Spring Equinox 2022: Rituals For Each Zodiac Sign

Happy new year, beautiful souls! If you're wondering, "Wait… isn't that supposed to be celebrated in January?" think again! 

Spring Equinox

The astrological new year doesn't follow the Gregorian calendar but instead begins on the first day of the vernal equinox in the Northern hemisphere. This year, this new cycle starts on March 20, 2022.

The Spring Equinox, also called Ostara in pagan traditions, is one of the two days in the year where both day and night are of equal length. So from now on, the Sun will get more and more turf until we reach a peak during the Summer Solstice.

Long celebrated around the world as a time of renewal and birth, the autumnal equinox is a time to feast, smile, get creative, shine bright and enjoy the glorious return of the Sun after months of cold, darkness, and isolation.

Many celebrations, like Easter, were inspired by the Spring equinox, or Ostara, the celebration of the Greek goddess Eostre.

The egg and bunny symbolism of Easter reminds us of the abundance and fertility the new season promises. So, what are your intentions for the year ahead?

What To Expect During The Spring Equinox

Welcoming Spring implies allowing new beginnings and opportunities to fill our lives. 

After the cold and sinister winter, the world seems like it is now (slowly) coming out of hibernation. Resurrected, rejuvenated, more dynamic than ever… we can finally cook up new approaches and get creative!

A seasonal cleanse can help set the stage for these new sprouts and seeds to flourish.

Spring is also an ideal time to rewrite those "new year resolutions" you've been slacking off on and energize your endeavors with new intentions.

As you enter this new year, it's also important to reflect on your accomplishments. So sit with your emotions and souvenirs of the last 12 months, and allow gratitude to accompany you as you set the stage for change, growth, and expansion.

The Spring is a time for initiation, so "spring fever" is here! Use this newfound stamina, vitality (and sex drive) to create more abundance, joy, fulfillment, success, and fun in your life.

With the promise of longer and brighter days, we are ushered towards showing up with more passion and courage in life. Therefore, being bold, adventurous, spicy, and active is of the utmost importance.

On March 20, we also enter the Aries season. In astrology, Aries is the sign of the adventurous pioneer, the warrior.

This is also the sign linked with leadership, getting our needs met, and boldly marching towards new beginnings. Embrace what this frenzied new cycle offers you, and let the inner warrior take the lead.

spring rituals

Spring Rituals For Each Zodiac Sign

Rituals can help us find consistency, order, and meaning in uncertain times and environments. We can also add more mindfulness and magic into our mundane everyday life by performing rituals.

And today, to help you welcome in this new season, here's a list of mindfulness rituals you can try during this first week of Spring. Check both your Sun and Rising (Ascendant) sign for more accuracy.


Aries, you're the star of the show! As you begin this new cycle, the message for you is to focus on yourself. Your needs, your wants, your desires… Let your inner self speak up.

With a deep desire to be seen and heard, focus on your awareness of creating space for yourself first. 

Here's an easy morning or night-time ritual to spoil yourself:

  • After thoroughly washing your face, put on a pure honey mask. Honey symbolically represents the Sun and sweetness, fertility, bliss, and abundance.

  • With your mask on, mindfully quiet your mind and sit with your body.

  • Ground yourself in the present moment. When you feel comfortable, start repeating self-love affirmations.

  • Whatever positive mantras you choose to say out loud, speak in the first tense. For example, "I am ready to embrace this new journey ahead. I am confident, brave, and worthy of love and support."

Other activities to try this week: self-massage, face yoga, body cleanse, SPA treatment, taking yourself out for a coffee, incorporating gua sha into your skincare routine…


After a much hectic past month, you are now in need of rest, isolation, and deep restorative sleep. The kind of sleep washes off your anxiety, restlessness, and mind fog.

Looking into your subconscious programming is also another thing for you, as you now have a chance to tap into a hidden source of compassion and flow to release the old patterns keeping you stuck.

Here's a spring ritual: Sleep to recharge your batteries and bring more alignment into your life!

Book two hours in advance to prepare your body, mind, and soul to rest.

  • Turn off your screens, unplug, dim the lights and make yourself a warm cup of tea.

  • Cuddle up in bed with a good book, partner, or pet.

  • The next day, when you wake up, make sure to write down in a dream journal the emotions, thoughts, and visions you had that night.

Other activities to try this week: performing a Tarot or Oracle reading for the Spring, Accessing Your Akashic Records, having a sound bath, listening to an inspiring musical album while soaking in the sunshine, trying hypnotherapy, etc.

