they thrive from the energy of other types and find balance from their support.
Their energy is the strongest of all types, which means that Manifestors often speak things into existence - hence the name.
To find alignment, their strategy is to inform others before taking action to ensure smooth interactions. Manifestors must use their strategy of informing before acting — telling others before acting gives advance to those around them to charge full force ahead without any obstacles or stepping on toes. Don't mistake their need to inform with asking for permission, though. Manifestors often are determined in their endeavors and move forward without question.
Anger is a sign that a Manifestor is not living in their true identity. Once they learn to communicate effectively and start to inform themselves and others of their intentions, they can feel peace and move forward in true alignment. Communication will help alleviate the feelings of control and allow the Manifestor to experience their signature: genuine peace.
Human Design Type #4: Projectors
Projectors are pretty different from Manifestors and Generators. Projectors have an engaging and complex depth to their spirit. This type includes 20% of the population and differs from the types mentioned earlier due to their lack of consistent inner-generated energy. Unlike Manifestors and Generators, Projectors must use their power wisely to live in alignment. Without careful use of their energy, they risk burnout in their daily lives.
Characteristics of a Projector include feeling like they don’t have a calling and the desire to be recognized for their skill. However, Projectors have skills that are highly sought after by others, which makes them excellent leaders. When Projectors learn to wait for the invitation, they can invite fulfillment into their lives.
With their lack of consistent energy, this type must become a master at productivity and act as a guide for others to do the same. When Projectors wait for the invitation, they can provide the necessary guidance that fulfills both themselves and others.
Projectors who fail to wait for the invitation often feel unappreciated or experience bitterness that can prevent them from living happily. Even more so, accepting the right invitations becomes a crucial skill that can transcend the Projector.
Success is the signature of Projectors, making them very special. So if you’re a Projector, find joy in your work, and you will find success.
Human Design Type #5: Reflectors
Reflectors are the rarest of them all, representing only 1% of the population. Yet, Reflectors are very attuned to the world around them. They quickly pick up on the quality of energy they come in contact with daily.
Have you ever been around someone who instantly knows whether the environment is safe or if it’s time to head out? This is representative of Reflectors. They are sensitive to energy, and if they aren’t careful, they can absorb negative energy.
Reflectors do what their type name suggests: absorb the energy around them and reflect it into the world. As a Reflector, people you come in contact with will pick up on the energy you reflect and vice versa. Reflectors also stand out because of their connection to lunar cycles.
Reflectors rely heavily on the moon cycle and the energies that it brings. For a Reflector to live in alignment, it must wait out a lunar cycle. If you are a Reflector, you can avoid disappointment by revolving your energy around the moon. Once a Reflector can learn to live by the moon’s cycle, they can experience genuine interest in the world and surprise themselves with what’s around them. Surprise is the signature of a reflector.
The Eight Inner Authority Types In Your Human Design chart
You know your type, and it’s time to learn about your Inner Authority. Authority works in tandem with each type’s strategy regarding Human Design. So, what exactly is authority? And more specifically… What’s Inner Authority?
Authority is the guidance we all have within us that helps to define if something is in alignment with us or not. In other words, does it feel right, or should we steer clear? Authority refers to body-centered intelligence and the way we innately make decisions.
Inner Authority is explicitly the intelligence within that tells us if a decision is right for us or not. So when it comes to energy, it’s essential to be mindful of what energizes and depletes. That’s where Inner Authority comes in!
You can think of this as your internal compass steering you to how you should expend your energy. The energy we hold is inside of us at all times, so in a way, learning to follow your Inner Authority is listening to your body.
Inner Authority #1: Solar Plexus - Emotional
We are emotional beings, so it may not be a shock to learn that most humans have an emotional authority. If you have an emotional authority, you must become a master of emotions. Becoming a master of emotions means moving with your feelings - accepting and then releasing.
Emotions can drive our decisions. If you wake up feeling irritable, spilling your cup of coffee may cause you to feel angry or bitter. If you wake up after eight hours of sleep, spilling your cup of coffee may cause you to feel grateful you have another pair of pants to wear. All this to say, emotions affect how we view a situation - and, more importantly, how we react and make decisions.
Avoiding an immediate reaction is key to navigating this Inner Authority. Once you spend time thinking through the decision and gain clarity, you can move forward in confidence.
Some ways you may find balance if you have this Inner Authority include:
Journaling your thoughts and feelings about an event or leading up to a big decision. Are you feeling stressed out? Take a pen to paper.
Allow yourself to feel emotions without immediately reacting. You will train yourself to go with the flow and avoid brash decisions.
Inner Authority #2: Sacral
The Sacral Inner Authority belongs to the Generators and Manifesting Generators. With energy stemming from the Sacral, they can tell whether something is meant for them or not instantly.
With this Inner Authority, you have the gift of knowing whether or not you have the energy for the task immediately. Once you tap into that energy, you will find that decision-making becomes much more manageable and that you have more power for the things that energize you.
Human Design types with this Inner Authority are the people with solid gut feelings. You know what they say… always trust your gut!
Some ways you may find balance if you have this Inner Authority include:
Pay attention to what you tend to have difficulty making decisions about and write it down. Why do you think this is? Meditate on it.
Frame each question as a Yes/No. It’s easy to overthink and overcomplicate, but if you can boil it down to a “Yes” or a “No,” you’ll find that the answer is right in front of you.
