What To Expect During The Jupiter Neptune Conjunction of April 2022

The Great Reset is here with the Jupiter Neptune conjunction, and it's not what you think! On April 12, 2022, a major conjunction between the two powerhouses, Jupiter and Neptune, is happening at 23°59' of Pisces.

Jupiter has a 12-year orbit around the zodiac wheel, while Neptune takes approximately 165 years to complete the same circle. Because of this, every 12 or 13 years, Jupiter and Neptune cross paths, inviting us to shift dimensions and uplevel our frequency.

Jupiter Neptune

Let's unpack this most promising transit of the year and what it means for you, and what to expect based on where this conjunction is happening in your birth chart.

P.S. On October 27, a second alignment between Jupiter and Neptune will occur this year, although it will be less precise and intense due to a larger degree-based conjunction.

What About Pisces, Jupiter, and Neptune?

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, and it is linked with the dreamer archetype. As a mutable water sign, Piscean energy is all about spirituality, sensitivity, oneness, flow, tolerance, compassion, fluidity, imagination, dreams, and devotion to the Universe.

There's a generosity of soul linked with Pisces. But on the lower expression, the sign can also turn into forgetfulness, madness, martyrdom, victimization, escapism, addictions, delusions, or disconnection from reality.

Think of an LSD trip or Ayahuasca ceremony: it can be enlightening and insightful or the gateway to a disconcerting bad trip.

Interestingly, Jupiter rules Pisces in traditional astrology and Neptune in modern psychological astrology. And these two planets are exactly the ones involved in this April conjunction, giving even more oomph to the Piscean landscape.

Astrologically, Jupiter rules the principles of growth, expansion, optimism, prosperity, and good fortune. The planet represents the promise of all good things in life, but Jupiter can often lead to unnecessary risks and excesses like all good things.

As the largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter planet rules over Sagittarius and Pisces and represents the search for insight through knowledge. Jupiter governs long-distance travel, broader purpose, philosophy, higher education, religion, and law.

On the other hand, Neptune, the Lord of the sea, represents higher meaning, spirituality, imagination, spiritual enlightenment, the occult, dreams, illusions, fog, confusion, addictions, and naivety. Neptune can veil our consciousness, making us prone to living in a fantasy world instead of taking action.

Jupiter Neptune Conjunct

What Does A Conjunction Mean?

Astrological conjunctions are about synthesis, interplay, synergy, and merging. The question here is: Can you reconcile these opposites and find the sweet spot?

Conjunction entails a marriage, an agreement, and a shared mutual acceptance of each planet's qualities. With lots of similarities, Jupiter and Neptune have many areas where they meet the eye to eye. But as we all know, agreeing with someone can sometimes create blind spots or areas of darkness.

Because of this, it is safe to say that these two planets coming together can manifest as exceptionally great or exceptionally horrible for us on an individual and collective level. It's up to us to work towards the manifestation we prefer to see unfold!

Similarly, there are two paths to unlocking the divine wisdom of Pisces: the Jupiterian path and the Neptunian one.

Jupiter ushers us to say YES to life, be optimistic, faithful, cheerful, confident, happy, and generous. Jupiter is the invitation to embrace the beautiful world in which we live.

On the other hand, Neptune calls us to turn into mystics, psychics, and seekers. Detachment, contemplation, silence, and devotion are the message here, with an invitation to renounce the attachments of this world.

No matter which road you choose, these two paths are valid, and both approaches can lead you to God, Enlightenment, happiness, or whatever destination you're seeking. Merging these two extremes could be even more beneficial than picking a side.

Negative Expressions Of This Conjunction

Because Neptune can be delusional and Jupiter foolish, we could feel the urge to feed irrational thoughts or take uncalculated risks. 

Confusing reality with fiction, falling prey to the illusions and deceits of the world, putting a spell on your judgment. These tendencies could be highlighted around April 12, with a propensity for denial, manipulation, and gaslighting.

Trust your judgment and senses, and let go of the crippling irrational fears or neurosis. You are safe to let go of the rose-colored glasses. You are safe to witness and account for the horrors of the world WITHOUT taking them in as your own.

