Your Woo Woo Best Friend Podcast

Solo Episode Andi Eaton Alleman Solo Episode Andi Eaton Alleman

Main Character Energy: From Collective Healing to Up Leveling, Expansive Relationships & Boundary Setting

I'm sharing my thoughts on changes you can expect this season. We're moving into a time of Main Character Energy and a shift from collective healing to collective up leveling. I invite you to be soft, look inward, and dig deeper into your friendships, business relationships, romantic partnerships, and situationships. Learn about the Inner Circle exercise and the five archetypal relationships I believe we all need.

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Interview Andi Eaton Alleman Interview Andi Eaton Alleman

Navigating Soul Upgrades, Why All Soulmates Aren't Forever, That Time My Starseed Friends Intervened + Reading Kim Kardashian's Energy with Nikki Novo

A conversation about soul upgrades and ascension, supernatural communication, learning to refine your relationship palate, and the soul purpose of some quite controversial folks like Elon Musk, Kim Kardashian, and the Queen of England. Meet Nikki Novo, the woo woo bestie, who downloads psychic messages, explores pop culture by reading the energy of trending stories, and shares spiritual guidance for our everyday life challenges.

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Interview Andi Eaton Alleman Interview Andi Eaton Alleman

The Aligned Couple with Dr. Nevin Hussion: Understanding the Divine Feminine & Masculine and Emotional Language Types

Your relationship can be one of the most beautiful grounds for spiritual growth and personal evolution. In this episode, featuring Dr. Nevin Hussion - Certified Relationship Coach - we’re starting with communication basics, and then uncovering how divine feminine and masculine energies manifest in relationships.

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