Taurus Lunar Eclipse Rituals & Horoscopes For Each Zodiac Sign

Are you ready for this game-changing Lunar Eclipse? Happening on November 8, this Taurus full moon will be an astrological intense time.

When is the Taurus Full Moon Eclipse? 

Eclipses are known for being massive change-bringers, so we hope you’re ready for this exciting Taurus lunar eclipse on Tuesday, November 8, at 6:02 AM EST.

This date coincides with the Midterm Election Day in the United States — which should make this lunation extra interesting. The November 8 Taurus full moon is the second lunar eclipse in a series of three that started on November 19, 2020 and will end in 2023 on October 28.

Read about the November 2022 astrological transits here.

What is the meaning of the November Taurus Full Moon? 

Taurus is a fixed earth sign related to the archetype of the hedonist builder. It reminds us of the importance of being grounded, mindful and present. The November 8 Taurus full moon and lunar eclipse will help us connect with our inner Taurus archetype and all the matters it rules over: finances, possessions, sustenance, etc.

When Taurus’s energy is out of alignment, especially within the Taurus-Scorpio axis, it can give rise to materialism and over-indulgence. As a result, themes such as obsession, self-destructive behaviors, toxic relationships, and control could arise.

Overcome these shadow expressions by leaning into the attributes of the opposite sign, Scorpio — passion, mystery, and deep thought.

Read about the Taurus-Scorpio axis here.

This November full moon in taurus is also a powerful lunar eclipse

What is A Lunar Eclipse? 

A lunar eclipse is an astronomical event where the Earth is midway between the Sun and the Moon. This type of eclipse only happens on a full moon and is sometimes referred to as a Blood Moon because of its reddish hue. 

Symbolically, lunar eclipses are a time for release and surrender. Think of it as a detox that brings about fated events and unprecedented soul growth. As unexpected and painful as these events may be, they’re cathartic.

A challenging yet much-needed slap in the face to awaken to new narratives, perspectives, and healing journeys. Our karmic path is illuminated thanks to the light reflected on the Moon during the eclipse. This gives us a closer look at the truth.

The lunar eclipse sometimes expedites what is already fated to happen: break-ups, upheavals, and endings. As you step away from your comfort zone, remember that every step leads you straight to where you need to go. So trust the process and allow whatever must unfold to share its wisdom with you.

taurus zodiac sign

Powerful Lunar Eclipse Rituals & Horoscopes for the Zodiac Signs

How will the taurus full moon affect me?

The November 8 Taurus full moon will be a game-changer. Use your rising sign, as it will give you a full scope of what’s coming up next for you during this Taurus lunar eclipse. Here’s how the lunar eclipse will affect each zodiac sign:

Aries Horoscope:

This Taurus full moon lunar eclipse sheds light on your 2nd House, also known as the House of values, possessions, and sense of abundance. This transit will impact your material reality, shattering your old constructs regarding wealth.

As you already know, the secret to thriving in times of crisis is to learn resilience and the art of falling with grace. As the lunar eclipse shakes how you invest and save, focus on your finances from the roots up. 

Like everything else in the universe - money is energy, and we can decide how we want our relationship with it to look. So are you welcoming and embracing abundance into your life, or are you unconsciously sabotaging and blocking these blessings?

Lunar Eclipse Ritual for Aries: Money spell

Perform an easy money spell to benefit from this lunar eclipse in your 2nd House. 

  • Upgrade your wallet: We use our wallets daily. So it’s essential to invest in a good quality wallet that can help us rewire our brains AND carry our coins and cards. Choose a wallet in a bright color, such as gold or green, for extra potency.

  • Use crystals: Since money is energy, specific frequencies attract riches more than others. Having a small crystal around you like citrine, green jade, pyrite, or rose quartz can help you raise your overall money vibe and change your limiting beliefs from the inside out.

