Your Astrological Guide to July 2022

Your astrological guide to July 2022 is here! It’s time for movement and change, and the upcoming month of July reminds us to look at the more positive sides of life. Let’s explore the astrology of July 2022!

astrological guide

June 2022 recap

With the much anticipated annual summer solstice on June 21st, which kicked off Cancer season, our inner navigation system is now pushing us towards nourishment and emotional sustenance. On June 3rd, the planet of communication, Mercury, ended its retrograde cycle, bringing us more clarity and answers - a much necessary bowl of reality after a dazed and confused transit. 

Soon after, Saturn embarked us on another introspective journey as it went retrograde in the sign of technology and freedom, Aquarius. Lasting until October 2022, use this voyage to restructure the very foundations of your life. 

Remember: there is no shortcut to success. Neither is there a “right” or “wrong” path leading to it. It’s all about the efforts, the intentions, and the acceptance of the ordeals we face along the way.

July 2022 Astrology at a glance

Welcome to your summer and your monthly horoscope for July 2022! Hot witch summer is on! With a new sense of optimism and bravado, this month promises new chapters and heartfelt experiences. 

Also known as Hekatombaion in Ancient Athens, the month of July is the peak of summer when the Gods feast around the themes of fertility, abundance, and joy. As for us mortals, embracing fun, passion, and grace in our lives is now more critical than ever.

Whether you’re enjoying a zenned-out vacation or just enjoying the summer spirit, put relaxation, rest, and self-care on a high pedestal. New encounters, passions, and excitement in the love department could also be on the menu, especially with Jupiter marching forward in the sign of the adventurous Aries.

Astrological Guide to July

July 4th: Mars enters Taurus

When the hot-headed Indiana Jones planet of the Zodiac enters the luscious domain of the proficient and down-to-earth Taurus, we will shift from impatience and recklessness into careful and pragmatic planning. As a fixed sign, Taurus energy doesn’t like to hurry. But rest assured, what you lose in speed, you gain in strategy, resolution, discipline, and determination.

Grounded and tenacious, now is the time for you to plan for the future, safeguard your dreams, execute that business plan, or grow that vegetable garden you peeped on Pinterest. Take the necessary moves to reach your goals, one step at a time.

On the downside, this transit could exacerbate our inner resistance to outside voices, energies, or support, regardless of their validity or intention. Pay close attention to the nuance between “determined at all costs” and “defensive by all means” until August 20th. Using your stubbornness to advance in life instead of turning help away is vital here.

Astrologically, Mars also rules over our passions and sexuality. So for the upcoming weeks, drop down to your senses and allow yourself to feel, touch, be touched, and savor all the pleasures of life.

July 4th: Mercury enters Cancer

Mark your calendars cause July 4th will be a biggie. Alongside Mars, Mercury is also changing location as the planet of communication and intellect enters the warm Cancerian waters.

The theme of this transit is simple: emotions as fuel for thoughts and ideas. But, as the messenger of the Gods travels through the sign of hearth, family, and nurture, your words could have an even more vital healing aspect to them.

Recite mantras, repeat self-love affirmations, listen to guided meditations, and binge your favorite podcast. Allow the intellect to speak directly to your heart and vice versa.

On the flip side, you could feel more hypersensitive to conversations, arguments, and opposing opinions during the upcoming weeks. In astrology, the sign of Cancer is linked with the crab. This symbolizes its “hard shell, soft exterior” and natural defensiveness.

As you will take to heart everything you hear, beware of taking everything personally to create unnecessary conflicts or drama. Instead, use writing or channeling as healthy outlets of expression. Cancer can give you a deeper meaning. It’s up to you to use it wisely.

July 13th: Full Moon in Capricorn

A Capricorn full moon illuminating the dark sky is just what we need right now! Usually associated with our work and reputation, the sign of the sea-goat reminds us here to think about work-life balance. Focus your energy on the exciting long-term plans and projects you initiated over the last six months.