Discernment has been a significant theme in the past couple of months, and it will be even more important to keep your feet on the ground during this transit.

Look out for spiritual bypassing, pride, and arrogance. A form of Messiah complex could arise in certain people and the absolute contrary: holding back our wisdom, being way too humble, shying away from attention.

Find that balance in your spirituality to learn, and teach simultaneously. We need lifelong students and teachers!

On another note, there could be more mass delusions, psychosis, and hypnosis in light of world events. This could lead to exaggerating or blowing up certain world conflicts on the political stage.

Rest assured that whatever happens will unfold in divine timing and serve as a deep cleanse and purge of this 3D reality. So stay open, stay humble, and stay grounded. You're an anchor in this world, and WE need you more than ever!

Jupiter Neptune

Positive Expressions Of This Conjunction

Now, let's discuss the fun part, shall we? Some of the amazing gifts of this great Jupiter Neptune conjunction is that it is a portal that can catapult you towards your future, magnifying your manifesting abilities tenfold.

Can you dream bigger than ever before? As we witness this event on April 12, I expect a major shift in perception. Your frequency can be altered, aligning you with what your soul desires most. No matter what lights your Spirit on fire: now is your chance to explore that path.

This transit will feel like entering a whole new dimension where our collective and individual awareness and psychic abilities will be raised to high standards. And that rite of passage won't be for the weak.

As you use this transit to heal and connect more directly to Source, you can also expect your false sense of ego to dissolve. Allow unconditional love into your life, it will be your cure for youth. I invite you to write, dance, sing, take photographs, play... Let your creativity flow!

The last time a similar conjunction happened in the sign of Pisces was in 1856 - a pivotal time for the history of photography or the art of "drawing with light." Let's think of Pisces and Neptune as beautiful illusions and Jupiter as expansion.

The incredible developments this conjunction brought to the artistic scene make us wonder what we can experience today.

Use this momentum to create and express yourself artistically. Expect advances in digital art, NFTs, social media, cinema, animations, and alternative realities such as the metaverse. Regardless of what you may think of these "innovations," they will be a hot topic.

Poetic, ethereal, and enchanting, this conjunction will emphasize our dreams. Your oniric visions may be even more precise and vivid as of lately, and this will continue until the end of the year. As a passionate night (and day) dreamer, I am excited to live through this transit. 

Think of this conjunction as a massive opportunity to directly connect to your unconscious programming and higher self. So keep a dream journal, try lucid dreaming techniques, create art inspired by your visions, and ask your astral self to give you answers to the important questions of life before you sleep.

Besides, the Jupiter Neptune conjunction will encourage the ongoing collective interest in the mysteries of life and the unseen realms surrounding us. Amidst the current craziness of the world, awakening to the magic of the Universe through yoga, astrology, tarot, and magic can indeed help alleviate the pain, the separation, and the polarization.

Last but not least, this conjunction is here to act as a catalyst for revolutionary breakthroughs. Many lightworkers and free-thinkers worldwide have been holding the grid during a chaotic couple of years. 

We need empowered, inspired, healed, confident, and optimistic powerhouses to guide the way to build the New Earth and officially enter the Age of Aquarius. Are you going to claim your role as a lightworker?

There's a sense of graduation: you are asked to graduate, elevate, turn your business into a career, launch that course, share that podcast, film that video, host that webinar, join that sacred circle, to say YES to life. 

Find your soul food, be generous with yourself and others spiritually, and take things to the next level. You are ready. You have been preparing yourself for whatever jump or decision you are dreading to make. 

Whether moving to another city, quitting your job, launching your new business, exiting a toxic relationship, having a baby, or getting engaged: now is your time to enter a new stage of your evolution.

Jupiter Neptune

What Does The Conjunction Mean For You? 

The House in which this conjunction will fall in your birth chart will be an important area of your life over the next couple of months. Here's a brief overview of what to expect based on where 23°59' of Pisces falls in your birth chart:

1st House: 

Be true to yourself, make your own decisions, and be self-sufficient. Stop trying to impress others or seeking external validation. You have all you need already, now is your time to claim it. Allow your body and physical appearance to speak about how far you've leveled up already. Make love to yourself, respect your body and treat it as a divine temple. 

