Full Flower Moon: May Tarotscope 2019

It’s time to prepare for your Full Moon ritual and if you ask us at Oui, We Spring rituals are especially magical. This full moon, known as the “flower moon” - because of the time of year, the blooming season, marks a time of increased passion, fertility and creativity. This moon is in Scorpio - a sign that effortlessly grabs the spotlight. There’s mystery around Scorpio as well, so spend your full moon ritual time calling your secrets forward and allowing your intuition to guide what you do with those secrets.

If you haven’t read our post on how to perform a full moon ritual for manifestation, energy cleansing and more - read that here.

The tools for these types of rituals can be found here:

We now turn to Violet Guide for the full moon tarot reading.

Wild Unknown Tarot Deck, Flower Moon Reading
Tarotscope, Full Flower Moon

In the vision for this spread I saw three rivers that are growing deeply inside of us all. The collective rise is taking on our masculine side as the Emperor.

We are standing tall in a full light.

The first river is our collective body which is ultimately extending and growing a brand new community. This community exists within yourself and in how you treat yourself, as well as who we surround ourselves with. This is going to elevate the masculine entrepreneur spirit of empathy and kindness - and you are going to take charge over the wounds in your body and the words that have created energy pockets.

Tarotscope Full Moon, Wild Known Deck

As you do that, your body carries you forward in to taking ownership and clarity over yourself. This will manifest true partnership and love within your body and restoring it to the highest vibration. The ultimate outcome is reviving your energy cycle of strength and protection over yourself.

Our collective mind is the second river. The mind is undergoing a true change in the way we think. A metaphor’s energy rising up. This will bring the Sun card of enlightenment and awakening which leads to us thinking about what kind of world we want to manifest. For most of us that world is built around peace and harmony within our community. Now a new path of thinking is opening up and you are using that time of healing your inner child to clear your victim mentality. This path shows your guides really revealing the trust of the mind. 

The last river is our spirit and it is ready to face how those fears and deceitful thoughts have kept us in bondage. As you face it, the High Priestess card appears and allows us to rise to the occasion. Here we start taking ownership of how the sprit looks at partnership and relationships as we are rising out of that darkness into our our spiritual metamorphosis.

The spread is showing that all our spirits have really bonded and we have connected with others that help us understand and process why we had to let those old energies go. Ultimately, it calls our masculine magic intuition back and we gain a sharper vision of clarity and confidence. 

Really think about how this is manifesting and your part in raising the collective vibrations of the Earth again. 

Violet Guide

Words and images by Violet Guide.

Violet Guide worked as an ordained minister, working with trafficked and sexually exploited girls and women. She led healing teams, teaching individuals how to connect with their visions and heal deep-rooted traumas. She knew she needed to find a way for all of humanity to have access to healing without the ties of religion as an influence... so she left to find her truth path. Violet Guide found a path to true healing for mankind through reiki and tarot energy healing. She learned how to break toxic links of codependency and to trust her own body, mind and spirit again. Now she lives to help others do the same for themselves. Book a personal session here.

Andi Eaton Alleman

Andi Eaton is a creative director, author, entrepreneur, and cultural influencer in a variety of media. She produces Oui We (ouiwegirl.com) the modern bohemian's guide to everything from travel and style to beauty and holistic wellness. Andi and her projects have been featured on Domino, Glitter Guide, A Beautiful Mess, Southern Living, SELF, Hello Giggles, Refinery 29, WWD, Elle Canada and more; in 2017 she wrapped a year of road tripping throughout the U.S. photographing and documenting travel, style and culture stories available in her new book: "Wanderful: The Modern Bohemian's Guide to Traveling in Style".


New Moon in Gemini: June Tarotscope 2019


New Moon in Taurus: May Tarotscope 2019