Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio and November Forecast for the Signs

Scorpio is one of the most emotional, intense, and sensitive signs in the zodiac - some astrologers say the most sensitive sign is Scorpio, and others say it is the second most sensitive sign. Either way, this sign feels a lot of deep emotion, though it may not always show. When Mercury is in Scorpio, conversations center around deep and taboo topics like sex (including sexuality as spirituality, as well as pure eroticism), money and power struggles, death, and rebirth. It goes where others dare not go, and has strong feelings about it all. When Mercury is retrograde in this sign, we tend to question a lot of our opinions that have been formed on these topics. We tend to go to extremes of either impulsively diving into new experiences, or investigating every possible outcome while delaying taking any action at all. 

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury has actually been in Scorpio since October 3rd, and instead of moving on toward Sagittarius, it decided this year it wants to backspin in stubborn waters for a little longer. And so, the themes of October continue on into November during this retrograde period and gives us some extra time to reassess our feelings and motivations before continuing to move forward to 2020. 

When Pluto (Scorpio’s ruler) stationed direct, also on October 3, it was for a lot of us about taking back charge over our lives, reversing karmic family patterns and squashing some more limiting beliefs that were hiding around in our subconscious that we were not even aware of. Now we are aware, and sticking our heads back in the sand isn’t really an approach that shows that we trust what is becoming. We can’t change the past, but we can reframe it and make sure we don’t repeat these patterns in the future.

We can also reframe our fears and when it comes to facing them we have two choices generally: one is to run away from them or deny or suppress them, and the other one is to face them head on.

Intuition is heightened, emotions exaggerated, and rationality takes a bit of a backseat to initial impulses and automatic responses. Every year around this time of Dia de los Muertos, Diwali, and Samhain, there is a thinning of the veil and for all of us, the transitory nature between life and death becomes more apparent. For each of us this means different things, usually pertaining to death of one aspect of life so another can be born or reborn. 

Mercury retrograde is nothing to fear – no more than you would fear intense emotions.

Look at it as an opportunity to review this year before it ends. It’s all in how you look at it. Look at the opportunities for resolve, closure, and clarity, rather than being upset over what has ended. 

These are the general themes for each sign for this Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio period, ending on November 20. Effects can still be felt in the shadow period through the end of the month. 

Astrological Forecast // Mecury in Retrograde


You usually have a strong drive and passion for what you do, which is waning slightly during this time and that is totally normal. Everyone goes through ebbs and flows of feeling passionate and sure, and then more contemplative and introspective. This is temporary and when Mercury stops its backspin through your sign and starts moving forward again, so will you. In the meantime, you can use this precious and rare time to work on really releasing what has gone this year so you can begin anew. 

These endings must occur so that new beginnings can be had and while we know this on an intellectual level, it can still be challenging to let go. Mourn what is lost, it is a necessary part of the process in order to move forward in healthy ways. This time is given for you to be able to do that. It is a safe container for you to feel everything that comes up and express those feelings in ways that allow the emotions to run through you so that they don’t end up ruling over you. 

Lean into new methods of self-expression you feel drawn to at this time. Be bold and daring in your approach. You usually have no problem being direct and no doubt you have a killer sense of style. Use this Mercury retrograde in your sign to really merge your creativity and individuality with the dark and shadow side. Looking forward to new beginnings and the positive aspects of change also makes transitions easier, and you certainly have a lot to look forward to.


This retrograde period is a great time to dive into your subconscious territory. This is a great time and opportunity to put yourself first. Jupiter is direct in your sign for another month, making this the best time to really think and dream big and without limits. Your dreams can manifest so easily just by you even believing that that’s possible. You’re not one to doubt yourself and that is so attractive to others. You attract friends and soulmates that are here to assist you along the way and vice versa. You are ready, able, and willing to finish this year strong. Launch that arrow forward this is not a time for looking back for you. You’re more than ready to close this chapter and open yourself to the one that you are writing for yourself, the one that comes next. You decide how this goes. 

Allow yourself to be helped. Journey into your subconscious through journaling – and there are many ways to do this. If the pen and paper approach doesn’t feel good to you, you can always record voice notes to get things out there. Follow a stream of conscious approach and just get out everything that comes up. If you jump around from topic to topic, that’s a good thing. Get all that frenetic energy and those thoughts vying for your attention out, and give yourself some room to dream up new ideas for the future. Call on help or assistance if needed in this area, too and you will be led to the right literature, courses, and materials to help you with the questions you are now asking and the guidance that you seek. 