  • Speak money into your existence: No need for me to remind you how important our words are. Make it a habit to express how you want your finances, which projects you’d like to succeed in, and what you’d love to offer yourself and others.

Taurus Horoscope:

This is your day, Taurus! As the Taurus full moon 2022 hits your 1st House of conscious Self, your identity will experience an intense metamorphosis!

Expect to tap into even deeper layers of your being and find new ways of showing up in the world, as yourself and for yourself. Allow this lunar eclipse to cleanse you from all that blocks your radiance.

Lunar Eclipse Ritual for Taurus: Ecstatic dance to inhabit your body

Did you know that you could dance your way into embodiment and connection? Ecstatic dance can help you lean into a more profound sense of self-confidence and body awareness. If you’re unfamiliar with this modality, it’s good to know that dancing is a universal language.

Humans have danced since the beginning to connect to the Divine, Gods, Nature, Spirits, and the cycles of life and death. What’s fantastic about ecstatic dance is how freeing and liberating it is to BE within your body, allowing it to move without judgment or constraints.

Whether you dance with others or by yourself is up to you. But an ecstatic dance ritual with a community of like-minded individuals could help you feel even more empowered. 

  • Close your eyes, listen to the music, and simply allow your body to speak to the sounds of the music.

  • Don’t try to look a certain way or act “aesthetically pleasing.”

  • Simply relax. Sweat. Stir up your soul. Play. Tap into joy, mindfulness, presence, and complete celebration of your being.

Gemini Horoscope:

Dear Geminis, this Blood Moon in Taurus is activating your 12th House. This is the area in your birth chart related to what exists beneath the horizon, the unseen realm of dreams, secrets, spirituality, and unconsciousness.

When an eclipse moves over these waters, your soul’s matters can and will be highly emphasized. This gives you an unprecedented opportunity to “unveil” what was usually covered by your conscious mind.

These “veiled” matters could be unconscious behaviors, defense mechanisms, or self-sabotage. Prepare to abandon these old ways as they no longer serve your evolution. The 12th House is also related to self-undoing and isolation, so the Lunar Eclipse will increase the odds of feeling misunderstood or hypersensitive.

So take it easy and trust your inner guidance system. Pay close attention to your dreams and intuition, as your unconscious will have the reins over the next few days.

Lunar Eclipse Ritual for Gemini: Foot reflexology

The 12th House is related to the feet in the human body. This is because Pisces, the last sign of the Zodiac, infuses this House with its energy. Since “undoing” and dealing with your unconscious patterns is no easy job, I recommend trying a new practice: foot reflexology.

Foot reflexology is an ancient technique used in numerous civilizations and is especially prominent in Chinese culture. Our vital energy, also known as the qi or chi, is believed to run through our bodies.

When we’re under stress, ill, or simply unbalanced, this life force becomes stagnant, creating imbalances and illnesses. Stimulating specific pressure points in our feet can relieve these blockages, clearing our bodies of toxins and unwanted energies.

If you’re eager to give this ancient technique a try, here’s an easy 10-minute exercise:

  • Begin by washing your feet and having a relaxing foot scrub.

  • Use a foot reflexology map to familiarize yourself with these points as you explore your feet. Express gratitude to these “unseen” organs.

  • Relax your feet and begin squeezing them in circular motions to warm up your blood circulation.

  • Apply lotion or oil, start massaging your sole, and press your thumb firmly against every corner of your feet to relieve stress and tension.

Cancer Horoscope:

This lunar eclipse in Taurus will be in your 11th House of friendships, humanitarian pursuits, and sense of belonging. With this transit, you will likely feel a strong desire to redefine your societal role and connections with others.

Expect challenging ups and downs regarding your support system, friends, and collaborators. But your empathy and caring nature will help you avoid unnecessary disagreements or arguments.

If you’ve been hesitant about the intentions of specific individuals in your life, trust the outcome of whatever plays out this week. Observe, listen and note what the lunar eclipse will reveal about your environment’s true nature.

