New Moon in Libra With Venus in Retrograde

I’ve received quite a few questions lately about what exactly the “new moon” is. So before we get into the reading from Violet Guide I thought I’d speak to what the new moon is first. The new moon is the birth of the new lunar cycle - simply put it’s the start of a fresh month astrologically. There’s a promise of a renewal as the sun and moon align. This month however there’s the addition of Venus moving retrograde. I shared a bit about this on my instagram stories earlier this week and so many of you were already feeling the impact!

As an overview - during a retrograde love, money, communication and more can spin backwards and stall out for a time. Venus, however is the ruler of Libra, the sign under which this new moon is rising so there’s a deeper un-earthing around love and old relationships from the past. As much as we want to look toward the future old flames, estranged family members and friendships you’ve long since abandoned will circle back into your sphere. We will have to confront a bit of our own shadow, which can feel uncomfortable, however remember, the more we learn, the more we can use that to guide our future! - Andi

Now on to the reading:

Violet Guide for Oui We

The Signifying Card

Seven of Wands / Oui We

The Seven of Wands is what is igniting us. We are standing alone in our own light, pushing away the darkness and finding that inner fire. Expect a lot of inner answers to come to you during this time - you’ll understand more of yourself for an inner awakening. We are the only ones that can light our own path inside of ourselves.

Body, Mind and Spirit

The body is reaping the good fruit, we are seeing the gold in ourselves and focusing on how to physically create that realm of manifesting what what we have been working on.

The mind is on romance and specifically who you have partnered up with in that realm. Since Venus is in retrograde, there will be a lot of relationships rising up in our minds to come into healing light. Ask yourself why you are in these partnerships and what energy is actually wrapped around them. Invest in the ones that bring that good fruit and lifting, and it goes both ways.

Our collective spirit is the Six of Wands with the image of the butterfly rising up out of it’s own darkness. You are coming out of that thorny area and rising up saying, “Here I am. This is me.” Up and out sweet angels! Keep that rising energy up inside of yourself, your true Spirit is rising to the top!

Body Mind Spirit Cards / Oui We

The Skill of Mastering

The Judgement card is the main card of true mastering, even though it looks harsh it is actually the card of Forgiveness. Letting it all go and not letting the past have power over your future. In this position, it is reversed which I am picking up as a dumping of that forgiveness and grace within yourself in understanding the reasons you need self forgiveness. Let that light push out of you and feel that freedom.

What We Are Clearing

As we release and lift, there is a new beginning in the Ace of Swords of mental clarity and strength has us cut through the thickness of the Ten of Wands. I am getting the image of the prince in Sleeping Beauty when he is having to cut through all the thorns with his sword. So that Sword is of forgiveness and we are taking care of business. You are in fact, taking your power back and clearing your own blocks.

Natural Expansion

Natural Expansion / Oui We

As the journey of cutting out our own thorns & debris, the natural expansion and awareness of the Four of Wands is growing inside of you. There is a brand new light of how you see yourself, others and the world. What a power. Lean into the awakening and stretching of it. You will feel a little sore in the top of your shoulders, back and neck because that old build up of stress is escaping your body. You’ve been swinging that sword! Sage your body! Take time to purify and see the new light enter into your own being.

Higher Self

Higher Self / Oui We

The Daughter of Swords is wide awake while your intuition and mind’s eye wisdom are growing and uniting together. We are going to feel a little upside down in ourselves for a minute because it’s how a new way of thinking is manifesting inside. The Ace of Wands is that new electricity of creative awakening coming into your bones. Lean into your new Self and way of thinking. Practice the goodness that is coming through.


Pain is unavoidable. It is how we handle it that changes our destiny. It has been a very illuminating shadow side of the moon with so many relationships. So be thankful for the wake up call because it is time to snap out of it and move forward. Give yourself the same love that you would want to give to others.

Peace and Light,

Violet Guide

Words and images by Violet Guide:

Violet Guide worked as an ordained minister, working with trafficked and sexually exploited girls and women. She led healing teams, teaching individuals how to connect with their visions and heal deep-rooted traumas. She knew she needed to find a way for all of humanity to have access to healing without the ties of religion as an influence... so she left to find her truth path. Violet Guide found a path to true healing for mankind through reiki and tarot energy healing. She learned how to break toxic links of codependency and to trust her own body, mind and spirit again. Now she lives to help others do the same for themselves. Book a personal session here.

Andi Eaton Alleman

Andi Eaton is a creative director, author, entrepreneur, and cultural influencer in a variety of media. She produces Oui We ( the modern bohemian's guide to everything from travel and style to beauty and holistic wellness. Andi and her projects have been featured on Domino, Glitter Guide, A Beautiful Mess, Southern Living, SELF, Hello Giggles, Refinery 29, WWD, Elle Canada and more; in 2017 she wrapped a year of road tripping throughout the U.S. photographing and documenting travel, style and culture stories available in her new book: "Wanderful: The Modern Bohemian's Guide to Traveling in Style".

Full Moon in Taurus: Tarotscope October 2018


Aries Full Moon Tarotscope