Super Full Moon in Capricorn: Powerful Journal Prompts and Ritual

With the Super Full Moon of June 24 happening at 3°27’ of Capricorn, it’s time to express the feelings that have been building up over time and acknowledge the hidden corners of your psyche.

After a charged Solar Eclipse in Gemini, and a strapping Summer Solstice on June 21st, this Full Moon in the sign of Capricorn is going to be a time of revelations and major upheavals.

Have you heard of the Hermetic paraphrase “As above, so below”? The Moon represents our deep-rooted feelings and subconscious mind. So when the Moon is fully illuminated in the sky, what it represents is also fully visible here on Earth.

In other words, our emotions reach their peak, and our Ego, symbolized by the Sun, is separate from them, giving us clear and direct access to our sentiments.

Super Full Moons are even more potent days, and they sure have a gift from bringing out in the open things all sorts of hidden aspects. It ain’t no coincidence that the legendary werewolf transforms during the Full Moon. And for sure, if you don’t choose a healthy way to release this extra energy build-up, it will be overwhelming or even chaotic!

Nurturing your inner self

During Full Moons, the Sun and Moon are polar opposites in the sky. On June 24, the Sun will be swimming at 3° through the sensitive sign of Cancer while the Moon will be at 3° of the earthy Capricorn.

Our collective awareness will be centered around the Cancer-Capricorn axis, bringing our focus to the tension between our past/roots/private life represented by Cancer vs our future/goals/public image, represented by Capricorn. 

In their essence, the two signs seek the same thing: to create a solid foundation and to nurture. The difference is: Cancer guards his past while Capricorn protects his future.

The sign of the crab, Cancer, is all about our past, our origins, our family, and our inner self. Ruled by the Moon, the energy of this watery sign is motherly, sometimes even smothering or over-protective.

And what is the crab protecting, you ask? It’s a soft, sweet, and sensitive core.

Throughout this week, you could be asked to stop playing it safe all the time. Your protective bubble and defense mechanisms are great, you need to thank and honor them because they have kept you out of harm’s way over the years. But your shield should not turn into your prison.


Making room for more work-life balance

On the other side of the Zodiac wheel, Capricorn rules over our reputation and achievements. This cardinal sign represents our most public image, where we want to go in life.

Grounded and poised, Capricorn teaches us the importance of hard work, dedication, and long-lasting efforts.

In the image of its ruler, Saturn, Capricorn is all about caring for what stands the test of time: careers, reputations, legacies, wealth... Similarly, you may find yourself focusing more on the long-term seeds, and stepping away from instant gratification. 

Trust the process and remember that yesterday was the best day to plant seeds, and the next best day: today!

Capricorn’s energy can also turn on its head and become cold, limiting, workaholic and ruthless. Think of Miranda Priestly in The devil wears Prada.

This lower vibrational extreme can lead us towards neglecting our loved ones and running away from intimacy because we’re too caught up answering emails and trading hours for dollars.

Do not refuse the love you receive from the Universe. Someday, you may feel like coming back home, only to find it void, empty, and cold. Step into the vulnerability of not always being in control, of being available, of resting.

Stop “hustling” or “grinding” on a daily basis. Normalize rest, self-care, and quality time with loved ones: a glass of wine with friends, a movie with the kids, cuddles in bed with the partner, a good book before bed... These small moments of bliss and unconditional love, as “unproductive” as they may seem, hold the power to our success in life.

When you find the balance between your inner Cancer-Capricorn energy, you can truly turn into your own authority, and benefit from a strong structure that can never be destroyed by nay-sayers, lack of motivation, or external forces. Wouldn’t it be awesome to know where you come from; and to know exactly where you’re headed at the same time?

Resilience is the new black

Now, I want you to take a look at where Cancer and Capricorn fall in your chart, as it will help you determine which areas of your life will most likely be impacted by this Super Moon. People with personal planets at 0 to 9 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) will be the most affected by this Super Moon.

Over the next two weeks, you may become aware of some of your negative patterns around the activated areas of your life: self-sabotage excuses to not put in the work, fear of being judged, etc. This doubt and hesitation in your approach eventually come down to how you view and value yourself.

Under the light of the Capricorn Full Moon, trust in your abilities and reconcile between your inner and outer self! Also speak up, even when your voice shakes or when you start your sentence with a stutter.