You are ready and capable of forging meaningful and empowering ties to help you better the world.

Lunar Eclipse Ritual for Cancer: Join a membership program

Networking is more about farming than it is about hunting.” — Dr. Ivan Misner 

Since Taurus is associated with agriculture, food supplies, and “farming,” I believe this principle is ideal to live by during this Lunar Eclipse. One way to begin this sacred endeavor is to pick a networking event or membership program that sparks joy in your heart and makes you feel alive.

For example, If you’re into self-discovery and connecting with creative, conscious entrepreneurs, consider joining the Seachangers collective. What matters is that you focus on consciously getting rid of the friendships that no longer serve you.

Instead, put yourself out there to meet people who align with your frequency, vibe, and overall perspective in life. If you have difficulty building these connections, don’t stress about it. Your people will come your way; all you have to do is make space for it and continue up-leveling your frequency.

Leo Horoscope:

Leo, this lunar eclipse in Taurus is highlighting your 10th House! This House deals with career, reputation, achievements, and influence.

With the Blood Moon in the most visible part of your birth chart, themes governed by the 10th House will be at the forefront for you with career level-ups, project standstills, and swift work changes.

Expect this eclipse to bring you challenges and blessings related to your sense of sovereignty and power.

Lunar Eclipse Ritual for Leo: Create a self-love routine

As the eclipse shines its light on your most public side, how you show up professionally is under the spotlight this week. Unfortunately, since “protagonist energy” is in your genes already, this could deplete you completely.

When you show up for the world and give endlessly to others, there are big chances of neglecting your comfort and well-being. Here are a few ideas to inspire you to develop a self-love routine:

  • Unplug at least 20 minutes before you go to bed.

  • Make a list of the things you are grateful for. Allow yourself to be as detailed as possible.

  • Write a love letter to yourself.

Virgo Horoscope:

For my fellow Virgos, this Taurus full moon is happening in your 9th House. The 9th House deals with learning, philosophy, truth, freedom, and travel. Your open-mindedness and wanderlust spirit will be put to the test.

If you decide to start a new course or try a new life philosophy, it won’t happen without a fight. This week, expect to have your entire life philosophy altered. Allow yourself to course-correct or let go of travel aspirations, learning opportunities, and ideologies that limit your horizon and stop you from reaching broader heights.

Lunar Eclipse Ritual for Virgo: walking meditation

The 9th House has to do with your limitless and raw energies. Support this lunation in your 9th by performing a walking meditation

  • Take a deep breath and start putting one foot in front of the other. Bring awareness to your steps, the feeling of the ground underfoot, and how your muscles move to support your weight.

  • Walk at a relaxed pace, and make sure to take deep breaths. If your mind begins to wander, bring your attention and focus back to your body, breath, and steps.

  • Don’t focus on your destination. Instead, trust your body to take you how far you need to go and alert you when you need to stop, rest, or sit down.

To inspire your stroll, meditate on the quote: “Walk as if you are kissing the ground with your feet,” by Thich Nhat Hanh.

Libra Horoscope:

Libra, this Taurus full moon lunar eclipse is happening in your mysterious 8th House of death, transformation, sex, and magic. This is where your inner desires (and fears) reside.

As unrelated as these house themes may sound, the common thread is how they all shift us from one state to another. Sex, as an example, transforms us and transmutes the energies of our bodies; it is by no accident that orgasm is often called “the little death.”

With the eclipse putting these themes under the radar, you will have a fantastic opportunity to dive into the depth of your most intimate relationships and investments. Some of these are scarier on the inside than you thought!

The light will be cast on these areas of your life where you merge with others through shared resources or desires, and whatever unfolds for you may be a challenge. Remember that this lunation is here to help you realize your true power and make peace with your darker edges.

Lunar Eclipse Ritual for Libra: Pleasure ritual

One way to activate your 8th House energy is with a pleasure ritual. Re-explore your body and allow pleasure and desire to manifest through you without shame, guilt, or fear.

