Pink Moon in Libra 2022: In The Mood For Love

The annual Pink Moon is happening on April 16, 2022, at 26°45’ in the sign of the scales, Libra. This lunation will fuel romantic partnerships, closeness, harmony, and galactic remembrance. A pivotal point where we either invite more love into our lives or more conflicts and separation. Let’s unpack what the stars have in store for us!

Full Moon Libra

April Energy Update

A jam-packed, overbooked, fast, and furious month where everything around us is rapidly shifting. On April 12, the Jupiter Neptune conjunction in Pisces allowed us to take a massive quantum jump, propelling us towards a new spiritual chapter in our lives. Further, with Mars entering Pisces on April 14, now is a great time to unwind, rest and release stagnant energies. Especially before the infamous eclipse season, which will kick in at the end of the month.

From the hyper-independence we collectively stepped into during the past couple of months, I invite you to use this lunar transit as an opportunity to experience closeness, vulnerability, comfort, and balance.

Full Moon Libra

Libra, The Ultimate Peace-maker Of The Zodiac

Create a more harmonious way of being could be your mind when the Moon visits the airy, diplomatic, and graceful Libra. As the peacemaker of the Zodiac, Libra is represented by the cosmic scales in the Zodiac, representing the quest for justice, equity, and fairness. Where are you trying to balance the scales? Where do you NEED to balance the odds? As this Full Moon unfolds, reflect on how you can create more symmetry in your life.

Lean into your inner diplomat. Bargain, compromise, merge, hold space, hear the opposing arguments. Searching for peace shouldn’t be just a facade. Make that commitment to yourself too!

With the Moon transiting in a cardinal air sign, our emotions seek balance. As a result, you may experience a sudden interest in aesthetically pleasing Pinterest boards, romantic picnics, retro movies, or other nostalgia-inspired endeavors and activities. Make room for these utopic daydreams.

Astrologically, Libra is ruled by the ever-graceful Venus, which rules over the matters of the heart, and also our values, how we love, arts and finances. This influences this lunation with a dose of beauty, idealism, and romance. Charming, sophisticated, friendly, poised, cheeky, and even a little flirty, your heart is all about connecting this week.

Libra deals with 1:1 intellectual communication, where two opposing parties exchange perspectives, ideas, and concepts until they ultimately find “ground zero,” that liminal space of mutual agreement where the magic happens. This makes April 16 a great time to go on a date, entertain, host dinner parties, and gather with your loved ones. The vibe is commitment, fun, light-hearted yet profound conversations, negotiations, and even marriages and engagements.

On the flip side, you may unconsciously be asking others for their opinions a lot this week. I’m speaking of those slightly double-edged questions: 

“Am I pretty enough?”

“Do you like my outfit?”

“How did you find my project?”

“Do you think I behaved properly?”

As you can imagine, this can either inspire you and shine the light upon your blindspots OR open doors for insecurities, resentment, conflicts, unsolicited criticism, and confusion. 

The heavy Pisces placements of the night sky are not helping you sort your indecisiveness either, so I recommend wisely choosing your questions (and interlocutors). To avoid being influenced by other people’s opinions, or worse, dimming your light to accommodate others, think twice before disclosing your dreams, goals, and projects with nay-sayers and negative Nancies. 

Instead, commit to being sincere and honest when sharing your truth—no matter who’s on the receiving end.

Keep in mind that having a hard time deciding which path to choose is pure Libra (an air sign) energy. Your ambiguous, fluctuating, and wavering thoughts and emotions are valid. Offer yourself the gift of compassion and understanding, the same you freely give to others.

Pink Moon

Is Libra Energy A Tad Too Nice?

With Libra energy, we can often turn into people-pleasing in the quest to avoid conflict and keep the peace. Where are you being a pushover in your life? Where are you being too accommodating, too nice, too shy?

When you constantly disrespect your limits, bend backward for others and put yourself last, the frequency you vibrate can only send people your way who match this trauma. What a cruel Universe, you say? Not at all! 

