The Solar Eclipse: Change the World With Your Power

Monday a total solar eclipse streaked a path across the entirety of the United States. Eclipses are intense, drastic, and direct change bringers. With the arrival of this long awaited eclipse came the most powerful new moon of 2017. New moons summon us inward - they call for contemplation, seed-planting, and future oriented focus. This is the second new moon occurring in Leo this year, the first taking place on 7/23 at 0° Leo and Monday's at 28° Leo. This means we’re getting a double dose of Leo initiative this year. 

Post Eclipse Astrology

♌️ 🎤💃🏼 Leo at it’s core longs for self expression. It wants to create, dance, paint and sing to fully realize itself. It longs for it’s own sense of authority and admiration. We're being asked to get in touch with our inner child. The child who proudly holds up whatever creation it scribbled with markers or the child who sings loud and unabashedly, putting on a performance for its parents. When this new moon crosses our sun, stripping us briefly of our warm glowing August sunshine, we’ll be left in the dark pondering both upward and inward. Who was I intended to be? Maybe our kid selves know more about us than we do now.

🌞 🌝  When our powerful sun is dominated by the seemingly docile moon, she takes the throne. The solar principle is a masculine one, extroverted and assertive. The ultra feminine, receptive, and reflective moon showed us her power by plunging us into a place of interior awareness. We can plunge into the depths of our soul and emotions. The moon’s brief conquering of the sun will send us spiraling into this internal darkness - seeking our truest motivations and feelings. We will blindly feel and fumble around inside, tracing our hands over the familiar textures and grooves of our souls to verify what is real and there all along. 

♍️ 🎭 ❤️  All the while Mercury travels backwards in Virgo, a sign in which he is extremely dignified and detailed. Mercury retrograde only adds more emphasis onto inward thinking. It’s a time when we go back, having missed something important, only to dust it off and add it to our arsenal of awareness. This total solar eclipse is conjunct Mars at 20° Leo, the planet of war and self assertion in the sign of pride - putting him at the planetary front lines. This potent new moon and Mars eclipse energy wants us to begin a fresh start (new moon) drastically, with courage strength (eclipse, Mars) in our personal sphere of creativity and self expression (Leo). In these tough times, it’s hard to imagine cultivating one’s joy and art. It seems selfish and out of place when so much is happening on a global scale. But by cultivating yourself, your voice, your vision, and your love - you can change the world with your power. Take the time to witness your shadow today, to find what’s gone missing, and bring it into the light.

Words and image: Zodiac Mack

Mackenzie Greer is an astrologer, palm reader, and photographer based out of Astoria, Queens NY. She studied palmistry for several years under the esteemed Ellen Goldberg at the School of Oracles in the West Village and is currently working to earn her diploma at the renowned astrological institute of Kepler College. She can be found roaming astrology conferences nationwide. Mackenzie is a Cancer sun, Pisces moon, and Leo rising- which ultimately renders her a shy sensitive emotional creature who dons the mask of a happy go lucky romantic. She can be reached out to for any astro-inquiries over at @mackandthezodiac and @mackenziegreer!


Aries Full Moon


Spontaneous Combustion