Virgo Season Zodiac Report: Horoscopes, Uranus Retrograde, and North Node in Gemini

Virgo Season Horoscopes and Astrology Report

Uranus, the planet of unpredictable outcomes and rebellions, officially stationed retrograde on Saturday, August 15, in the sign of Taurus, sign of money and values.

Uranus rules Aquarius, along with Saturn, and the fact that both of these planets are currently retrograde in earth signs is rather significant. Saturn will go direct at the tail end of September, but Uranus will not go direct until January, setting up a major theme for the year ahead. There is still so much resistance to the kinds of out of the box ideas that Saturn in Aquarius has in store and finds quite necessary to progress our evolution.

Saturn and Uranus will be in a square for all of next year, denoting a lot more of this same type of resistance and push-and-pull between innovating in new and inclusive directions, and holding firmly to what is known and familiar. But these planets just need to work out this dance in communication with one another, showing each other their side of things. Ultimately, the Aquarian qualities of humanitarianism and advancement will prevail because that is Saturn in Aquarius’ aim and infallible goal, but it’s not going to be a quick happening, not from our earthly perspective. With Uranus retrograde, we can truly expect anything. 

As we move through the middle to the end of this month, Mars comes into a square with Saturn, an aspect these planets will be making until early October. Venus in Cancer is squaring Mars and opposing Saturn, Jupiter, and Pluto until September 6th, bringing in nurturance - these aspects together might feel like “tough love.”

All of this cardinal energy is urging us to act, take ownership. Mercury moves into its home of Virgo on the 19th of August, followed by the sun on the 22nd, and we move from the reprieve that Leo season offered us and are highly urged to shape up those Virgo-ruled and sixth house matters in our charts.

Perhaps we will see a lowering of virus cases again for the short-term, as people naturally become more focused on health and getting serious about routines. With Virgo season, it’s about taking daily detailed steps that add up to that big picture outcome of health that we are looking towards - health on the micro and the macro level. The short term reward of choosing the comforting thing seems to pale in comparison to the long-term outcomes from more regimented nutrition and exercise as a new lifestyle.

Mercury conjunct sun in Virgo will strongly encourage each of us to prepare for the coming months. The grand earth trine between these planets along with the retrograde planets in Capricorn and Taurus is all about practical preparation, taking accountability, and showing us that sustainable progress wins over procrastination and “put it on the back burner” thinking. 

Mars will join in the retrograde party in September, and is in its shadow period now.

The general consensus is that tempers are already quick and flaring, but the good news is that they burn out and pass quickly too, if we let them. It is just as natural to feel bliss for seemingly no reason as it is to feel agitation for seemingly no reason during this time. Learning not to attach to any distractions that might take our focus away from our intentions is a challenge.

But with Mars retrograde in Aries, we can make the challenges into fun games, too. Aries is, among other things, the archetype of the activist, and the activists within us all continue to be activated as we finish the year. The challenge is staying informed, while not losing ourselves or getting swept away by the mentality of the herd. It is this cardinal, leading energy that we’re being infused with - and great leaders protect the masses to the best of their ability, while also thinking critically and practicing self-reliance. 

There will continue to be a lot of misinformation spread and part of that is that that’s one of the byproducts of this connected global network we have, that will only continue to advance and be expanded upon as we go forward.

North Node in Gemini + South Node in Sagittarius

The other part of that is that our North Node is in Gemini and South Node is in Sagittarius - our information sources are all over the place as we are in an age of information overload with so many varying thoughts, opinions, and ever-changing details that make it hard to keep track of it all. One way to deal with this is obviously choosing what to put our attention on. Astrology should always bring us back to thinking for ourselves. With practice, we can develop these skills, and we will need them going forward. 

Those who have Virgo and Pisces prominence in their natal charts will feel these influences more acutely because they are squared up to the Gemini and Sagittarius north and south nodes. And so, as we enter Virgo season, we feel it more intensely, too. The only way to really use these next few weeks irresponsibly would be to ignore it completely, which we simply cannot do anyway.

We are past the point of retreating to old patterns or backing down from the challenges. The sun and Mercury in Virgo square the north node in Gemini will have a mercurial influence on our behaviors. We might find that we want to head off in completely new directions or analyze if the actions we are taking now are going to lead to the goals and outcomes that we truly want and need. 

It is important to remember that there is a balance point in this astrology, and as long as we are not leaning too heavily towards either the north node or the south node, we can each bring into form and benefit from all of the positive qualities of the mutable signs Gemini and Sagittarius - particularly, teaching and learning and the sharing of information and resources.

Another big theme with the Gemini north node time is language - the words we use, and how and why we use them. Sometimes language can be limiting and there aren’t yet the right words to fit what we’re looking for. With the new systems and structures we are creating, the possibility for new language, words, terms and phrases emerging is amplified, too. 

Read on for your Virgo Season Horoscope: 


If you’ve been feeling restless, Aries, then there might be a good reason to take a short road trip and get out into nature. Bring equipment to stay overnight and a journal to write out everything that comes to mind. You’re so used to being on the go, but what would happen if you slowed down? You might find that the world doesn’t end if you’re not constantly doing something, and there might be a fresh perspective waiting for you on the other side. Learning a new skill would be a fun endeavor, too. Use this alone time to really excel at a skill that will impress and wow others. Keep at it, and just be your engaging self. The possibilities are endless, and if you are entertained in the process, others will be, too.