Besides, one of the most important aspects of this Full Moon is Venus opposite Pluto. This aspect highlights our need for love, security, deep intimacy, and closeness in our relationships. And hey, these things are great… when they are consciously agreed on by both partners!

Don’t venture into paranoia, possessiveness, fear of letting go, obsession, manipulation, or power struggles. Instead, use your inner magic to create a healthy environment in which depth and intimacy are a natural given.

To assist you during this process, the Full Moon sextile Jupiter in Pisces aspect will bring a lot of positivity, kindness, luck, and joy to our lives! This is an ideal time to go out, have fun, socialize, make new friendships, and open up to the opportunities that come your way. 

You could also get involved in spiritual or educational ventures. Use the overall optimism and confidence boost you may be feeling in the next few days to get out of any ruts or challenges you may face.


Super Full Moon in Capricorn ritual:

Entering liminal spaces during each lunar phase is a great way to tap into our inner mystic and make tangible changes in our reality. In order to benefit from this powerful Super Moon in Capricorn, I invite you to perform the following simple, yet truly empowering Full Moon ceremony.

Step 1: Meditate

Before you begin, take deep breaths in and reflect on the importance of this Full Moon, and what it specifically represents for you. Meditate on this for a few minutes until you feel calm, grounded, and peaceful. Then, sit in a comfortable position, play some inspiring music and grab a pen and journal.

Step 2: Gratitude list

First, I want you to begin by filling a gratitude list. Write down at least 10 things you’re grateful for today. The list could be as long as you want it to be. Take the necessary time to truly feel this gratitude with your entire body, mind, and soul.

Gratitude is your ally, all throughout life. By saying thank you to the Universe, we are always rewarded with more. But especially with Jupiter in Pisces until July 28: the more you implement unconditional love, and the more you focus on spirituality, kindness, and compassion, the more you will be blessed!

Step 3: Release the past

After you’ve listed the things you’re thankful for, start another list where you will write down at least 10 people, events or situations that hurt you or wounded you, and that you are open and ready to either release and forgive.

Once again, the most important part is to feel this release happening on an energetic level. Close your eyes, visualize what it felt like to be mistreated, insulted, hurt, neglected, looked down on… What traumas and triggers did it activate within you? How did you internalize those feelings of inadequacy? How did this memory hurt you over time, and why is it important for you to let it go?

Allow yourself to feel into your wounds, but do not dwell there. After you actively remember the pain, envision what it would take for you to let it go. How much lighter it would feel to not carry that weight anymore, to be lighter, happier, and more at peace with yourself. 

Let these positive frequencies fill your body and transmute all the negative experiences from the past into power, fuel, and creativity.


Step 4: Journaling prompts

And finally, on the last page, I invite you to answer the following Super Full Moon in Capricorn journal prompts:

  • If you’ve been overworking lately: are you pouring your energy into your work, or are you running away from yourself?

  • If you’ve been neglecting your work lately: are you focusing on your family and wellbeing, or is it fear of failure, defeatism, and an excuse to not go after your dreams?

  • How do you deal with authority in your life? Are you your own authority?

  • Where are you being codependent? Where are you being overly independent?

  • In what area of your life do you need to have constant control, instead of just being soft, cared for, and nurtured?

  • How can you merge the energy of your private and public self? Between your need to go inwards, and your desire to explore outwards?

  • What areas of your life have strong defense mechanisms and locks built around it in order to protect it? What is it hiding?

  • What can you transform and renew at this time?

  • How can you show up for yourself and others with integrity, authority, and power; and, at the same time, with love, compassion, and kindness?

Want to dive deeper into Lunar Living? Eager to use the Moon to get what you want and achieve your desires? Join us in Culte La Lune.

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Fatima-Zahra, founder of Living Simplyy, is a Holistic Astrologer, Modern Mystic and Spiritual Mentor with the desire to guide people to the sacred remembrance of their divine nature. You can follow her on her website or her YouTube and Instagram accounts.

Fatima-Zahra FARAHATE

Fatima-Zahra, the founder of Living Simplyy, is a holistic evolutionary astrologer and spiritual mentor. You can follow her on her website, YouTube channel, or Instagram where she shares cosmic insights for daily life.

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