2022 Equinox


My Geminis, are you satisfied with your current social circle or friends? What about the organizations and collaborations in your life?

If networking hasn't been on the menu for you, it's time to attract your high-vibe like-minded crew.

The spring ritual I have for you today is simple yet transformative: sacred gathering.

Cooking can infuse ingredients with our energy and intention. Like anything we mold with our own hands, it can be powerful to share a meal with others, especially if done in the context of a sacred gathering.

  • So, to kick in this new cycle, why not invite a couple of friends you trust or people you've been trying to get to know better, and curate an intimate dinner or brunch to share the abundance of life with them?

  • Use this time to laugh, talk, rekindle or deepen relationships.

  • As you connect with others, allow them to see the real you and benefit from your radiance and lights.

Other activities to try this week: giving a phone call to your loved ones, asking someone you look up to in your industry to collaborate with you, baking bread with your friends/kids or partner, making time for connection, reading poetry, writing, etc.


This Spring's awakening your desire to leave your stamp in the world for you Cancers. What impact, reputation, career, and achievements do you want to leave behind? 

But before deciding which next mountain you're going to climb, I want you to take a moment, look back and reflect on all the steps you already undertook.

Find time to invoke gratitude into your life. Gratitude is a frequency, one you can emit, attract, repel. By creating space for genuine gratefulness, you can begin embracing transformation.

So, for this Spring, the ritual I have for you is fairly simple: writing a 111 gratitude list. Since angel number 111 represents new beginnings and being on the right track, list down on a piece of paper 111 things you were grateful for this past year.

It may sound like a lot, but as soon as you begin squeezing your brain, you'll realize there are more than enough things to be thankful for daily. 

Here are a few examples:

  • I'm thankful I found a taxi after midnight to get home the other day

  • I'm happy my YouTube video performed well on YouTube

  • I'm happy my mom told me she was proud of me on the phone

  • I'm grateful for the fresh fruits in my kitchen

Make sure to keep writing things down your list until you reach 111.

Other activities to try this week: creating a "new year, new me" vision board, clearing your Aura, going live on social media to connect with your audience, going for karaoke to unleash, defining your vision, having a make-over, etc.

Spring Equinox


Freedom, higher learning, and traveling are on your mind now. To help broaden your vision during this new cycle, I invite you to perform a meditative walk.

This ritual is so important because walking with mindfulness can help ground you in your body and physical reality while also helping you seek, explore, and express your desire for change and novelty.

Before your meditative walk, wear a comfortable outfit and shoes, prepare a bottle of water and make sure the places you're visiting are safe for you to be on your own.

  • Begin walking at a natural pace, with your focus on your breathing.

  • Shift your awareness to your senses (sight, smell, vision), and use them as an anchor whenever you feel caught by random thoughts or ideas.

  • Pay close attention to your intuition and feelings; your body will tell you when it's time to rest or head home.

Other activities to try this week: spending time outside, forest bathing, joining an online class, listening to a podcast, visiting your local temple, picking up a philosophy book, traveling somewhere for a couple of days, organizing a day trip with your friends, etc.


For you, Virgo Suns and Risings, power, sexuality, and personal transformation are on the menu.

If you've felt like your power has been dimmed or silenced, now is a great time to reconnect with the source of your strength. Connecting with deep metamorphosis is also possible if you learn to let go.

For your Spring ritual, magnetize yourself and dive deeper into the divine feminine within you. You attract your dreams and goals instead of running and chasing after them by becoming magnetic.

  • Sit in a comfortable position in a quiet room or place. If you can try this ritual outside, in a park or forest as an example, it's even better.

  • Close your eyes and take a couple of deep breaths. Pay attention to your belly filling up with air with each inhale.

  • Look for "Red Tara Mantra" on YouTube and repeat this affirmation out loud 108 times. Here's an excellent example of a video you can play.

  • Allow yourself to be transported with the music and even enter a trance state.

The Red Tara Mantra (Om Tare Tam Soha) is known in Buddhism as an aspect of the Goddess Tara, associated with magnetizing all good things.

Chanting this mantra is great for getting rid of anxiety and stress, but it can also help you attract love, ease relationship problems, and remove emotional or karmic blocks.

Other activities to try this week: exploring your pleasure and sensuality, trying Tantra meditation exercises or Kundalini yoga, recycling, donating old garments to charity, trying these 5 Venus Rituals to invoke the Divine Feminine, etc.

astrological new year


Partnerships and relationships are essential to you at the moment, with potential new beginnings this Spring.

