3 Moon Rituals to Help You Tap Into Positive Energy
As the lunar cycle moves towards the Full Moon, you may start to feel more creative or positive energy surging around you. Here are 3 moon rituals for creating positive energy: for manifesting, cleansing, for release and creating an overall sense of well-being in alignment with the moon.
Super New Moon in Scorpio
On November 14th, we have a Super New Moon in Scorpio at 9.07pm PT. A Super Moon is where the moon is orbiting closer to earth than usual, making the energy extra potent. Scorpio is all about digging deep into oneself, facing all your shadows and fears and then alchemizing that into gold. With Mercury and Mars now stationed direct, a sense of clarity and momentum will be felt. To learn more about what to expect, read on.
Full Moon in Taurus
The second full moon of the month, known as a ‘Blue Moon’, will fall at 8º38’ of Taurus on the 31st of October. A Blue Moon on Halloween is a rare occurrence, happening only once every 19 years. With the veils already thin on this mystical day, the potency of this full moon will be felt strongly. Conjunct Uranus, you can expect the unexpected with this full moon — make sure to ground down and practice your Venus rituals.