You have put in the work this year, and it shows. Celebrate your efforts and wins, they deserve your attention, too. Instead of always focusing on how much is left to do, focus on how far you have come and give yourself some credit. 

Technology glitches might be especially in your corner this Mercury retrograde – a good reason to put down the devices for a while and limit your screen use during this time. If you do need to work just be sure to backup what you do. The best plan is to be prepared. But do try to get outside if you can and if you are able to do a complete digital detox, that’s even better. The more time you spend away from your phone the better you will find yourself feeling, so much so that when the retrograde period is over you will likely have a bunch more ideas and insights to share and express. 

Whatever happened to in-person networks? You thrive in these situations because even if you think of yourself as an introvert and not the most social of butterflies, you have a charisma about you that draws the right people to you. Use this holiday season to see if there are any local meetups or networking events in your area that pique your curiosity and follow that thread. Exchange business cards and contact information and see what happens. Try not to seek people out just for what they can do to advance your career; sometimes the connections we make with others don’t make their purpose known until much later. You’ll be glad for the experience, and when you’ve had enough you can set and keep the boundary for yourself to go home when the time is right. 


Sometimes we are forced into change, and sometimes we choose the change, but one thing that is always true is that when the universe wants more for you, it will catapult you there, ready or not. You may feel as though you are standing on shaky ground right now, unsure of your footing and the path ahead does not seem so clear. When this happens, it is life’s way of asking you to trust it, and ultimately to trust in yourself. Have you not been able to handle every situation you have faced so far? You have whatever it takes to face the challenges that lie before you now. This is where the growth and transformation happen. Think back on what you have been asking for and calling in and remember that in order to receive the things we ask for, there is a great deal of trust involved. It requires trust to believe the things we ask for and are calling in are what are actually coming to us, so that we don’t settle for lesser versions of those things. 

Use this Mercury retrograde period to go inward and truly to get in touch with your own inner knowing, your own inner guidance system. Be your own guru. Trust yourself fully and completely in this transition period. You may have many paths in this lifetime, equally important for your growth. Follow the yellow brick road to see where it may lead. Use that adventurous spirit to explore and discover to your heart’s content. Not all roads lead somewhere, but you will get something useful out of every bread crumb trail you follow, guaranteed. Just be sure to use that solid judgement and don’t let fear overrule your desire for a complete life.


Expand your horizons, Pisces. You are a dreamer, and this is a time for you to step into an action role. You won’t be starting anything new, just acting on the dreams that you have dreamt up and carried for so long within your soul. Take some tips from your opposite sign Virgo and organize, break it down into small action steps that you can get started on today – and not tomorrow. Hold the vision and move towards it. This year has been a time for you to break through the limits of what you previously thought possible. 

This is not a time to play small or get pulled into distractions. Other people have plans for you but that is not what is important right now. Get in touch with and listen to the calling of your own desires and don’t listen to the naysayers or people who don’t have the faith or the vision that you do. Sometimes we need to nurture our dreams into fruition and keep them close to the vest for a while before sharing them with others. It’s a natural part of the process. You can have everything you want but you must prioritize what’s important for you now, believe you are worthy, be open to receive, and take action where needed.  


You have ambition and drive in spades, and you start projects and go full force with your meaningful ideas. Because you are such a self-starter who can also quite admittedly get distracted easily (there is just so much to do!), you likely have some projects that matter to you that you began this year and haven’t felt you had the time to complete them or keep them going. Well, now is the time. Anything that you can close before moving on is asking for your attention during this Mercury retrograde. 

Likely, there are some things you just need to complete before the winter season and holidays really begin. This might also come in the form of having difficult conversations for you. Intimacy and interdependence (without codependence) have been overarching themes for you this year. Going with that, if there are any tasks that you can delegate or share with others to complete them faster than allow people to support you in that way by asking – the answer might be no but you won’t know until you ask. 


Your commitments are on your mind. What you have reinforced for yourself this year is that your yes and your no are both very powerful. You may be struggling to make a choice, because you now understand the implications that come along with said choice. However, a commitment does not mean that you are stuck with a certain choice forever, it simply means you are seeing that choice through to its fullest potential, whatever that may be. 

Hold off on any contracts or long-term agreements that you can hold off signing off on until after this period has ended on November 20. If something can’t be postponed, just be sure you are reading all of the fine print and know what you are agreeing to. 

Coming together with people on lighter terms tops your priority list right now. This isn’t a time to isolate or procrastinate until a decision has been made for you. 