Instead of falling back into codependency and potentially toxic bonds, set healthy boundaries and learn how to negotiate to meet your own needs.

Try writing a relationship agreement contract to bring more harmony and balance to your relationships. 

  • Whether you're in a committed relationship or not doesn't matter much, this contract is symbolic for the boundaries you are not willing to see be crossed ever again and the non-negotiables you have within your couple.

  • If you're looking for a suitable partner, this exercise can help you boost your manifestation mojo, as you're telling the universe what you want.

  • Do follow the "real" contract templates in your contract: name, address, etc. But allow yourself to get wild about the contract clauses and what they entail. For example, "Person A has to deliver me weekly hugs, kisses, and emotional support. As a counterpart, I offer Person A all-inclusive access to physical displays of affection, mental stimulation, and encouragement."

  • Feel free to put an area where you can sign the document at the end.

Other activities to try this week: taking yourself on a date, decorating Easter eggs with your partner, spending quality time with your loved ones, asking for forgiveness if you've hurt someone in the past (or forgive yourself), visualizing your ideal relationship, etc.


"How we spend our days is how we spend our lives, " said American author Annie Dillard.

For you, Scorpios, you could feel as if your daily routine doesn't reflect the lifestyle you wish you had, or if your mundane, boring everyday life lacks excitement and fun.

To fall back in love with your daily life, focus on your health and habits, and create more harmony with your coworkers or daily activities.

First, wash away the old energies to have a clean space to venture from. This can look like cleaning your desk, deleting your old files on Drive, getting rid of the mails back from 2006 still lurking in your inbox, or looking through your old receipts.

Being organized and clear on what you want to achieve for the next three months will help you in ways you can't even imagine. Go even further by writing your own Spring Activities Bucket List.

  • Name all the fun, exciting, and "cool" things you'd like to try, from that new restaurant in town to reading a certain book or joining an online course.

  • While crafting this bucket list, feel free to feel a new sense of excitement, inspiration, and motivation towards the future.

Other activities to try this week: making a list of how you can live more sustainably, cleaning out your work area, creating a music playlist to re-enchant your day, answering a few journaling prompts, etc.

astrological rituals


Sagittarius, it's time to get creative! This week, your ability to express yourself authentically is called to the forefront.

Are you allowing your light to radiate outwards? Are you allowing your talent and skills to be seen? Are you proud of your creations and projects?

No matter if you're a born artist or not, allowing your authentic self to shine is important for you now. One of the ways you can do this is by listening to your inner child or connecting with children.

An incredible way to reconnect with your inner child is to think about the places you loved visiting or spending time in as a kid.

What job did you daydream about? What games, shows, songs, and tv shows did you grow up watching or listening to? 

As you answer these questions and get into a more playful, light, and joyful mindset, I invite you to perform a sundance.

Dance is a spiritual practice in itself. It is probably one of the most widespread activities known to humanity: self-expression, physical movement, flow, rhythm, creative translation, appreciation of the sense. 

Dance teaches us about a multitude of things while being visceral and straightforward at the same time.

Inspired by the indigenous dance native Americans used to perform in the past (minus the sacrifices), this ritual is here to connect you with the Sun, its radiance, and all the ways it hides and expresses itself through you.

  • First, start with wearing comfortable clothes and choosing a safe location where you can directly face the Sun (garden, rooftop, balcony, or just a well-positioned window). The more sunshine you can get, the better - think of it as a Vitamine D bath.

  • If you want the ritual to be even more powerful, you can fast for a few hours before dancing. Make sure to drink or eat a yellow-colored aliment (pineapples, bananas, mangos, etc.) before you start shaking that body!

  • Put on some joyful uplifting music (or look for Spring playlists on Spotify or Youtube) and begin dancing.

  • While you dance, remember that no one is looking. You don't have to present yourself a certain way or move in an aesthetically pleasing manner. Just focus on movement and honoring the new life and energy of Spring.

Other activities to try this week: laughter yoga, repeating self-love affirmations, filling in a color book, playing with children or pets, taking an art therapy class, offering people genuine compliments, etc.


During this Spring equinox, focus on your internal water, Capricorns. This encompasses, of course, your living environment, family, and home.

Who are you behind the curtains? Are you feeling safe in your home or environment? Is your house a reflection of who you are? If you could, what would your home feel and look like?

Bless your home for Spring. How can you do this? First, start by performing a thorough cleanse: get rid of the dirt, dust, and clutter.