Inner Authority #3: Splenic
Splenic Inner Authority is frequently referred to as instinctual authority. Have you ever experienced a moment where you know if something is wrong? You may have Splenic Inner Authority.
Human Design types with this Inner Authority tend to be guided moment-by-moment, meaning that they live in the present and are acutely aware of their surroundings. They also receive authority by experiencing adrenal responses. If you have this Inner Authority, that may explain shaky palms, stomach-dropping, bursts of energy, etc.
Some ways to find balance with this Inner Authority include:
Listen to your body’s natural response to specific events or decisions. Do a full-body scan to notice where this decision may be triggering an adrenal response. Does it feel right? Or is this wrong?
Write down what your intuition is telling you, and meditate on it. Keep note of your intuition and the outcome.
Inner Authority #4: Ego-Manifested
The phrase “think before you speak” goes out to those with this Inner Authority. Ego-Manifested encourages that you speak your thoughts to benefit your well-being. Telling your truth is essential and will lead you to find support in others and feel supported by others.
Some describe the decision-making process of an Ego-Manifested as following the heart.
Some ways to find balance with this Inner Authority include:
Practice speaking without hesitation and listening to what you are saying. Take some notes on what you hear to reflect on later.
Inner Authority #5: Ego-Projected
If you have the Inner Authority of Ego-Projected, your ego directly connects to your Self. You may find that you have a strong sense of identity because of this connection.
Projectors, who have incredible success when waiting for the right invitation, often have the Inner Authority of Ego-Projected. Therefore, pausing before you initiate can unlock a new level of happiness that will transform you from the inside out.
Some ways to find balance with this Inner Authority include:
Participate in a self-care routine and try meditation or journaling. See what this experience leads you to. You may find yourself feeling more empowered.
Inner Authority #6: Self-Projected
You can consider yourself self-guided if you have the Inner Authority of Self-Projected. When you speak, you can discover your truth. But - make sure that you’re listening.
Rather than get caught up in what you should say next, allow yourself to say what’s on your mind - similar to Ego-Manifested. You will be guided through what you say, which will help you flow through life and make decisions.
Those with this Inner Authority often have to talk themselves out or into something. Keep talking! Once you discover your power for your guidance, you can help others find that same guidance within themselves, thus giving back to the world around you.
Some ways to find balance with this Inner Authority include:
Have conversations with a trusted person who will listen. You have the answers - you need someone to listen.
Inner Authority #7: Environmental
With this Authority, it’s best to phone a friend when it comes to making decisions. Projectors will discover their truth by discussing it with those closest to them. Once you engage in the flow of communication with someone you trust, you will find that decision-making comes naturally.
Before consulting your mind, you must learn to confide in others and discuss your ideas and thoughts.
Some ways to find balance with this Inner Authority include:
Find your support circle who will listen to you no matter what. These people are trusted and will be there to converse about a decision without judgment.
Get out of your head! Your mind is powerful but not where you should make your decisions.
Inner Authority #8: Lunar
Remember the lunar cycle we talked about earlier? Well, this lunar cycle is your Inner Guidance, fellow Reflector. To find real fulfillment, you must cycle your life and decision-making around the lunar cycles.
To get the most out of life:
Find stability through the moon and enjoy life’s many surprises.
Before making any decision, reflect on your energy and gain clarity.
Ensure that you continue to surround yourself with positive influences.
Some ways to find balance with this Inner Authority include:
Learn about the moon cycles and track them. Are you feeling energized or exhausted around a Full Moon?
Listen to trusted sources before you partake yourself. Reflectors love a solid review - especially from someone they know.
Your human design Profile
We have one last thing to put in your Human Design toolbox - the Profile. Profile is the last remaining element that will help you begin your journey and practice in Human Design. You may have the same Design as someone else; however, your Profile number differentiates you from that person and can guide you down a completely different path. In addition, these numbers will help you to find enrichment in your daily life.
Our profile designation is determined by these two things: the line our Sun lives in our Conscious Personality and the line our Sun lives in our Unconscious Design. You can see those two numbers at the top of your chart.
Looking at your chart, the information in black represents our Conscious Personality, and the information in red represents our Unconscious Design. The profile line numbers are the two numbers after the decimal at the chart's top. On the example chart above, the Profile is 1/3.
Line 1: Investigator
These people, the line one folk, are very creative and offer a sense of grounding to those around them. They seek concrete answers before making decisions and are experts in their trade.
Line 2: Hermit
Line two, people appreciate solitude. They nurture their strengths to offer them to the world in quiet and alone time.
Line 3: Martyr
Those with line three energy go the extra mile in whatever they do. They appreciate the eternal practice of learning and evolving.
Line 4: Opportunist
Those with a line four energy have a gift for networking and cultivating relationships. They are reliable and influential within their respective groups.
Line 5: Heretic
Most likely to be leaders, line five people have a large capacity for knowledge and the ability to speak their minds. They are challengers of simple ideals.
Line 6: Role Model
Those with a sixth line live life in three distinctive phases. Each phase of life (~ every 30 years) brings new lessons and opportunities to teach those lessons to others.
Human Design is an experiment. There may be ideas that work for you and some that may not - but to grow, you must learn about yourself. Human Design can assist with that. So follow along with us as we continue to dive into this topic and grow together as our authentic selves.
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Adaire Smithwick is the Lead Editor and writer at Oui, We. A storyteller, community builder, and hypnotherapy student based in Colorado. To learn more about her and her work, follow her Instagram @adairesmithwick & @eleventh_houseco.