Aries New Moon 2022: A Time For Healing & Initiating

On April 1, 2022, the Aries New Moon at 11°30' opens up a new cycle for us to heal, initiate, and set things in motion. This New Moon may be happening on April Fool's day, but it's no joke! Here's what to expect.

New Moon in Aries

What Does This New Moon Mean?

In astrological terms, a New Moon is when the Moon and Sun are conjunct, marking the beginning of a 28-day lunar cycle. With this conjunction, our emotions and core identity and conscious and unconscious longings work together. 

As the Moon waxes and grows bigger (and brighter), our intentions, dreams, and goals do so. Our energy reaches a peak by the Full Moon, asking us to release the grip.

With this in mind, I invite you to respect your body's need for rest or seclusion during this Aries New Moon, especially after a heavily packed Pisces Season.

Furthermore, take these couple days as an opportunity to grab your journal or calendar and begin planning your next steps. Use this invigorating momentum to set zealous seeds in place, and you'll reach your destination sooner than you think!

Aries New Moon

The Aries Archetype Explained

April is a prime time for a fresh new start. Just a couple of days after the rejuvenating spring equinox 2022, this New Moon in the sign of the Ram is giving us yet another chance to embrace the warmer days.

Aries is linked in astrology with the pioneer or warrior archetype. This enthusiastic adventurer emerges in Spring and ventures out to slay the day (or the competition).

As the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries is like a newborn, learning about their environment and forging a deeper sense of self every day. 

The "Fast & Furious" Aries transits bring this similar impulse: a visceral gut feeling demanding attention. Listen to that voice, but always be the one calling the shots.

Aries is motivated by the desire to explore, lead, and assert itself as it explores the world. Ruled by the assertive and energetic God of War, Mars, Aries deals with our drive, combativeness, passion, and aggression.

Because of this, the New Moon in Aries is an amazing time to commit to your personal goals and dreams. So now is the moment to anchor in these Ram traits and take action!

  • Are your core needs being met?

  • Are you bravely running and chasing after your dreams?

  • Are you allowing yourself to be assertive in social settings?

  • Are you permitting yourself to be loud? To take up space?

  • Are you the main character in your own life?

In a day and age where "hustle mentality" is frowned upon and where "I don't chase, I attract" mantras are everywhere, we sometimes forget that we DO, sometimes, need to "chase" and move with gusto and bravado.

Receiving is great, but balancing the divine feminine and masculine is necessary. And for the time being, it is okay to let your more proactive side take the reins. What does it mean for you to be BOLD, expressive, confident? Reinvent yourself with this lunation.

Once you define what courage means to you, take part in this forward momentum, even if it's just one step a day. Break out of your chrysalis, shake up your routine, and set your dreams in motion, baby!

As you embark on this strong lunar cycle, you will have the chance to reconnect to your core and find more creative and resilient ways to rely on yourself. This Aries New Moon is helping us fill our cup first.

New Moon

Moon In Aries Energy

When the Moon transits over the sign of Aries, you could be feeling an extreme curiosity and excitability, followed by daunting phases of boredom. This is linked to the fact that Aries's fire is so hot it can burn itself out.

We've all experienced this at least once: we want something, we give it our best, and our dedication is perfect, but what we miss is the long-term "why." The purpose is the thing that will help us constantly find the motivation to reach that goal.

Whether learning an instrument, launching an online course, creating a business… I want you to forget about the sprint. Instead, have your heart set on the marathon.

Bringing more balance and harmony to what you enjoy and appreciate is essential for you this week to avoid burnout. And an auspicious aspect of the diplomatic and fair Vesta encourages you to slow down. So be careful not to stress yourself too much. 

If you remember to chill, many accidents, fallouts, and problems could be avoided during the first week of April. Not everyone is out there to get you. Not everything can or should be turned into an argument. You don't have to triumph all the time… 

Sometimes, we need to lose the small battles to win the war. And yes, you are probably in a hurry to reach your destination, but if that place is for you, it will wait. Taking a shortcut could cost you more time than you anticipated… Just saying!