See, the problem isn’t trying to help and please your friend, husband, cousin, and neighbor’s aunt. The problem is hurting yourself in the process and lacking the self-esteem to hold others (and yourself) accountable for the way they’re treating you. If this is something you experience, repeat after me:

respecting my boundaries, and having others do the same, is the ultimate act of self-love I can give myself.

To determine if you’re having trouble setting healthy boundaries in your business, relationship, family, or any other area of life, here are a few questions to ask yourself:

  • By saying YES to this, am I saying NO to myself?

  • Is this in alignment with my Higher Self?

  • By agreeing or engaging, am I being 100% authentic and present?

  • Am I projecting my fears and insecurities onto this situation?

Find that middle ground on which you can act with kindness and authenticity. And remember: we can’t pour from an empty cup. As you learn to honor your desires and sacred boundaries, you will ultimately become more giving, compassionate, and generous with others.

Pink Moon

Sun, Moon, and Pluto T-Square: Trouble In Paradise

The Full Moon is always a peak moment to receive the fruits of our labor, uncover previously hidden information or secrets and release tensions. During this Libra-flavored lunation, a T-Square between the Moon, the Sun, and Pluto is one of the most important cosmic alignments.

Astrologically, a T-Square is when two planets form an opposition in the sky (a 180° degree angle), and a third planet forms a square or 90° degree aspect to both of these planets. In a nutshell, think of this pattern as a cosmic battle. However, this war isn’t happening in Olympus or the Milky Way but within our psyche. 

This week, the two planets in opposition are the luminaries: Moon in Libra and Sun in Aries. The third planet involved in the T-Square, also called the apex, is Pluto, and it’s lurking in Capricorn still. With Pluto as the apex, the planet of death, transformation, and rebirth is acting as a “peacemaker” in this rather stressful disposition.

The T-Square planets are all in change-driven cardinal signs, which is a massive opportunity for us to take action as if a fire was lit under our asses. But at the same time, that fire does burn! So watch out for impulsive, hasty, or reckless reactions, especially with your loved ones.

Besides, you may feel challenged to regain your power this week. Maybe some situations could arise where you will realize how you’ve been ripped off. Maybe it’s a specific relationship in your life in which you don’t feel seen, heard, respected, and supported enough. Or perhaps it’s someone who takes your kindness for granted, and trespasses or even violates your boundaries.

Through these difficult experiences that could arise, you can learn to take your power back and reconcile between your bruised ego and hurt emotions.

Full Moon

Full Moon in Libra 2022 checklist

Here’s a quick checklist for this Full Moon in Libra:

  • Organize or attend a party or event.

  • Propose marriage or engagement or attend a wedding.

  • Surround yourself with art, beauty, and natural delights.

  • Buy colorful flowers or make a flower bouquet from farmer’s market finds.

  • Schedule a counseling session, couple’s therapy, or group coaching class.

  • Have a synastry birth chart reading for you and your significant other (or best friend, sibling, parent, etc.).

  • Collaborate with someone you admire in your industry.

  • Open a window: allow the air element to cleanse your mind and space.

  • Visit a gallery, museum, or art exhibition.

  • Go to a luxurious restaurant, lounge, or day spa.

  • Negotiate a salary raise or any other discount or bargain (when appropriate and respectful of other people’s boundaries!).

  • Shower your partner with love, attention, and words of affection.

  • Listen to instrumental songs and albums such as In the Mood for Love by the talented Japanese composer Shigeru Umebayashi.

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Fatima-Zahra, founder of Living Simplyy, is a Holistic Astrologer, Modern Mystic and Spiritual Mentor with the desire to guide people to the sacred remembrance of their true divine nature. You can follow her on her website, YouTube or Instagram where she shares cosmic wisdom for daily life.

Fatima-Zahra FARAHATE

Fatima-Zahra, the founder of Living Simplyy, is a holistic evolutionary astrologer and spiritual mentor. You can follow her on her website, YouTube channel, or Instagram where she shares cosmic insights for daily life.

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