Embracing the Blood Moon: A Guide to Rituals for the March 13-14th 2024 Lunar Eclipse
Discover how the Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse’s March 13-14th return will affect you, and make a plan to harness its volatile energy for good.
How to Manifest with Lions Gate Portal 2024: The Astrology of August 8
On August 8, 2024 the Lions Gate Portal opens — giving us a powerful opportunity to manifest. It's a time of increased cosmic energy flowing between the physical and spiritual realms. Learn what the Lions Gate Portal is, what to expect, and how to manifest using abundance mantras, journal prompts, and rituals.
August New Moon and Lions Gate Portal: Meet Your Higher Self and Roar
The new moon arrives on August 4th. This new lunar chapter coincides with the annual Lions Gate Portal, a high vibrational and magical time where we can connect with our Higher Self with more clarity. Get ready to supercharge your ability to manifest, create, and embody!
New Moon in Capricorn 2024 Meaning, Rituals & Manifestation Journal Prompts
Discover the transformative power of the New Moon in Capricorn 2024. Embrace discipline, ambition, and practicality to set powerful intentions and achieve your goals. Explore rituals, zodiac insights, and manifestation tips to harness this celestial event for personal and professional growth.
Easy Winter Solstice Manifestation Rituals
Explore Easy Winter Solstice Manifestation Rituals to harness the season's transformative energy. Learn about winter solstice traditions, find inspiring blessing quotes, delve into spiritual practices, and celebrate in meaningful ways.
Manifest With Astrology: Manifestation Rituals For Each Zodiac Sign
The art of manifesting empowers us to create the life we desire, while astrology unveils the cosmic influences shaping our existence. By combining these powerful practices, we can align our intentions with the celestial energies, amplifying our ability to manifest with intention and purpose.
7 Full Moon Rituals For Manifestation And Release
Whenever a Full Moon is here, it is a powerful time to practice rituals for manifestation, release, and energy cleansing. Here are 3 easy and simple Full Moon rituals to disconnect from the busy and tune back into nature, the universe, and you.
How to Cleanse Crystals + The 4 Best Moon Crystals for Manifesting
Crystals and stones are beautiful tools for manifesting as they can enhance the personal frequency and vibration of any environment. They are mystical items that hold philosophical lessons and intentional memory because of their ability to provide colorful insight to its user.
What Is Human Design? The Human Design Types & Human Design Chart, Explained
You’ve heard of the Enneagram, Astrology, and Myers-Briggs now meet Human Design. The teachings of Human Design are based on Western Astrology, Chakras, Quantum Physics, Kabbalah, and I Ching. The concepts have led thousands of people to self-discovery. Learn how your energetics type can help you better align your aura, emotions, and experiences to the world around you. Are you ready to live to the fullest? Dive in.
5 Ritual Practices for Manifesting In The Age of Aquarius
Welcome to the Age of Aquarius, a time of renewed collective hope, inspiration, and diversity! Read on for our top 5 rituals and practices that will help you optimize your manifestation practice throughout the Age of Aquarius.
New Moon Rituals: Manifestation, Authenticity and Connecting to Your True Essence
Liberating our most authentic self, resetting boundaries, declaring intentions and claiming our freedom for the month ahead: this is what the new moon asks of us each month. In the spirit of celebrating one of the most mystical nights of the calendar each month, I’m sharing 3 simple rituals and created a workshop to support you in connecting into your authenticity.