Full Supermoon: March 2019 Equinox - Spring Is Here!

This Full Moon is the third in a series of Supermoons and will touch our closest relationships.

This moon coincides with the Spring equinox. The apex is in Libra (a brainy sign with a sense of justice). Libra is the sign opposite Aries (a sign full of spice and fire) and in turn this moon will raise challenges related to those you spend the most time with. Expect a heightened emotional awareness and feelings of being suspended - attempting to find a balance of light and dark.

On top of this we’re still facing a Mercury retrograde. Mercury is responsible for communication: so be mindful and aware of misunderstandings and heightened tensions.

Turning it over to Violet Guide for our reading:

The vision I had for March’s Full Moon is a full circle understanding coming into your awareness. This awareness is specifically about romantic relationships and the learned behaviors that have manifested in your life with the Two of Cups.

tarot, supermoon, wild unknown cards

We start off with the Ace of Swords bringing the truth and mental clarity to your awareness. This is that lightening strike moment of clearness in the storm of our sociology. This is a great time to make decisions you have been putting off or staying in denial about.

As you swallow your truth, you have the Five of Cups coming in to give you permission to cry and mourn with grief or possibly with disappointment or regret. Look inward to the expectations you’ve had in all of your romantic relationships and start to process and let go of the time invested.

The Ten of Cups follows suit with the highest vibration of energy coming back into your body. You may feel like you are regaining control and clarity over why all this repetitive behavior came around. Start writing and manifesting what you want in your romantic relationships - drive forward a manifestation of fulfillment and abundance! As you ponder and create that vision and relationship dream, the Eight of Wands comes in with the energy of sudden movement and change shifting out of you.

Think about what you have manifested in the past or possibly, during this retrograde who has came back on your path that has brought awareness to your life. Unpacking that will lead to the natural growth tension of the Four of Pentacles. Stop and think about what might have been possessive or controlling inside of you that hindered past relationships.

We are moving out of Virgo - which is all about bringing the scales out and weighing both sides. You have to take personal responsibility in your own growth. No time to play victim anymore. This leads us to the Six of Swords - a victorious moment, success and rising up! This realization will give you flight - it’s a positive rising up and you will feel yourself moving out of the odds that have been stacked against you.

The last two cards say this: it is safe to look at The Tower of what those unexpected moments of trauma created and brace yourself for this inner change. Pain can be challenging and confusing but the breakthrough is here with the Hierophant coming through. It brings knowledge and a mentor to guide your process and unlock these doors.

Break off that heavy past relationship weight!

Keep the knowledge alive and call in some new rituals with this Full Moon!

All My Love,

Violet Guide

Words and images by Violet Guide:

Violet Guide worked as an ordained minister, working with trafficked and sexually exploited girls and women. She led healing teams, teaching individuals how to connect with their visions and heal deep-rooted traumas. She knew she needed to find a way for all of humanity to have access to healing without the ties of religion as an influence... so she left to find her truth path. Violet Guide found a path to true healing for mankind through reiki and tarot energy healing. She learned how to break toxic links of codependency and to trust her own body, mind and spirit again. Now she lives to help others do the same for themselves. Book a personal session here.

Andi Eaton Alleman

Andi Eaton is a creative director, author, entrepreneur, and cultural influencer in a variety of media. She produces Oui We (ouiwegirl.com) the modern bohemian's guide to everything from travel and style to beauty and holistic wellness. Andi and her projects have been featured on Domino, Glitter Guide, A Beautiful Mess, Southern Living, SELF, Hello Giggles, Refinery 29, WWD, Elle Canada and more; in 2017 she wrapped a year of road tripping throughout the U.S. photographing and documenting travel, style and culture stories available in her new book: "Wanderful: The Modern Bohemian's Guide to Traveling in Style".


New Moon in Aries: April Tarotscope 2019


New Moon in Pisces: March 2019 Tarotscope