A Deep Dive Into the Retrogrades and Lunar Node Sign Changes: What Does It Mean For You?
Saturn and Venus have both gone retrograde. What exactly does this mean? You’ve probably heard that when a planet is retrograding, depending on what that particular planet rules, things will go a bit haywire — communication, love, money, beliefs, government. Read on for a full report and your horoscope by a sign during this retrograde season and the north node transition.
The Astrology of Taurus Season & Venus Retrograde: Here's Your Horoscope
We’ve just had the new moon in Taurus — it's Taurus season and Venus, the ruler of Taurus, will go Retrograde soon. We are learning how to slow down, ground, and have the patience to allow the seeds we have planted, and are currently planting, to grow. The most important part of the process includes trust and patience that the seeds will sprout in due time. Let’s get into sign-specific astrology to help guide you through this Taurus season.
Wondering What Planet Is In Retrograde Now? Retrograde Season Is Upon Us.
Late April kicks off an approximate 6 month period of two to six planets spinning retrograde at the same time! The emphasis on the practical applications and the teachable aspects of these retrograde cycles are very important. Here’s what to expect this upcoming retrograde season, this summer and into the fall.
A Planetary Revolution: This is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius
While opinions differed slightly, many agreed the events occurring in 2020 would be chaotic and shake things up. Did astrology predict something like coronavirus was coming our way perhaps? Pluto in Capricorn has been forcing us to look at which of the rules need to be reassessed, and in the meantime, we’ve hidden out in escapism from reality. Saturn moves into Aquarius on March 21, and guess what Aquarius rules? Revolution. We are currently experiencing a revolution, and this revolution starts with us.
Mercury in Retrograde 2020: What it Means and What To Pay Attention To By Sign
We have entered the first Mercury retrograde of 2020, the magnetic messenger planet — and there are a lot of mixed messages out there about what it may entail - what it is, what it isn't, what it represents, and how it affects us. The power and purpose of this period allow us a chance to slow down, listen to the solar system and check in with ourselves. Oui, We is here with methods to cope with your thoughts and emotions during this retrograde.
Love Languages According to Zodiac Sign: A Deeper Understanding of the Signs and How They Communicate Love
Let’s take a look at the five love languages by zodiac sign! Learning about things like our partner’s and friends’ love languages, astrological charts, human design, and attachment style gives us a deeper understanding of the people we cherish in our lives.
Capricorn Conjunction - What's Your Function?
This conjunction’s function is a turning point, a transformational powerhouse. This is your weekly forecast for the signs.
Mercury in Capricorn and January Forecast for the Signs
Mercury has now joined Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, and the South Node in the sign Capricorn, where they will be as the year - and the decade - changes over from 2019 to 2020.
Jupiter in Capricorn: What It Means for You In 2020
Jupiter has moved into the sign of Capricorn, where it will reside until December 19, 2020. Capricorn rules the house of career and opportunities for advancement, as well as the realm of public recognition and our reputation. In the spirit of getting to know ourselves on those deeper levels, let’s look at where Jupiter is in our charts to see what area of our lives this planet will affect in the year ahead.
Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio and November Forecast for the Signs
Mercury has been in Scorpio since October 3rd, and instead of moving on toward Sagittarius, it decided this year it wants to backspin in stubborn waters for a little longer. The themes of October continue on into November during this retrograde period and gives us some extra time to reassess our feelings and motivations before continuing to move forward to 2020.
Here’s a breakdown of each of the astrological signs for the month of November.
Astrology x Aroma: The Best Essential Oil For Your Zodiac Sign
Essential oils are a wonderful way to bring natural aromas into your beauty routine. Every essential oil has unique characteristics, just like each of the 12 zodiac signs. Here's the essential oil that is best for you based on your sun sign.
October Astrology Forecasts
Here is your astrological forecast for all zodiac signs for the month of October 2019. Scroll down to see read the report for your star sign horoscope. Be sure to check your rising and moon too!
Healing in Virgo
September feels as if it can be split into two parts - guest editor and astrologer Elisabeth takes a deep dive into the main themes we’ll be exploring this season.
Tips for Thriving in Virgo Season
Mars moved into Virgo – the organized planner, and the healthy helping hand of the zodiac. Here’s our tips for thriving season long.
Leo Season is Coming to An End: Lessons From The Lunar Cycle
Rounding out this sunny Leo season, we had a full moon in Aquarius that peaked on Thursday, August 15 at 8:29 am EST. We’re reflecting on the Leo and Aquarius polarities: self-expression and personal goals, plus community and coming together for a cause.