Then, introduce fresh seasonal flowers and essential oils to create a cozier, more laid-back atmosphere at your home. You could even rethink your home decoration, but you don't have to go overboard to celebrate this equinox. A simple touch of color could change the vibe of an entire house.

Ground your energy or anchor yourself via a body scan or a couple of deep breaths to perform this ritual.

  • Then, open your house windows and get some herbal incense ready once you're ready.

  • As you burn sage, palo santo, or whatever incense stick you have at your disposal, circle it throughout your house in a counter-clockwise motion while envisioning all the negative energies, feuds, disputes, arguments, feelings of loneliness, or unsafety exiting your environment. As you perform this cleanse, repeat this prayer "In total respect for the spirits of this place and the first inhabitants of the land, I command any negativity, low vibrations, or ill-intentioned beings within this space to leave."

  • When you feel like your house is now rejuvenated, circle your home once again, clockwise, and recite the following (or something similar, depending on what you're looking to attract): "I call in divine abundance, fertility, creativity, and joy. I welcome the benevolent spirits of Spring as well as the momentum this season brings. So it is / Amen!".

  • Before you end your ritual, envision your house filled with loving people, supportive energy, relaxation, support, rest, and comfort.

Other activities to try this week: getting together with your family (if possible) or arranging a virtual meet-up with them, sending a gift to your parents, etc.



Aquarius, it's a time for you to communicate, share, learn and think. With the emphasis on your mental realm, there's a need for sharing your unique stories and experiences with others and a natural curiosity that Spring is awakening within you. So feed your curiosity and allow yourself to get inspired by the exciting changes of Spring.

The Spring ritual for you is to drink an Ostara tea blend to support your communication and awaken your unique inner voice.

  • You will need 1 white (or blue) candle, pen & paper, and your favorite herbal tea blend to perform this ritual.

  • Sit near a window, or ideally, directly under the sunlight, and enjoy your tea.

  • With each sip, envision how magical, lively, and vibrant this upcoming Spring will be for you. Allow yourself to daydream as long as you want.

Some herbs that can help support your throat chakra and help you gain clarity, vision, and precision, I recommend lemon balm, mugwort, calendula flowers, peppermint, rosemary hibiscus flowers, etc.

Some of the herbs I listed are also notorious for helping "lift the veil" and communicate with spirits, so do get comfortable with receiving divine guidance or spirit communication in the form of direct stimuli of your spiritual senses.

These downloads could also manifest in numbers, memories, synchronicities, déjà-vus, and other non-verbal forms of communication.

Feel free to drink this tea as much as you need throughout the Spring season whenever you want to strengthen your ability to communicate what's on your heart and mind.

As always, make sure to use herbs with safety and follow the recommended doses.

Other activities to try this week: writing a gratitude list, enjoying some fresh spring air, talk therapy, surrounding yourself with blue-colored stones and crystals, etc.


For you, Pisces, Spring marks a time when you should look at your finances, possessions, and money!

How's your financial literacy? How healthy is your bank account or credit? Are you making the proper investments for your future? Are there ways you can better budget or cut your expenses?

As you dive deeper into your finances and seek to improve your relationship with money, you'll realize that our money is often linked with emotions and values!

So, as a Spring ritual, host a money date with yourself. Pull out your journal and ask yourself the following questions:

  • How's my relationship with money?

  • How's my relationship with time?

  • What's the purpose of money?

  • Why do I want to have money?

  • When will I know "I have enough" money?

  • What's my biggest fear in terms of money?

  • Am I comfortable around money and rich people, or do I have to battle with judgments and preconceived ideas?

  • When I spend money, how do I feel?

  • How do I truly feel when I receive money or a random gift?

  • Am I comfortable giving and receiving, or is one of the two more at ease than the other?

  • If I had all the money in the world, what would be the things I would still do?

Other activities to try this week: writing a gratitude list, Conscious Business Planning According To Your Astrology Chart, turning off your phone and stopping multitasking for a day while enjoying these 7 screen-free hobbies, making a money jar, etc.

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Fatima-Zahra, founder of Living Simplyy, is a Holistic Astrologer, Modern Mystic and Spiritual Mentor with the desire to guide people to the sacred remembrance of their true divine nature. You can follow her on her website livingsimplyy.com, YouTube or Instagram where she shares cosmic wisdom for daily life.

Fatima-Zahra FARAHATE

Fatima-Zahra, the founder of Living Simplyy, is a holistic evolutionary astrologer and spiritual mentor. You can follow her on her website livingsimplyy.com, YouTube channel, or Instagram where she shares cosmic insights for daily life.


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