Creating Your Dream Life: A Step-by-Step Guide to Making a Vision Board for Manifestation
A simple guide on how to make a vision board to bring your manifestations to life.
Over the last decade of using manifestation as a tool in my own life, I’ve experienced what works and what doesn’t work. Of course, we’re all humans with different experiences, so there are many ways to manifest by design. My approach is this: I begin with my vision in mind. Then, I set goals along the way.
I always start with a crystal clear picture of the dreams I’m working to achieve; that’s how you begin to turn your dreams into reality.
How does Manifestation work?
Manifestation is about making everything you want to experience a reality via your thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and actions.
It’s about turning your dreams into reality. It requires you to take inspired action towards what you desire, so you shouldn’t expect it to happen instantly or overnight (although that’d be nice!).
For the longest time, I felt like I had to do all the things to manifest my dream life—when it really came down to having a daily practice that lights me up that I can stick to! For me, that’s movement, meditation, journaling, vision boarding, and goal-setting. It’s also lots of time in nature and vibing with expansive human beings I love.
To begin manifesting, you have to get clear about your goals. You need to be in regular conversation with your dreams. You are, after all, the only one who dreams your dreams. So whether it’s new love, a better job, or more money, you have to know, feel, and own it.
Today, let’s start with visioning and how to make a vision board.
What is Vision Boarding?
A vision board is a visual representation of your goals. It’s a collection of images, words, colors, and quotes that embody your deepest desires. Put simply: it’s your dreams on paper.
Making a vision board is one manifestation tool I always return to.
It’s a simple and easy way to bring your dreams to mind on a regular basis. It’s also fun to look at them, reflect on them, and let them serve as motivation as you set your daily goals.
When you finally step into your manifestation practice and hit send on your message to the universe—it’s a major moment. And I’ve had quite a few of those moments in my life lately.
I Manifested a Forest Retreat House
I’ve always dreamed of having a forest retreat getaway house. A place where wonder and well-being co-exist.
To begin my manifestation practice, I first worked on removing my limiting beliefs around finding this house and it being mine. Then, I went deep into visioning: I got super clear on how I wanted this house to look and feel. I created a list. I knew what I wanted this house to be about for myself and my guests.
When manifesting, most of “the work” is about staying in a high vibrational state so that you are energetically aligned to what you’re calling in. For months, I was doing this as we searched for the perfect house.
For the first house that we made an offer on—I was nervous about the price as it was at the top end of our budget. Even though I felt aligned with it, I wasn't quite in my worth yet. I also felt good about another house after, but I wasn't fully feeling it in my gut. So although both offers weren't accepted, I knew the universe was guiding me to exactly what was right for me.
Enter La Foret.
We drove up. We walked in. It felt like ours. The second we looked at it, we knew it was perfect for us. This time, I had no doubt our offer would be accepted. And it did.
I hope this story gives you some hope for the manifestation process. Sometimes, the signs and goals will shift along the way. But as long as you hold your vision, and stay in the flow, what’s right for you will find its way.
Why do Vision Boards work?
We're often so focused on what's directly in front of us that we can't see the sky overhead. As a result, we believe big wins aren't for us or that somebody else has better luck, resources, and tools.
When you make a vision board, I want you to set wildly ambitious goals. That's the stuff I want you to put on your vision board.
Yes, sometimes your dreams are so lofty that it feels virtually impossible. But that's why I want you to start living in a world of the impossible becoming possible. As you start to see those things as possibilities in your mind—just by looking at your vision board regularly—you begin to think less and less that it's impossible.
What happens next is you start affirming that you do have this power. At that moment, everything will open up for you because you’ve done the work to believe in yourself and cast your unique vision.
Calling in that first desire shows you, “Hey, me too.”
How to Make a Vision Board:
Quick pep talk: your vision board doesn’t have to be perfect. It doesn’t have to look like someone else’s. It doesn’t even need to make sense. It just has to feel like yours.
Here’s what you’ll need to make a vision board:
Pen and journal: for goal-setting
Computer or phone: I use Canva if I’m at my computer; if I’m not, I do it within the Canva mobile app.
There are also some other great apps to make vision boards. Unfold is a nice one (there’s a free version). You can also make your vision board on Pinterest and then take a screenshot of what you’ve put on your Pinterest board. That can also be your vision board.
The point is: I don’t want this to be over complicated for you because it doesn’t have to be!
Old magazines, large foam board, markers, and glue: for that classic vision board collage vibe
A high-vibe playlist to jam to… <<< don’t forget this!
Before making your vision board, start with these journal prompts. Take from this list what you like! I encourage you to take 5-10 minutes to reflect on these questions and let your wild, ambitious desires lead the way:
“I feel most confident when…”
“What I like about myself is…”
“My ideal self is…” (looks like, sounds like, acts like, dances like, etc.)
“My perfect day would be…” (visualize from morning to evening the people/places/things you would encounter, where you’d live, etc.)
“I love... and it makes me think about…” (list your favorite song/book/place/outfit/etc., and think about what it’d be like to spend your days with them)
“Something positive about my life right now is...”
“The people I look up to are…” (their lifestyle, traits, behaviors, etc.)
“My ideal home is…” (looks like, sounds like, smells like, etc.)
“I get excited thinking about…”
“I feel joy when…”
“The beliefs that are important to me are…”
“If money were not an object, I would…”
Whether you reflect on these while cooking or journal about them, let this all roll through your mind. This vision journal exercise is a beautiful start to making a vision board.
Now the fun part! Take the things you’ve just reflected on and spend ~30 minutes making your vision board.
Perhaps your vision board is a visual depiction of the different parts of your perfect day. Or it includes all the people you look up to and the things you would do if money weren’t an object.
You can do it on your phone or on your computer. If you feel inspired, get some old magazines, cut them up, and glue those pictures onto a foam board. Whatever feels good to you!
There is no one right way to make a vision board. Follow your intuition.
I encourage you to look at your vision board and remember your dreams regularly. You have a big, beautiful vision for a successful life, so let them serve you as inspiration throughout your days.
As you set goals, refine them, and face challenges, may your vision board remind you of what is possible and waiting for you.
Inspirational Vision Board Quotes
No vision board is complete without an inspirational quote on it! So here are some to remind you that you are loved, you are worthy, and you are whole.
Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.
I am capable of achieving anything I put my mind to.
I am worthy of an amazing life.
I am creating the life of my dreams.
I give myself the space to make mistakes while I become the best version of myself.
Be the energy you want to attract.
I listen closely to the voice within and trust my intuition.
I accept the past as history and the future as unknown.
I am fearless in the pursuit of what sets my heart on fire.
I am a money magnet.
via @themayfairgroup
Be Open to Change
Your vision will change as you level up and grow.
The fun part about making vision boards is that you get to do it over and over again, no matter what season of life you’re in. To be achieving and receiving in a way that feels like flow, and to believe that your success is possible, is a beautiful way to spend time.
Success, of course, is measured in so many ways. To me, success is living out my truth, finding happiness every day, and following a path that feels incredibly true to who I am.
What does success mean to you?
This post was edited by Suki Chan.
Suki Chan is a creator, blogger, and editor in Canada. A dreamer at heart, her goal is to share stories with love, openness, and non-attachment and inspire others to their own self-discovery. To learn more about her and her work, follow her instagram @sukiykc and substack.