What the Full Moon in Gemini 2022 Means In Astrology

Get ready to end this year with a restorative Full Moon in Gemini on December 7, 2022. With our collective energy right on the precipice of change, it's essential to fully integrate the lessons of this lunation to begin 2023 on the right foot.

  • This astrological event will push you to reflect on the truest nature of your desires.

  • The full moon impacts all zodiac signs, but Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn will feel it the most.

What is the Full Cold Moon in Gemini?

With Capricorn season and the darkest time of the year just around the corner, we're slowly entering hibernation mode. I know all we want to do is get cozy and snuggle up in bed with a hot beverage and some homemade cookies. But if you were hoping for a #cozyholidayseason… think again!

What happens during full moons?

Full Moons are the astrological culmination points of the lunar cycle. We've been inhaling at total capacity, and now is the time to breathe out. Full moons occur when the moon and sun oppose each other in the sky, shining light and illuminating areas in your life that may require evaluation or change.

With the Sun's light shining bright on the Moon, there's also illumination regarding our previously hidden emotions, intentions, affections, and secrets. There's a sense of "bursting" out or expressing what we've been holding close to our hearts. And along this release comes the necessity of wisely choosing what to let go of.

Use this magical end of the year to go inwards and surrender to the renewal process that all of life goes through in winter.

WhEn is the last full Moon of 2022?

The full cold moon in Gemini is happening on December 7, 2022 at 10:08PM CT.

Why Is the December Full Moon called the “Cold Moon”?

The Cold Moon coincides with the beginning of winter, as the days grow shorter and the nights are frigid. December’s full moon is often called the Long Night’s Moon or the Moon Before Yule in honor of yule festivals heralded by the Winter Solstice.

What Does the Full Moon in Gemini 2022 Mean in Astrology?

During this last Full Moon of the year, the Moon is in the chatty and witty Gemini, while the Sun roams in the realm of the freedom and truth-seeker, Sagittarius. Gemini is a mutable air sign, symbolized by the twins, very much about communication and information.

The potential of Gemini is to see any situation from multiple angles and to remain open-minded and fluid in opinion and thought. The negative manifestation of Gemini is the tendency towards becoming scatterbrained, stuck in the minute details without the perspective of looking at the bigger picture.

Thankfully, the opposing sun in Sagittarius should help us step back and see the grander scheme of what’s unfolding. This combination is a perfect fertile ground for asking questions and guiding our internal dialogues and thoughts.

As we ask questions, we should remember that discernment and active listening are not overrated. On the contrary, these two are the critical success factors for this period. With the clutter and anxious energy that Gemini can bring, it's imperative to keep your feet on the ground and stay clear of parasitic thoughts and beliefs.

Release all that weighs on your shoulders and slows you down. Since the mutable Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the messenger of the Gods, there's a need for speed, movement, and adaptability.

So stay sharp and ready to bounce back on your feet. Allow that inner juggler to come out and play! Our relationships and networking will highly benefit from this Full Moon as socializing is in the very DNA of Gemini. Gemini brings a sense of mutual understanding and belonging in a hive-minded, spider-web, nexus fashion.

Since Gemini's energy has to do with our intellect, thoughts, mental understanding, communication, and short trips and siblings, it will be essential to release everything holding us back in those areas this week. When the Moon is in Gemini, our capacity to process and digest information is amped up.

Use this timeframe to negotiate, process, research new information, and express yourself both in written and oral form. I have to warn, though: on the lower expression of the dual Gemini, instead of the intelligent social butterfly, you turn into the childish, gossipy and fickle moth. Choose your fighter wisely!

Full Moon in Gemini 2022 Themes

Reflection is the end of the year's modus operandi. With a full moon in the sign of curiosity, the Universe offers you a double opportunity to release the past six months.

With the moon conjunct with Mars retrograde, December's Gemini full moon is bound to pull up resentments, outrage, and pent-up frustrations to the surface. So watch out for reckless emotional reactions, and make room for healthy expressions of anger.

The tension you will feel during this full moon is ultimately here to teach you about the nature of your desires. This airy lunation is also a square to spiritual Neptune and expansive Jupiter.

So watch out for illusions and blatant lies. Manipulation is in the air on December 7, and love and empathy are your only armor.

Journal Prompts:

  • Are you willing to forgive the lies others have told you?

  • Are you ready to forgive yourself for the lies you've told others AND yourself?

The world is vast, and people are kind. Let reality prove to you that it is less cruel than your imaginings.

Ritual for Full Moon in Gemini

Gemini moons feel safe when they’re steeped in facts, logic, and rationale. In this moon sign, there can be a rather pressing need to rationalize our emotions, which over this past week are sure to have been riled and twisted up.

Instead of getting worked up over not being able to classify and fully understand your emotions, just try to sit with them. Write them down. Read them out. Think about them, but don’t judge them and demand their purpose or logic. The mind and the heart exist separately, with different objectives for a reason!

To put into practice all I've mentioned today on this last Full Moon of the year 2022, I suggest an easy ritual that can help you as you march toward the New Year. The idea is simple: drop down into visceral remembrance, gratitude, and reflection as you write a letter to yourself under the Moon's presence.

As a witness, la Luna will guide you as you let your pen or voice move you. To inspire you on your quest, I suggest a message I dedicate to my growth this year.

"Dear Self, 

It's that time of the year again, and as the year rapidly wraps up in preparation for 2023, I wanted to honor myself, give thanks, and feel grateful for all you've done for me over the past 12 months. Patiently, you were there through thick and thin.

Gently, like a loving mother, you showed me what it means to rest, love, care, nurture, protect, and embrace. With courage, like a loving father, you showed me what it means to take action, decide, stand firm in the face of adversity, and be honorable, responsible, loyal, and faithful.

Thank you for allowing me 12 months of spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical growth. I thank you for giving me 365 days of expansion and anchoring. Finally, thank you for showing me new facets of who I am and who I am meant to become.

I promise to heed the clues and synchronicities you send me to guide my path. I promise to listen to my inner guidance system whenever I should or shouldn't move forward. I promise to honor my sacred boundaries. Finally, I promise to allow the world and myself to experience the gifts and skills.

From my heart to yours, thank you!"

— Fatima-Zahra from the year 2021

On this note, happy holidays, and see you in 2022!

When is the next Full Moon?

The next full moon is on January 6, 2023 in the sign of Cancer.

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Fatima-Zahra, founder of Living Simplyy, is a Holistic Astrologer and Modern Mystic with the desire to guide people to the sacred remembrance of their true divine nature. You can follow her on her website livingsimplyy.com, YouTube or Instagram.

Fatima-Zahra FARAHATE

Fatima-Zahra, the founder of Living Simplyy, is a holistic evolutionary astrologer and spiritual mentor. You can follow her on her website livingsimplyy.com, YouTube channel, or Instagram where she shares cosmic insights for daily life.


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