

Want to become a contributor to Oui, We?

Here’s what we’re Accepting now:




We accept Google docs for submissions. Please submit your article to A submission does not guarantee your article will be published.

If we accept your pitch and submission, we reserve the right to edit as necessary.

Before submitting, please copyedit your article to ensure minimal grammar and spelling errors.

By submitting to Oui, We you acknowledge that you accept our terms and edits the Oui, We editorial team deems necessary. 


We offer the opportunity to contribute two types of posts. A short-form article and long form. For your first submission, we request a short-form article. Short-form articles between 750 and 1000 words perform best.

If you’d prefer to submit multiple articles and are interested in a long-form article, the requirement is 1000+ words.

Please include a title and headings for each section of the article. We may alter the title to maximize SEO reach. 


While we prefer to source imagery, if you’d like to submit your original images for consideration, please submit images via Dropbox, and ensure they’re sized for the web. We accept image files between 300 - 750 KB. We require images that are between 1500 and 2500 pixels wide. Need more info on image sizing? Additional details are here.


We understand the goal of contributing is to raise your own profile — which is a great strategy! — and as such, we offer an opportunity to include links to your website or blog. However, we don’t allow other links, including no-follow links, within the post that our team hasn’t sourced/created. We don’t allow affiliate links or links to products.


For contributing authors, we publish a brief bio and link at the close of the post. Please provide your bio in the Google Doc when submitting your post.


We encourage our contributors to share and promote the articles they write for our blog. Tag us at @ouiwegirl and @ouiwestudio when sharing on Instagram.


If this is a new submission, turnaround time can be up to six weeks as we strategically place your article on our content calendar. We will forward you the link to the article once it’s live.


We cannot respond to every idea, however, if your story is time sensitive email us directly at