Jupiter Enters Scorpio: Expansion, Exploration & Experience

♃ ✨  Today welcomes a collective change as the largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter, changes sign and moves into Scorpio until November 2018. I think it’s safe to say that we’re ready to welcome in a breath of fresh air into our lives as 2017 has proved to be emotionally challenging for many of us. Jupiter, among other things, represents expansion, exploration, and experience. Wherever Jupiter travels through our charts, we are in-taking in that area of life.

Mack and the Zodiac

🕊  ♎️  Jupiter spent the last year moving through Libra - helping us hone in on issues with “the other” in our lives. Through out this time, we’ve learned lessons in harmony and relationship on both personal and collective levels. We became fully aware of the power we have when we band together. The women’s march, the countless political protests, and the support we collectively share in the wake of mass tragedy represent the goals of Jupiter’s time in Libra. Of course these events don’t exist in a vacuum, they’re directly linked to an opposite. Individual power, chaos, and violence. Uranus in Aries is the very embodiment of this extreme energy. Jupiter came into three perfect oppositions with Uranus over the last year and each time corresponded with violence, outrage, and political uproar. The final opposition between the two went exact Sept. 26, just days before the Las Vegas massacre. Jupiter fortunately has new ground to cover and has completed his volatile conversations with Uranus for now. ♈️ 🔥

🔮  So, what will the next year of Jupiter in Scorpio have in store for us? An exploration of the unknown. A dive into the deep unconscious. Hyper sexualization-for good or for bad. Exploring death. Growing into mysticism, alchemy, the occult. Entering ego death. Amplifying the intensity of living. A desire for mystery and penetrating powerful emotions. A journey to plunge beneath the surface into the heart of the underworld. Where we’re headed is a powerful place. We will feel the need to explore to our innermost core. Scorpio doesn’t do bullshit. It can’t. It will push us to go beyond the surface pleasantries and light charisma of Libra and into the deep, dark heart of the matter.

♏️  Scorpio is very much concerned with merging with another, often on a sexual level that borders on transcendental. Libra is aware of the other and tries all their life to balance and incorporate them into their personal lives. Scorpio wants to take it a step further, they want to transcend with the other, by experiencing a mutual ego death and merging together so they become one. Woah, lol. While the above mentioned isn’t very fluffy and fun - it may be just what the doctor ordered. We have to courageously descend into our own basements, clear out the cobwebs of what we believe about ourselves, and come face to face with our demons. We can’t move forward until we know exactly who we are, and we sort out what is crucial to our soul purpose. 

Words and image: Zodiac Mack

Mackenzie Greer is an astrologer, palm reader, and photographer based out of Astoria, Queens NY. She studied palmistry for several years under the esteemed Ellen Goldberg at the School of Oracles in the West Village and is currently working to earn her diploma at the renowned astrological institute of Kepler College. She can be found roaming astrology conferences nationwide. Mackenzie is a Cancer sun, Pisces moon, and Leo rising- which ultimately renders her a shy sensitive emotional creature who dons the mask of a happy go lucky romantic. She can be reached out to for any astro-inquiries over at @mackandthezodiac and @mackenziegreer!

Andi Eaton Alleman

Andi Eaton is a creative director, author, entrepreneur, and cultural influencer in a variety of media. She produces Oui We (ouiwegirl.com) the modern bohemian's guide to everything from travel and style to beauty and holistic wellness. Andi and her projects have been featured on Domino, Glitter Guide, A Beautiful Mess, Southern Living, SELF, Hello Giggles, Refinery 29, WWD, Elle Canada and more; in 2017 she wrapped a year of road tripping throughout the U.S. photographing and documenting travel, style and culture stories available in her new book: "Wanderful: The Modern Bohemian's Guide to Traveling in Style".


The End of Scorpio Season


Aries Full Moon