Your Woo Woo Best Friend Podcast
Navigating Soul Upgrades, Why All Soulmates Aren't Forever, That Time My Starseed Friends Intervened + Reading Kim Kardashian's Energy with Nikki Novo
A conversation about soul upgrades and ascension, supernatural communication, learning to refine your relationship palate, and the soul purpose of some quite controversial folks like Elon Musk, Kim Kardashian, and the Queen of England. Meet Nikki Novo, the woo woo bestie, who downloads psychic messages, explores pop culture by reading the energy of trending stories, and shares spiritual guidance for our everyday life challenges.
Skeptical & Spiritual: Red Flags to Watch Out For So You Don't End Up in a Cult with Rachel White, the Skeptical Shaman
In today’s episode, meet an energy worker called the “Amy Schumer of shamanic practitioners.” Rachel White, the Skeptical Shaman, is known to be equally blunt and spiritually unique, breaking every preconceived notion of the traditional image of what it means to live a spiritual life. In this episode, she teaches us how to recognize spiritual red flags , so your spiritual guides don't turn out to be cult leaders. While the spiritual landscape is full of bad behavior, there are sincere practitioners out there, and much of spirituality is based on science.
Water Divination, Shamanic Wisdom, and Plant Medicine with Seun Mendes
Water Divination uses the element of water and mineral to open a window of communication between the diviner, ancestors, and the other world to weave together a concise story that speaks to the spirit of the person experiencing the divination. Our guest is Seun Mendes, Water Diviner and healer initiated to speak on behalf of the ancestors. He shares with us his story of coming to the medicine of Water Divination, Shamanic healing and more.