How To Approach Social Media With Gratitude
Oh social media. We love to hate it.
But let's get back to the original intent of this elusive little beast on our phones, shall we? Social media has been available to me since I got my very first phone and to be entirely honest, there are many moments in which I’m over it.
It’s lost its charm fast with me.
I, like many people regardless of age, feel like it is a braggadocious coworker breathing down my neck. Social media can feel pretty gross for many, regardless of follower or like count. Funny enough though, this is not my plea to get you to swear off social media. This is my plea to change your approach to social media for all the reasons I listed above.
So, let’s shift our perspective shall we?
There must be some good in this right? Of course there is. And here’s my tips for finding the good in this little phone gremlin. Read on for my tips for approaching social media with gratitude.
Tip 1: Remember - social media is a community!
I know for most it lost that communal feeling long ago, but with a few simple changes it can feel like a town full of your coolest, most inspiring friend once again.
First things first, if someone from high school or your old job makes you feel crappy when you see their pictures, just unfollow them!
A follower clean out is long overdue for most of us and is far more rewarding than you realize. Just like you Marie Kondo your closet, do the same with your phone! No need to carry around all stuff that doesn’t spark joy.
If what you’re seeing on your feed doesn’t inspire you, educate you, or make you feel anything less than happy you’re seeing it, it’s not worth being there. You don’t have to unfollow your crazy uncle either if you’re worried about stepping on toes, just mute them! You can mute anyone on any social media app.
Tip 2: Post What You Want!
Social media will probably always be snapshots of everyone's best moments, but that doesn’t mean your moments have to measure up to that of celebs, millionaires or your favorite interiors influencer. Post with intention and gratitude for your audience. They follow, because they want to cheer you on and they’re interested in what YOU have to offer.
Tip 3: Trust Your Intuition
If you trust your intuition and your personal process, the validation - aka the following and likes will come. And if it doesn’t it’s okay! You’re doing this for you.
If Instagram is a tool you’re using to grow your business or sell your art and the follows and likes aren’t coming - simply reconsider your approach. It doesn’t mean your business or your art isn’t amazing - perhaps you’ve just not yet found a way to connect with your perfect people.
The drain we experience trying to reach people across the world on social media can feel like an uphill battle. There is no quick fix for this unfortunately. However, holding a mindset of power is entirely what keeps the “instagram drain” away.
To me, the beauty of social media can be narrowed down to this: you have the opportunity to reach most anyone in the world and show them who you are! Not everyone is going to be interested in your brand, but those who are, are going to follow and keep coming back to enjoy your content.
In the same vein, not everyone is for you and so narrowing down who you’re following will keep your feed not overwhelming and inspiring.
Take a Social Media Detox
If you’re consider taking a social media detox, which is so good to reset your headspace from time to time here are our favorite mantras at Oui, We.
“Exchange your online distractions for real-life devotion.”