December 2022 Astrology Guide: Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn & Winter Solstice

December 2022’s astrological transits are here to close out the year for each of the 12 zodiac signs with a bang! As we say goodbye to 2022, this month's astrology themes are all about wrapping up the loose ends and bringing closure to a wild and surprising year.

December 2022 Astrological Transits

  • Neptune stations direct in Pisces (December 3)

  • Mercury enters Capricorn (December 6)

  • Full Moon in Gemini (December 7)

  • Venus enters Capricorn (December 9)

  • Jupiter enters Aries (December 20)

  • Winter Solstice & Capricorn Season (December 21)

  • New Moon in Capricorn (December 23)

  • Mercury retrograde in Capricorn (December 29 - January 17, 2023)

Neptune stations direct in Pisces (December 3)

The skies are busy on Saturday, December 3. First, Neptune goes direct into its home sign, Pisces. With our dreams, hopes, and collective fantasies as a refuge, this transit seeks to shield us from the cold and dark reality we might face. 

Compassion and kindness will always help you see the world through rose-colored glasses. But don't let optimism turn into naivety and escapism. With Venus in Sagittarius squaring Neptune in Pisces, dishonesty and deception may be on the menu.

This fog may especially hit your love and finance departments. The proverb says, "All is fair in love and war," so keep your mind clear and trust your gut instinct to avoid double-dealing or subterfuge.

Jupiter enters Aries

Mercury enters Capricorn (December 6)

The planet of perception and communication moves into the sign of Capricorn until the end of 2022. Practical and diligent, your thoughts and communications will have a strong emphasis on personal responsibility. Use the upcoming weeks to focus on your career, goals, and expertise. 

What do you want to achieve? What structure do you need to fortify to succeed?

Some tips for navigating this transit: 

  • Keep your crystal-clear judgment and disciplined communication style from turning into rigidity and narrow-mindedness.

  • Stay open, flexible, and willing to accept differences.

  • Entrepreneurs and digital nomads: express your expertise in your field and show up on social

Full Moon in Gemini (December 7)

Reflection is the end of the year's modus operandi. With a full moon in the sign of curiosity, the Universe offers you a double opportunity to release the past six months.

With the moon conjunct with Mars retrograde, December's Gemini full moon is bound to pull up resentments, outrage, and pent-up frustrations to the surface. Watch out for reckless emotional reactions, and make room for healthy expressions of anger.

The tension you will feel during this full moon is ultimately here to teach you about the nature of your desires. This airy lunation is also a square to spiritual Neptune and expansive Jupiter.

So watch out for illusions and blatant lies. Manipulation is in the air on December 7, and love and empathy are your only armor.

Journal Prompts:

  • Are you willing to forgive the lies others have told you?

  • Are you ready to forgive yourself for the lies you've told others AND yourself?

The world is vast, and people are kind. Let reality prove to you that it is less cruel than your imaginings.

Full Moon in Gemini

Venus enters Capricorn (December 9)

Since Venus rules over values, reliability, and independence, now is a time to get serious about your relationships and financial matters. Astrologically, Capricorn is the determined sea goat who wavers at nothing to reach the heights he knows he deserves.

The same attitude, consistency, and self-discipline will help you overcome any obstacles these next weeks.

Jupiter enters Aries (December 20)

On December 20, Jupiter begins a new 12-year cycle through the zodiac as it moves into Aries, the sign of total independence. Fearless, you now have the chance to steer the wheel and embrace the power of complete control over your own life.

The only question you now need to ask yourself is: where to next? With enough gas in the tank, Jupiter in Aries energy is all set to help you manifest your dreams.

Here are a few tips for working with this transit:

With action-driven Mars still in retrograde in Gemini in a quintile to Jupiter, you may not have all the answers to the hurdles you face, but your creativity in finding solutions will be your salvation. So let go of the beaten path and forge your own way.

Winter Solstice & Sun enters Capricorn

Winter Solstice & Sun enters Capricorn (December 21)

The winter solstice, or "sun's rebirth," is an opportunity to honor the shortest day of the year. "Good vibes only," spiritual bypassing aside, we all face times of darkness. This December 21, you're invited to rejoice on the year's darkest day and the beginning of Capricorn season.

Through the determined sign of Capricorn, we are also taught that our inner light can never be dimmed. The illumination and awakening you've been waiting for are close by.

However, with the solstice word meaning "sun standing still," you shouldn't pressure yourself to make any changes at the moment. Slowly regain your energies by feeding yourself love, understanding, and warmth. If you consistently nurture yourself, great bliss and joy will be your harvest in 2023.

Suggested activities:

New Moon in Capricorn

New Moon in Capricorn (December 23)

The new moon is all about new beginnings. On December 23, the Moon and Sun conjunct in Capricorn encourages you to tie up loose ends and set final year goals before 2023. On the same day, the wounded healer centaur Chiron goes direct in Aries, flavoring this lunation with the urge to heal and surrender.

Is the past still haunting you? Today is a great day to truly let go of what has been weighing on your shoulders. Breathe. Take space. You deserve an opportunity to aim high and to let go of the early-days disappointments and failures. These old demons will only sabotage your success.

Mercury retrograde in Capricorn (December 29 - January 17, 2023)

The last Mercury retrograde of the year creeps in from December 29 until January 17, 2023. This time, in the earthy sign of Capricorn. Since retrogrades always ask us to reflect and reassess some of our past ways, Mercury retrograde in Capricorn brings a moral dilemma to your awareness.

Journal Prompts:

  • How do you make sense of the future if you can't deal with the past?

  • How can you survive the months and years ahead if you still need to figure out the lessons you need to learn from the past?

  • How to march forward while maintaining a healthy reverence for the past?

  • How do you move away from "hustle culture" and step into a more structured and comfortable blueprint for success?

Find the honest answer to these questions, and your year 2022 will end with a bang. Happy new year 2023, soul friends!

Fatima-Zahra, the founder of Living Simply, is a Holistic Astrologer and Spiritual Mentor who desires to guide people to the sacred remembrance of their true divine nature. You can follow her on her website, YouTube, or Instagram, where she shares cosmic wisdom for daily life.

Fatima-Zahra FARAHATE

Fatima-Zahra, the founder of Living Simplyy, is a holistic evolutionary astrologer and spiritual mentor. You can follow her on her website, YouTube channel, or Instagram where she shares cosmic insights for daily life.

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