Your Woo Woo Best Friend Podcast

Interview Andi Eaton Alleman Interview Andi Eaton Alleman

Interpersonal Effectiveness, Emotion Regulation, and the Game of Real Life with Clinical Psychologist, Author, and Creative Jesse Finkelstein

Jesse Finkelstein, PsyM, is on a mission to make effective mental health treatments accessible to everyone, especially in these turbulent post-pandemic times when nearly 20% of adults in the US are experiencing a mental health illness. In this episode we discuss the principles of DBT, skills to increase the quality of relationships, develop mindfulness, reduce stress, and prevent burnout.

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Interview Andi Eaton Alleman Interview Andi Eaton Alleman

#11: Finding The Light & Living With Heart with Diana Pimentel, La Green Therapist

What happens when you’re on the rise, leading with intention and then things fall apart? How do we improve the quality of life of those around us, and raise the individual and collective energy amidst the spiral of life? Diana Pimentel, La Green Therapist, shares her journey from growing a business as a Green Chef, to the experience of nearly losing it all, and then finding her way into her current holistic wellness and healing practices.

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