This is a prosperous time for you, Taurus. As we move towards the end of summer and into Virgo season, it’s a great time to implement a routine that will help you achieve and receive your aspirations without having to take work on things that eat up your time and energy. The more you create and give out, the more you receive back, especially now. This is a really great time for you to put out those projects you’ve been working on because they are ready to be received. The more you believe in yourself and what you are selling, you’ll find that balance between the material and the spiritual realms that you are after. The right work will energize you and not be a drain on you. 


This is a time to really put yourself first and prioritize what you want in life, Gemini, without worrying about what it looks like to anyone else. Whether it’s taking up a new language or skill that puts you on a different path, or something that you learn and practice simply to up your self-confidence, now is the time to give in to the initial impulse and go with the first thing that pops into your head. There will be time later for planning out the details, or other people in your life who can offer these insights when needed, but for the next year and a half, really hold that big picture vision and trust that the things that you want are in alignment with that. 


There’s a message you need to communicate, not so much to an individual person but to the world, and maybe even to yourself, Cancer. Your lesson lately has been learning how to make the best of your alone time. You’re in the middle of a cycle right now and you’re being asked to keep going. There are ways to access the subconscious realms that will help to launch you into the future. These quantum leaps are accessible to you, but first, you have to believe they are possible.

Do practices to warm up and open up your throat chakra, which you can do by just continually practicing speaking up for yourself - speak it, write it, sing it, however you feel like expressing yourself, this is the action that will propel you forward. 


Virgo season is about investing in yourself. You’re coming out of your season with energy and also probably some lessons. Sometimes we go through challenges just so we know that we are stronger than them, but you might be at a point where you are ready to skip the struggle, which you can. You are being rewarded for your efforts, Leo, and the next few weeks will show you that.

This is a great time to focus on the present and what you can do each day to water your own garden and be mindful of the energy and content you allow into your physical reality. You are synching back into harmony with the cycles of nature - allow yourself to work, play, and rest accordingly. It will all get done. 


Finding greater acceptance for ourselves is one of the many things that can bring great joy in life. Attempting to fix others who don’t want to be fixed, or situations that aren’t ready to change, turn that energy inward and into what you can do for yourself, Virgo. There are some areas you may have been downplaying that can actually be of great service to you if you give them the chance. You’re upleveling and starting a new chapter where your boundaries are clear and so is your mind. You’ve got the patience and stamina to go the distance, and are feeling ready to stop putting up with things that are a drain on your energy. 


Something is ending for you, but are you ready to let it go? It’s okay if you aren’t. Be patient with yourself and maybe just question why you’re holding on, because if you are then it does have a reason. Sometimes this inquiry alone is enough to get us to turn the page. Dream a bigger dream for yourself. Instead of this time being of limitation, this is a period where there are instead so many possibilities. You just have to decide on which path you really want, and then be patient and gradual enough with yourself to see it through day by day. 


Virgo season is a good time to set up “judgment-free zone” time with your core group of friends. Some space to vent and complain without cutting each other off can be really cathartic for everyone involved. During this special time, let your friends know they can come to you with anything and you will listen without trying to fix or help, and do the same for them. You need your community right now, Scorpio, so let them be there for you like you always are for them. 


Virgo season for you is urging you to revamp your ways of doing things. If you normally have a specific routine, step out of your daily happenings. If you’ve been feeling scattered, focus on doing one or two things really well, and release pressure and distractions that will split your energy. Come out of these next few months with a skill that you can show off by the time your own season rolls around. What if your work could just mean getting appreciation and compensation for the things that you already enjoy doing? It’s very possible, Sagittarius. 


Getting detailed isn’t limiting, it’s expanding. Coming out of a supercharged Leo season, you’re transformed and reborn, ready to see rapid growth in your work life in Virgo season. The kind of work you want to be focusing on right now. To do this, you’ll want to teach what it is that you already know while remaining open to the idea that things are changing rapidly.  Remember that all possibilities lie in the uncertainty.

You like to go steady and yet this isn’t a time of slowing down for you right now, Capricorn. You’ve laid the practical and sustainable groundwork and it might be time to consider teaching what you have learned. As you know, education is so important, and what people need from you right now is not fish but being taught how to fish. Your expansion comes from showing your steps and inspiring others. 


You are birthing something new at this time, Aquarius. If you’ve been waiting for something to happen to you, this is a time for you to take matters into your own hands and create what it is that you want to see. This might be a creative project, or an actual child, or just something new and completely out of your comfort zone. Ask questions, get curious, explore possibilities, and if there are any grudges or resentments you’ve tucked away in your junk drawer, time to clean all of that stuff out. You’re making room for the good stuff, but it has to have someplace to go. 


This is a time for you to set boundaries around self-care and your needs, Pisces. Especially if you’re feeling drained or depleted at the end of the day it might be time to reassess where you’re giving energy to things keeping you from what you want to be doing and where you want to be going. You’re not here to fix or to save anyone. Focus on making your surroundings cozy and pleasing to your senses.

If you’re in a partnership, try confiding in your significant other all those things you normally wouldn’t want to burden them with. Ideally, it will bring you closer together, as you’re now in on it together. Be intimate and let someone nurture you for a change as you experience interdependence vibes. If you’re not currently partnered up but want to be, now is a great time to be calling that person in. Just be open to the idea that they might not be someone you’ve seen coming or would typically expect.

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Elisabeth is a writer and astrologer, based in Seattle. To connect with her more about astrology, you can connect with her via a chart reading her Instagram @elisabetham, or email her at


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