Your motto has been “go go go” this whole year and even this time may not feel like any of that is letting up for you. Sometimes we have to go, “Is it anxiety, or is something happening in the stars?” As far this year goes, it’s definitely the latter. Stress relief is the theme. 

You have had complete overhaul in the area of your routines this year and this Mercury Retrograde period is really just a refinement of all that for you. No need to start new projects that you know you won’t likely have time to finish before the holidays anyway. Focus on completing what it is that you have set out to do this year, employing the skills of prioritizing the most important that you have really honed in on. 

What do you need to do for you so that you feel at your best, so that you can do the things you want to do? Focus on that stuff because as you have learned this year, it is the gift that keeps on giving – the one that allows you the room and space to be yourself. Keeping your physical and mental systems a go allows you to support the work you’re doing. Do what needs to be done to support the ‘you’ you want to be and are becoming through it all. Ease up on yourself and let what you can do in a day be enough, remembering it all adds up and there is certainly no rush. You have time for everything that matters. 


This time can conjure up some rising nostalgia regarding past relationships and love affairs you have had. Whether you are currently single or attached, recognize that fantasizing and romanticizing the past is something we all do from time to time, and don’t allow yourself to get too swept away in what has already come and gone. Remember that everything is a lesson. Some people are meant to stay and others aren’t. if you find yourself thinking about a particular person or situation just remember why it didn’t work out, what you learned, what was great, and lift the veil a little bit also on what was not so great. What did you learn about what you need and what you don’t want? 

Get out of your head and into your body this month by playing outside or creating a piece of art or craft just for the fun of it. Do something just because you want to do it, and not because it’s part of your job or you feel obligated to it. Allow yourself to do silly things and to reconnect to that inner light part of you that tries things just for fun and do your best to ignore people who would try to dissuade you from being the responsible one all of the time. Let your heightened intuition during this season be your guide as to what steps to take next. The best work is done after we let ourselves relax and feel into our bodies and sometimes problems fix themselves, too, when we’re not constantly focused on them. Focus on your inner child this month, Cancer, instead. 


The things that you want, you want them for a reason. This is a time to ponder what it is that you truly want. What excites you? It’s okay if the picture looks different from what you have wanted for yourself in the past, too. 

This is also a great time for you to reconnect with your ancestors using mediation, dream intentions, and setting up an alter honoring them with goodies, offering up items that allow you to connect to their wisdom and guidance. This is the time of year where the veil between the living and dead is the thinnest, and while you may not be comfortable with direct communication, you can ask for signs and call on assistance from those who have come before you. 

In the book Many Lives, Many Masters by Dr. Brian Weiss, the psychologist uncovers his patients’ desires and fears that have actually carried over from previous lifetimes. Once his patients were able to really understand the reasons behind their fears, they were able to loosen the grip on them and move towards the things they truly desire in this lifetime. It’s a powerful read if you feel like checking it out but in the meantime just know that your true and core desires are the ones that will never fade and as long as you still feel connected to them, you are on the right path. 


Focus on your friendships this month. You may even feel like planning a holiday season get together. Hosting at your place is a great idea, as you feel nestled in for the holidays and the winter season already, and your house is likely all decked out, with attention to every little detail and you want to show it off. 

Communication breakdowns are a higher possibility for you for the next few weeks, as your ruling planet Mercury travels backwards through your third house of messages and information. Delays and scheduling conflicts could arise, too, so just be prepared for little hiccups like those. Send out your invites as early as you can. Last minute cancellations and misunderstandings happen, try not to take it personally and give your pals a benefit of the doubt. This time of year can get hectic for all of us no matter what we have going on, and a little understanding goes a long way in keeping everyone on the same page. 


You’ve been calling in some abundance this year, Libra, but have you been doing it from a place of lack, or from a place of feeling like you already have within you everything that you will ever need? Because you do and if you need some extra assistance it’s good to ask for that, too. The universe is here to help and provide for you. Now is a great time to ‘Marie Kondo’ your space. Cleaning out clutter, clothes you no longer wear or just don’t need for the winter months, books you won’t read again and someone else can benefit from, and anything else that just doesn’t suit your updated mood or vibe will clear out space for what is trying to come in. Making the space for the abundance to come through will allow it to manifest that much sooner.

No request is too big or too small for the universe to fulfill and attend to, just make sure that it is aligned with what you truly desire and it is already yours.

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Elisabeth is a writer and astrologer, based in Seattle. To connect with her more about astrology, you can connect with her via a chart reading her Instagram @elisabetham, or email her at

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