Intuitive Business: How to Use Tarot For Goal Setting
In today’s coworking, coffee shop and cubicle conversations there’s a new lexicon slowly creeping in to the mid-day matcha break banter. You’ve likely heard it. Conversations about birth charts, planetary transits, crystals and meditation - once the domain of the woo-woo, have become as normal as conversations about workplace wellness and professional development seminars.
You’ve likely heard someone explaining qualities of a coworker by way of their horoscope.
Oh, she’s the self-loathing workaholic one. Capricorn.
She’s so über organized, even her label maker is labeled! Virgo.
Gah, she’s so creative. Pisces.
That social justice warrior is using her vacation time for another march this weekend! Aquarius.
Or - maybe you’ve been on the receiving end of one of these conversations.
My laptop crashed and I can’t seem to land that new client proposal? That’s a Mercury retrograde thing!
My soul-cycle coworker bestie is extra zen lately. She’s seeing a crystal healer!
Isn’t it strange that the boss chose 4:44 on February 22nd to announce the company’s newest initiative? She’s consulting numerology!
Here’s a few other signs that the woo is making its way into your company culture: spotting crystals and palo santo in your bosses corner office or noticing sound meditation and yin yoga on the company wellness weekend calendar.
We’re of the belief that using a variety of intuitive tools only makes you better in business. Before setting off into the workday, get you in the right headspace to start your workflow.
What do you do when you need clarity?
How do you approach making big decisions.
Today, we’re sharing a way to use Tarot for goal setting in business.
The truth is there are a thousand different mystical tools that might help, but sticking to a few that feel rewarding, and get results will make your workflow that much more joyful. And, don’t we all want to enjoy what we’re doing to make a living?
Tarot for Business
For those that are new to tarot using the Rider-Waite deck is perfect for a total intro to all things tarot. It’s the perfect deck for learning. The Wild Unknown Deck is amazing for setting intentions and beautiful to just keep on your desk.
A simple 7 card tarot spread for goal setting
In this spread use the cards this way:
1 - Goals: this card will represent the big vision you have for future, or perhaps a specific goal for a project.
2 & 3 - Issues: these cards will bring to the surface any challenges that need to be dealt with before moving forward, or potential unforeseen bumps in the road that may arise.
4 & 5 - Strengths & Weaknesses: this is your SWOT analysis, but with divine guidance.
6 - Outcome: this card will represent the outcome you can expect in regards to that initual goal.
Why Use Tarot for Business?
Setting intentions for your workflow, outlining your goals, intuitively tapping into your natural gifts - using tarot for along the way will help you to stay aligned and authentic to who you are in life AND business. Having the cards as guidance towards an outcome can feel so gratifying too.
Tarot decks are so lovely and keeping your workspace beautiful can make getting your work done feel that much more creative. We love starting the day with our tarot deck on our desk, some pretty dried flowers in a bowl for a little mood lifting aromatherapy, lighting a candle, turning on a high vibe playlist and tapping into our crystals too - it makes our work space so welcoming and gets us into the headspace to turn up the power.
p.s. here’s a business intention playlist that is all lady and all intention setting goodness created by our Oui, We resident musician, Bay. A fun and motivating playlist can help get you into the headspace you need to even begin thinking about working. Enjoy!
“We see in order to move; we move in order to see.”