Stand in front of a mirror nude and dance sensually. The goal isn’t to turn into Narcissus but to enter radical self-love and acceptance. Embrace the curves of your body, your acne, and your wrinkles.

Recognize the beautiful piece of art you are and how much love, joy, tenderness, and care this body gives to others. Now, it’s time to give it to yourself as well. Put on music and connect with your inner Divine Feminine and Sacral Chakra.

Move your hips and allow your creative, fertile, and life-giving energy to move through you, alchemizing your soul, mind, and body.

Scorpio Horoscope: 

Scorpio, this cosmic alignment activates your 7th House of relationships. This lunation marks the midpoint of a two-year eclipse season on the Taurus-Scorpio axis.

With the Taurus full moon lunar eclipse directly hitting your 7th House, there’s a potential for emotional shocks, fallouts, and transformations. Remember that relationships are mirrors that reflect the areas in which we need more growth, maturity, and wisdom. 

Allow the meaningful relationships in your life to change direction. If something must come to an end, let it be. If something must deepen and strengthen, let it be.

Lunar Eclipse Ritual for Scorpio: Honoring Your Love Language

If you’ve been interested in astrology, you already know how each individual is unique and has different ways of expressing, giving, and receiving love. Begin by looking at your natal DC, 7th House sign, and planets Venus, Moon, and Juno.

Then, learn more about dominant love languages and show up for yourself that way. The 5 love languages are acts of service, quality time, gift-giving, words of affirmation, and physical touch.

Once we learn how to recognize and understand each other’s love language, we can begin connecting more profoundly with others and better honoring our needs and theirs.

For this lunar eclipse, take the love language quiz and pick a few activities to fill your cup! Here are some ideas to inspire you:

  • Acts of service: Fix that broken item you’ve been ignoring, book a doctor’s appointment, or clean your space.

  • Quality time: Enjoy a solo lunch date, meditate, listen to an entire album of your favorite artist, or watch a movie.

  • Gift giving: Buy yourself flowers, make that big purchase, or enroll in a new course.

  • Words of affirmations: Chant mantras and prayers out loud, give yourself compliments in front of the mirror, or repeat positive and empowering mantras.

  • Physical touch: Massage your body, give yourself a hug, or put oils all over your body before bedtime.

Don’t forget to share your love languages with your partner, family, and friends so they can spoil you and honor your needs.

Sagittarius Horoscope:

The Taurus full moon is eclipsing your 6th House related to health, wellness, daily routines, and habits. If you’ve been a little adrift or distracted regarding your day-to-day routines and duties, this lunar eclipse will help you get back on track!

Expect your daily routine to be shaken up as you create new ways of managing your time and energy throughout the day. I know all you want now, my dear Sagittarius, is to roam free and focus on the big picture rather than on the details.

But having your life together will allow you to create more space and opportunities for adventures in the future, so you don’t want to miss out on that. Use this eclipse to eliminate what doesn’t serve your body’s healing and complete the work you need to do.

Lunar Eclipse Ritual for Sagittarius: EFT tapping

The 6th House is related to the anxious and nervous energy of Mercury. With the Moon transiting this area of your life, you could feel overwhelmed and overcharged. Try EFT tapping for anxiety and stress relief.

Based on tai chi and acupuncture, tapping focuses on the body’s meridian points to restore our energy’s natural rhythm and balance. To use this technique, you can begin by following the instructions of online mentors who share the sequence and tips of EFT

Capricorn Horoscope:

Dear Capricorn, this lunar eclipse in Taurus moves through your 5th House of pleasure, creativity, and romance. With such a transit, your self-expression, confidence, and playfulness will be highly affected, for better or worse. 

So think of this Lunar Eclipse as a cosmic slap in the face to get you to realize your worth, talent, and uniqueness. You are worth the attention, the pleasure, the gifts, and the compliments. And whoever dims your light or diminishes your value is not here to serve your highest good.