2nd House: 

Create, find and use the resources you need to grow and sustain your inner work. Be unapologetically abundant, but do not dive into wastefulness and excess spending. However, do feel worthy of having these objects, things, or experiences that can help you reach your goal and feel more stable.

3rd House:

You have the right to speak about your spirituality and share it with others. You don't need to be an expert or an academic to talk about enlightenment. You don't need anyone's approval to speak up or share your inspiring stories. Trust your words, voice, thoughts, perceptions, and senses. You are a storyteller, and you can do great things by just being present for yourself and others.

4th House:

Make your home a temple for uncontested relaxation, rest, and devotion. Your home is your sanctuary: act that way. Get rid of the chaos, family duties, impromptus visitors, noise, and clutter. And if you can't, find a place to call your home, may it be just a garden or café you enjoy.

5th House:

Allow yourself to lose yourself in the ecstasy of the spiritual realm. You have the right to be happy, joyful, bright, and cheerful. Release your self-doubt, your insecurities, and also your shameful addictions. If your compulsions are not bringing you spiritual support, let them go and create more substantial fun.

6th House:

Allow yourself to serve others how you want to be served and find magic in your daily life. Release yourself from slavery to the clock, from busy hustling… Stop being humble, you are worthy of your responsibilities and duties. Release the need to please everyone. Choose who you want to help and support, starting with yourself. Seek ways to grow self-disciplined in your spiritual habits and take a closer look at your health and diet.

Jupiter Neptune

7th House:

Allow yourself to be loved, respected, and understood, heard, felt, seen, protected. Let go of every relationship that keeps you in past traumas, wounds, and cycles. Accept the Universe's invitation to receive love, either in your existing relationship or in the form of new loving sacred partners entering your life. Sit in silence with your partner and create deeper intimacy. Find trust within your heart, give and receive gifts, and allow someone to touch your heart and Spirit. If not, you are allowed to handle your own heart.

8th House:

Allow yourself to be profound, to be sexual, to be psychological, to be powerful. Release your desire to have power over others. Your power lies in connecting and guiding without using manipulation, strength, or force. Be honest with yourself, be transparent, and accept being vulnerable. Embrace your shadows, spooky vibes, and occult inclinations. Find a field you love (tarot, tea leaves reading, astrology, etc.) and experiment with your newly found superpowers.

9th House:

Allow yourself to teach, travel, expand your horizon, and welcome cross-cultural experiences. Release your old paradigms and rigid beliefs and your self-righteous know-it-all side who wants to preach. Expand your horizon through educating yourself on foreign cultures, lands, and beliefs.

10th House: 

Allow yourself to infuse your spiritual practice in your work and career. Gift your spirituality in your work. Release your false sense of self, your spiritual ego, and all the things keeping you stuck. You do not need to live through the eyes of others. Your spirituality should make sense to only yourself.

11th House:

Prioritize your spirituality and allow it to guide your collaborations. It's time to make deeper connections with your spiritual family. Find community. Release the attachments. You may have to appear spiritual amongst others or appear normal. Instead of looking a certain way, BE whoever and however you are on the inside.

12th House:

For you, this is an even more powerful transit. Neptune and Jupiter are the natural rulers of the 12th House, which makes you the real lightworker of the season. Allow yourself to claim your spiritual practice. Wholeheartedly committed to being of service. Release the attachments to the world. Detach. Focus on your spiritual awakening and cultivate your craft.

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Fatima-Zahra, founder of Living Simplyy, is a Holistic Astrologer, Modern Mystic and Spiritual Mentor with the desire to guide people to the sacred remembrance of their true divine nature. You can follow her on her website livingsimplyy.com, YouTube or Instagram where she shares cosmic wisdom for daily life.

Fatima-Zahra FARAHATE

Fatima-Zahra, the founder of Living Simplyy, is a holistic evolutionary astrologer and spiritual mentor. You can follow her on her website livingsimplyy.com, YouTube channel, or Instagram where she shares cosmic insights for daily life.


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