With more self-control and discipline around your emotions, you could feel somewhat detached, as if being in your feelings is a threat to your safety. Because of this emotional modesty, conflicts with fatherly figures, bosses, or the authorities could ensue.

The Moon in Capricorn wants to lead and be the expert in the room. So surround yourself with people who trust your judgment and want to see you thrive.

Since the ruler of Capricorn, Saturn, is retrograde, strong and steady revelations could be unveiled, showing you the previously-hidden cracks of your emotional structure. Because full moons are great culmination points, use this lunar cycle to release the habits preventing you from reaching your full potential.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • When was the last time I celebrated my wins?

  • In which ways am I sabotaging my radiance?

  • Am I purposefully censoring myself out of ridicule or lack of recognition?

  • What are my deep-rooted fears keeping me stuck in the status quo?

  • In which ways am I hiding my true potential from the rest of the world?

Astrological Guide to July

July 17th: Venus enters Cancer

When the planet of love, finances, and relationships enters the sensitive and empathic sign of Cancer, the next four weeks promise to be an emotional roller coaster! Intimacy, cuddles, family movie nights, and self-care could become your top priorities. 

Ruled by the ever-shifting moon, Cancer represents the cyclic nature of our emotions. Similarly, your relationships will be filled with mood swings and plenty of love, care, and nurture.

Honor your heart, whether it’s your love partner, family, colleagues, or friends. What do you feel like doing/giving/receiving? Allow your relationships to turn into safe spaces for emotional healing and expression.

Since Cancer tells us the story of visceral motherly love, you could feel the need to spend more time at home, redecorate your interiors, spend time with your pets or children, or introduce more plants into your living area.

Do watch out for passive-aggressive tendencies in your relationships. Stay clear from comfort food, over-protecting your finances, smothering your loved ones, or victimizing yourself. To fully benefit from this Venusian transit, make space for fun, calculated risks, and adventures.

July 19th: Mercury enters Leo

Time to be your own biggest fan! Just a few days before Leo season, the planet of communication enters the flamboyant fire sign, Leo. This contact is bound to add drama, boldness, extravaganza, and creativity to our overly comfortable summer days.

Leo is the Zodiac sign that rules over our solar plexus chakra, our ability to express ourselves and embrace what makes us unique. Usually called out for being obnoxious or selfish, the healthy expression of this prideful sign is far from it.

By being 100% authentic and self-serving, Leo teaches us how to become true royalty. Only when you know who you are can you guide others to find the road back to themselves. Like the sun, all life can benefit from your radiance.

On July 19th, when our intellect becomes tainted with Leo’s spirit, our ideas must, too, become royalty. So some of your best ideas will be for cinematic value only during these next two weeks. 

Think big displays of affection, loud waves of laughter, outgoing conversations, bold questions, and even bolder answers. Be ready to watch the sparks light up from your interactions, and be willing to extinguish some fires before they turn into wildfire camps.

Putting yourself out there and receiving the crowd’s gaze may be scary, but it is necessary for your growth. So accept your lively spirit and let it inspire others around you.

July 22nd: The Sun enters Leo

Flap your wings, social butterfly, because it’s a hot, hot, hot summer. Leo season kicks in on July 22nd, and now is the perfect time to be the main character of your own story. Are you being authentic? What does your heart truly desire? What is your gut ushering you towards? Honoring your wisdom is your ally.

Leo season is about letting your inner child come out, picking up an art form, and giving in to playful, light, and carefree activities. Call your girlfriends, go to a party, or plan a beach hang-out. Not everything has to be deep and meaningful. Remember how fulfilling it can be to have fun.

Some of the things you should look out for during the upcoming weeks is the excessive desire to be under the spotlight. Receiving external praise and validation is the cherry on the cake, not the entire meal.