Your nervous system could also be highly solicited at the moment. So turn down your screens, unplug, breathe, and enjoy nature's calming presence. As you learn to control your inner shock, rage, anger, and susceptibility, you will also learn the skill to weave through the chaos with grace.

If you're feeling slightly disoriented and foggy, remember that Jupiter and Neptune are still roaming in the watery Pisces. On April 12, their conjunction will mark an incredible astrological shift, with heightened psychic awareness, spiritual growth, intuition, delusions, changes, and dystopia.

Aries New Moon

Mercury: Turn Up The Heat

Besides the current "You can do it, but don't hurry!" vibes, there are some deeper, more reflective energies around this New Moon, opportunities to confront our shadows. 

Conjunct with the Sun and Moon, Mercury and Chiron are also visiting the sign of the Ram. But, first, let's take a closer look at Mercury.

Since Mercury rules over communications, thinking, and short-distance travels, this New Moon will likely bring mental sharpness and agility to the forefront. With Mercury in the burning hot Aries, our mind is filled with spices, hot sauce, and energy!

Social, spontaneous, witty, busy, and even slightly anxious, this New Moon will awaken our desire to relate with the external world through our thoughts, and we will have headstrong stamina to go about it.

Use this passion to initiate, connect and explore new ideas, but beware of impulsive responses to the stimuli around you.

Chiron: A Time For Healing

Along with Mercury, Chiron is also conjunct the luminaries during this New Moon. Since Chiron represents the wounded healer archetype in the Zodiac, this New Moon will put the spotlight on healing and recovery.

The wound here could be physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual. However, it will most likely be related to thoughts, judgments, insults, rumors, the mainstream media, impulsiveness, anger, impatience, frustration.

For some of us, these deep wounds come from our parents or caregivers, represented by the two luminaries, Sun and Moon. If you resonate with this, remember to accept the invitation to nurture and heal what has been broken in the past.

This "Chironesque" wound we're going to be facing on April 1 could also be related to things we may have thought or said in the past. We can now send forgiveness to those parts of us who used ideas and words like weapons.

On the collective level, this could bring up some controversies around censorship, freedom of speech; another way this could manifest is hearing entities or groups admitting their faults publicly or even seeing prime-time disclosures and recognitions of all sorts.

When it comes to YOU and this Aries New Moon, focus on sending love and compassion to your thoughts and words. Your speech is perfect just the way it is, your ideas are valid. 

However, repeating self-love mantras and affirmations or simply saying sorry to a person you've wounded in the past could help us move with fewer burdens and weight.

Another thing to remember is that Chiron is also that vague feeling of not "belonging," of now being "enough." To find your place, avoid pity parties and victimization coping mechanisms. Instead, use the medicine of human connection, of words, of taking actions. Manifest WITH your hands and WHILE holding hands with others.

Aries New Moon

The Aries New Moon 2022 In A Nutshell

Aries energy is all about saying yes to life. Say "yes" to your destiny, change, hope, and love. Check where 11° of Aries lies in your birth chart to activate your inner pioneer. This will also tell you the area in your life where planting seeds could bring you the most rewards.

Listening to podcasts (such as Your Woo Woo BFF) or guided meditation could reveal itself to be transformative for you this week. Other activities you can try are massaging your head, EFT tapping, and anything related to sports and nature.

I truly hope this article was an incentive for you to get moving, may your desires be the fuel you need to conquer all your wildest dreams.

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Fatima-Zahra, founder of Living Simplyy, is a Holistic Astrologer, Modern Mystic and Spiritual Mentor with the desire to guide people to the sacred remembrance of their true divine nature. You can follow her on her website, YouTube or Instagram where she shares cosmic wisdom for daily life.

Fatima-Zahra FARAHATE

Fatima-Zahra, the founder of Living Simplyy, is a holistic evolutionary astrologer and spiritual mentor. You can follow her on her website, YouTube channel, or Instagram where she shares cosmic insights for daily life.

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