Mercury in Retrograde 2020: What it Means and What To Pay Attention To By Sign

Mercury is a rather popular planet when it comes to astrological conversations. It’s a magnetic messenger — the closest planet to Earth and one that gets the most attention out of all the others in the solar system. You’ve likely heard it’s not the most ideal time to start new projects: make sure to save and back up your files!

Mercury in Retrograde Moodboard -

Mercury in Retrograde 2020: What It Means

In true retrograde style, there are a lot of mixed messages out there about what these periods entail - what it is, what it isn't, what it represents, and if it really affects us. At its most auspicious, the power and purpose of retrograde periods allow us a chance to review the things in our life that need attention. Given this Mercury retrograde occurs through the sign of Pisces, and began on Valentine’s Day weekend, a lot of these themes surround our personal and romantic relationships.  

Mercury retrograde is a slower period that allows us to connect back to ourselves, too. Our frustrations during this period tend to come when we are trying to push forward at our regular pace instead of taking the time for what life requires. Yes, things still need to get done. But whenever possible, leave extra time to review things before finalizing them - think taxes, travel plans, etc. This will eliminate the headaches that come up around not having things go exactly the way we would want or expect. Believe it or not, it is possible to have a smooth sailing Mercury retrograde, but doing this requires releasing ourselves from the idea that everything has to be under control in order to make it worthwhile.

This retrograde will feel similar to the one we had this time last year, so you might want to revisit any similar themes from February 2019. Life is both cyclical and linear. These few weeks of reflection will allow us to glean lessons from the past rather than diving right back into our regular mindset and routine. It can be rewarding to see how far we have come. 

There are ways to approach this Mercury retrograde that work for all of us. As a rule of thumb, go slowly - feel your way forward on everything. Check-in with yourself regularly and trust your gut. For the next few weeks, trust and believe that things are working out in your favor and that there is divine universal support, no matter what. As it is a time for clearing the mind, it is also a time to revisit ideas and projects you have put on the back burner. Think of it like you’re cleaning your house, and you find something you forgot about or thought you’d lost. Ideas and projects that you have put on the back burner can reemerge at this time as long as you make the space for them to show up. 

Also, Epsom and Himalayan salt baths are a great way to restore your system. If you don't have access to a bathtub, consider a foot bath (just fill up a large bowl and soak one foot at a time if that’s all you have access to). Add essential oils to calm and comfort an exhausted body or mind. 

We can expect this Mercury retrograde to affect us in specific areas of our lives - especially considering it is the first retrograde of the year! For these next few weeks, make sure to slow down and to check in with yourself during vulnerable moments.

pink sand, mercury retrograde, pisces season

Mercury in Retrograde 2020: What To Pay Attention to By Sign

Here are the areas each sun sign should pay close attention to throughout this retrograde:


Tying up of loose ends, forgiveness and closure. Themes around closure in your career, home, relationships, or friendships might be coming up for you. Rely on your intuition. Try to not rush too hastily into or out of anything, while remaining open to closures and new beginnings. 


Your community. This is a great time to get out and network with your colleagues and acquaintances. You may not be aware of all of the opportunities out there for you. Sometimes it really is just about showing up!


Your career sector. This is a good time to take a day-by-day, step-by-step approach to success in your career life. Reevaluate what is working and what is not. Consistency and intuition are key. 


What you have to offer others. You have a natural intuition and emotional intelligence. This is a good time to teach others what you know (directly or indirectly) simply through living and leading by example. Don't keep all of your good ideas to yourself!


Your sex life. Sexual health is part of physical wellness. You deserve to take care of yourself and to make sure your needs are being met. This is a good time to honor this most basic human need by reexamining what good sex means to you.


Your partnerships. This whole year is about partnerships of every kind. It is, however, an especially good time for calling in romantic love or nurturing the romance already in your life. It doesn’t have to be cheesy - you’ll find a way to make it your own. 


Your approach to physical health and wellness. This is a time for discipline. Stick to the routines you know work best for you. If you’ve found yourself sidetracked by the busy energy of the holidays and new year, this is a good time to return to your tried-and-true methods and health goals. 


The way you express your creativity and playfulness. This is a perfect time to focus on lightness as readily as you can. Joy is always available to us, even when things are uncertain. Take this time to feel joy by releasing your stress and anxieties in healthy ways.


Your home and family (or chosen family). These past few months, a theme for you has been to focus on building a cozy and comfortable home life. Carry on! After all, you need to have something to come back to and a place to call your own. 


Your close relationships and communication style. This is a time to realize where miscommunication is apt to happen and to slow down just long enough to ensure what comes across is what is intended. 


Your business and feelings around financial security, your fears surrounding change, and your dreams and aspirations. This is a time for reevaluating your approach to money and finances. This is tax time, too. If you haven't already filed, make sure to double-check before you send it off. 


Yourself and projections of how people perceive you. This is a time for stepping out on your own and coming into your own. Backlash be damned! Do the things you know will make you feel good, despite your fear of what people will think or say. Just be your amazing self. 

Mercury in retrograde is nothing to fear. It is a time to revisit those plans and places you have already been to. Without these periods of slowing down and assessment, we would get super burned out! Take the time to nourish yourself, your body and soul. Retreat and relax however you choose, and above all, just listen to yourself.

Here's to a glitch-free Mercury retrograde! 

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Elisabeth is a writer and astrologer, based in Seattle. To connect with her more about astrology, you can connect with her via a chart reading her Instagram @elisabetham, or email her at


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