Lunar Eclipse Ritual for Capricorn: inner child work

This Taurus full moon lunar eclipse is here to remind you to be a kid again. To play, laugh, and dream big. Let your inner child dictate the dance and show you what you need to do next. 

  • Begin your ritual with a 10-15 minute meditation to calm your racing thoughts and focus on your root chakra.

  • When you open your eyes, repeat this affirmation 3 times: “I am connected to my inner child. I allow my inner creativity and bliss to take full control of my body”.

  • Then, simply begin drawing, singing, writing, or dancing. Whatever your inner child feels like doing!

The goal is to have fun, so don’t force yourself to do anything “artistic” or “Pinterest-friendly.” Your playtime can look like screaming at the top of your lungs, belly dancing to Shakira songs, or drawing tiny faces on paper.

Aquarius Horoscope: 

This Taurus full moon lunar eclipse will activate Aquarius’s 4th House of family, childhood memories, and home. The 4th House is the root of your chart. Therefore, it stands for who we are behind closed doors.

With the eclipse lurking in this private sector of your life, expect some hypersensitivity and overwhelm. This week could be heavily emotional for you, as our childhood is usually where most of our trauma and pain reside.

An argument, crisis, or challenge could trigger your old mechanisms and wounds. Think of a bandaid ripped off, leaving the festering wound in the open.

It’s essential to use this as an opportunity to heal and not just another chance to complain, cry and agonize. Detaching from the past and letting go of our identification with pain is critical here.

Lunar Eclipse Ritual for Aquarius: Feng shui your House & environment

A fascinating ritual you can try this week is adding feng shui into your home to harmonize your surroundings. This traditional Chinese practice strives to balance people’s energy with their environment.

Since our home is where we unwind, feel secure and rest, it also represents our unconscious mind. Because of this, feng shui seeks ways to send empowering messages rather than negative ones. 

Pisces Horoscope: 

Pisces - this lunar eclipse in Taurus is moving through your 3rd House. This is the area of your life related to communication, early education, short-distance travels, your peers and siblings, and your immediate environment.

You could feel the urge to change how you communicate, learn, or relate to your local environment and social ties. Your nervous system and intellect will be highly stimulated this week, so watch out for burnout and headaches. 

Lunar Eclipse Ritual for Pisces: Sacred Tea Ritual

Plants are incredible allies to heal and support us through changing tides. Making tea is incredibly nourishing because it allows us to slow down and reconnect to our body’s wants and needs.

  • First, pick a few Mercury-aligned herbs you want to work with. You can also choose a blend already on the market. Here is a non-exhaustive list of some of my favorite herbs for soothing anxiety:

    • Chamomile

    • Rose

    • Peppermint

    • Lavender

    • Valerian Root

    • Green tea

  • Boil water and pour it in your mug over your tea bag or tea ball. As you pour this water, feel free to visualize the medicinal properties of the herbs infusing your water.

  • Let this mixture steep for 10 minutes. You can add a drop of lemon and honey to add flavor (and magic!) to your tea during this time. Then, with a small spoon, you can begin stirring clockwise while you repeat mantras. Perhaps: “I choose to always react positively to all situations,”; “I choose positive and nurturing thoughts,” etc.

  • Enjoy your tea instead of rushing through the process or drinking it “on the go.”

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Fatima-Zahra, founder of Living Simplyy, is a Holistic Astrologer, Modern Mystic and Spiritual Mentor with the desire to guide people to the sacred remembrance of their true divine nature. You can follow her on her website livingsimplyy.com, YouTube or Instagram.

Fatima-Zahra FARAHATE

Fatima-Zahra, the founder of Living Simplyy, is a holistic evolutionary astrologer and spiritual mentor. You can follow her on her website livingsimplyy.com, YouTube channel, or Instagram where she shares cosmic insights for daily life.


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