Leo is known to be the life and soul of the party, so use Leo season to build on your confidence. But enough with attention-seeking and out-shining others. Instead, find solace in sorority and support. 

True confidence is knowing that your light cannot be dimmed by anyone else’s. You can embrace your greatness by being a genuine cheerleader to those around you.

Astrological Guide to July

July 28th: New Moon in Leo

Ready to manifest the luxurious life you want and deserve? Now is the moment to set the stage. It’s time to pour even more passion and energy into your brand. 

The July 28th New Moon in Leo, happening at 5°38’ of the solar-powered sign, is an opportunity to start new creative projects and endeavors. Since New Moons are the still points of the lunar cycle, July 28th is your chance to spend some quality me-time. This is also a great reminder to add more romance into your life. 

Whether in a committed relationship, single, or mingling, this new moon is a call to invoke more pleasure and teenager-movie-like play. So lead with your heart, and do not fear ridicule: the only person you need to impress is yourself.

Pull out the animal prints, the bedazzled jewelry, the glitter, the colorful outfits, and the Instagrammable accessories. Embellish your body and environment to remind yourself of your infinite inner resourcefulness.

To fully reap the benefits of this new lunar cycle, tap into your inner artist. Let the creativity flow. Whatever you create or embark on over the following weeks will be of grand proportions.

July 28th: Jupiter Retrograde in Aries

On the same day, the “Great Benefic” planet of Jupiter goes retrograde in Aries. A transit that will last four months, asking us to widen our perspectives.

When a planet goes retrograde, the cosmos invites us to revisit an area of our psyche and consciousness. As we “revisit” these themes, we can reframe them to add value, correct, and tweak the details we may have previously missed.

Jupiter represents the great teacher of the Zodiac. This planet of opportunities, luck, optimism, broad horizons, and spirituality is reaching out to a place we’ve never been before. Aries represents our ability to take the lead, take action, and be self-serving. This warrior is always down for stepping into uncharted territories.

Because of this, this transit is a boost of energy directed at our needs, wants, and desires, igniting our inner fire and teaching us more about ourselves than we care to admit. 

  • Where have you neglected serving yourself? 

  • What needs have you constantly denied and suppressed?

“Be your own guru, be your own teacher, be your own mentor.” This will be the message Jupiter will be singing (or shouting) in your ears in the coming weeks.

In due time, you will realize how much abundance and innovative solutions are already available. So, move beyond your self-imposed limits and create the opportunities you would love to be handled.

The battle is on, and the battlefield will be your past, your haunted thoughts this time. The war is raging inside your heart, and your inner warrior will come out victorious if only you feed him love, compassion, and support throughout the journey.

Astrological Guide to July

Simple self-love practice to incorporate this July 2022 for each zodiac sign

Check your rising sign, followed by your sun and moon signs, for more precision.


Treat yourself to an ice-cream date night.


Organize a game night with your chosen family. 


Listen to an inspiring podcast every morning.


Declutter 10 items from your home office or bedroom for more clarity.


Write an affirmation on your mirror in lipstick.


Limit your screen time, be stingy with your energy and refuel your batteries.


Spend time with someone who inspires you. Join a support group or a like-minded membership program.


Share an inspirational personal story with the world (via social media, public speaking, or writing).


Go for a daily walk without your phone.


Use the Pomodoro method at work.


Set daily intentions based on your dreams.


Drink plenty of water and stretch to relieve tensions.

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Fatima-Zahra, the founder of Living Simplyy, is a Holistic Astrologer, Modern Mystic, and Spiritual Mentor with the desire to guide people to the sacred remembrance of their true divine nature. You can follow her on her website, YouTube, or Instagram where she shares cosmic wisdom for daily life.

Fatima-Zahra FARAHATE

Fatima-Zahra, the founder of Living Simplyy, is a holistic evolutionary astrologer and spiritual mentor. You can follow her on her website, YouTube channel, or Instagram where she shares cosmic insights for daily life.

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