3 Things I've Learned About Risk Taking

Ah - those famous quotes about risk-taking:

"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it." - Goethe

"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far it is possible to go." - T.S. Eliot

"Do one thing every day that scares you." - Eleanor Roosevelt

So let’s talk about it.

Taking the risk. Making a big leap. Stepping into the fire. We know what a difference it can make in the trajectory of our lives, but so often we’re too afraid to go for it.

Living in this digital world we often only see other people’s end results. We see someone having the career we want, enjoying the success we wish we had, finding the dream apartment, meeting the loving romantic partner - and we think how did they do it?!

How are they so lucky to have all the beautiful things that seem to make life feel complete?

In preparation for this episode reflected on my own story, and what it’s been like to take risks as I evolve and grow. My first big job out of college was with an Ayurvedic beauty brand, I was always interested in the more obscure wellness ideas - that job was my dream. I hustled hard — promotions defined me in my 20’s and 30’s. By 26 I became the youngest VP at that beauty brand; I was full-on committed to working my way up the ladder, today I’m a recovering perfectionist workaholic control freak, btw.

In order to be considered for the job that at the time felt like a dream, I had to take big risks. No one had been promoted into the role I was aspiring to at my age. However, I knew I had it in me.

Fast forward a bit, a few years later I left my six-figure dream job — packing up my camera and a journal — and booked a one-way trip to the Mediterranean. This was the second time in my life I was cognizant of the serious jumping off the cliff moment that I was committing to.

My intention when booking that ticket was to check in and see what the world had in store for me. I would be giving up my job, my apartment, and moving to a new country. I dove way in. I studied the stars — astrology, and astrocartography, honed my manifestation practice, I spent nights at the local Buddhist temple, and days meditating on the seaside.

On the coast of Spain that summer I had the idea for my book “Wanderful”, and Oui, We really began taking shape. I didn’t necessarily have the most solid plan but I knew what it took to work hard. I spent that summer working on the book - came home in the fall, had a wonderful opportunity to pitch my book idea to a literary agent - and what happened next? I took the risk. I put it all out there. The payoff changed my life.

Three things I’ve learned about risk-taking:

You don’t have to have the confidence to take the big leap, just the willingness to take the first step.

In the episode, I share the story about vision boarding the brand new retreat house and the first steps I took to bring the dream to reality. Those steps included hiring an outsourced CFO and learning about real estate and the market where I was interested in buying property.

Using this example moving into a dream house, or buying a vacation property doesn’t happen overnight - to begin there’s a first step. For me, it was moving into my first apartment, and treating that apartment like gold. When you do this you level up. As you level up personally, continue to level up where you’re living - and celebrate each step along the way. Those celebrations will build your confidence.

Stop watching everyone else’s success and comparing yourself. It’ll paralyze you.

When we allow in the comparison we’re making so many assumptions about why someone else has it made and we don’t. We start getting caught up in the “how” versus staying in a state of embodiment and flow. To become a master manifestor we need to hold the vision, align emotionally, and then find the practical strategies that will keep us moving forward in order to get us where we dream of going.

Be in community. Surround yourself with expanders, and get accountability partners to support you.

James Clear, the author of Atomic Habits, says “surround yourself with people who have the same goals as you, you’ll rise together. Knowing that someone else is watching is a powerful motivator.”

When making big moves call up the people that you know will believe in your vision, have a similar dream as yours, and cheer each other on along the way. If you don’t already have these people in your life, join community groups or mastermind programs that will give you the opportunity to meet people doing what you dream of doing.

Have questions, or want to say hi, text me 📱at +1 (323) 405-9256!

Upcoming events to know about:

Rituals of Manifestation: A monthly container featuring my manifestation method incorporating yogic technology, psychology, cosmic alignment, and the science of human energy. 

As a reminder: the doors to Oui, We Studio (@ouiwestudio) are officially open! The studio is designed to empower you and support your personal well-being. The courses we’re offering inside the studio are focused on Manifestation, guidance to pursue your highest calling, as well as personal and professional development.

Want to travel with us?:

After two years of nurturing our amazing Oui, We community online we're excited for our upcoming retreats — hello, New Orleans & Bali! 👋🏼☀️🌴

Travel is the ultimate mind opener and I can’t wait to do it with you! Experience soul-nourishing workshops and experiences while adventuring through New Orleans or Bali with a group of high vibe like-minded people by your side. Embrace the creativity of these magical destinations, and leave with new friends plus a renewed sense of optimism and discovery.

May 26 - May 30, 2022 (women’s retreat)

✨ BALI ✨
March 27 - April 3, 2023 (open to all)

This show is produced, mixed, recorded + additional music by T'Ben Alleman

Closing music: Pet Fangs

Andi Eaton Alleman

Andi Eaton is a creative director, author, entrepreneur, and cultural influencer in a variety of media. She produces Oui We (ouiwegirl.com) the modern bohemian's guide to everything from travel and style to beauty and holistic wellness. Andi and her projects have been featured on Domino, Glitter Guide, A Beautiful Mess, Southern Living, SELF, Hello Giggles, Refinery 29, WWD, Elle Canada and more; in 2017 she wrapped a year of road tripping throughout the U.S. photographing and documenting travel, style and culture stories available in her new book: "Wanderful: The Modern Bohemian's Guide to Traveling in Style".


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