How to Connect with Your Spirit Guides

Your Spirit Guides are spiritual beings connected to your soul to help you grow, evolve, and learn on your spiritual journey.

Connecting with your guides can help you find the guidance you need when facing major decisions or turning points, feel supported under challenging circumstances, and discover the bigger purpose and lessons underlying your daily life. They’re with you and always assisting you, whether you are conscious of their support.

They are thought to have our best interests at heart and can offer us guidance, wisdom, and support. I find life way more comforting, flowing, and intentional when I consciously connect to my guides, and I think you will too!

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What Is A Spirit guide?

Similar to the concept of guardian angels, Spirit Guides are evolved spiritual beings assigned to your soul to help guide, heal, and teach you during this incarnation. 

Your Spirit Guides are done with their own incarnations and lessons on this Earthly plane, so generally, they have a higher perspective and deeper wisdom to offer when we can consciously connect with them. 

How to Connect With Your Spirit Guides

Connecting with your spirit guides can be a powerful and transformative experience. Here are some tips for how to connect with your spirit guides:


Meditation is a great way to connect with your spirit guides. It allows you to quiet your mind and open yourself up to their guidance and wisdom. Try meditating for 10-15 minutes daily to connect with your spirit guides.

When attempting to connect with your guides, you must set your intention to connect and trust whatever shows up after that - even if it is nothing as spectacular as you may have hoped. 

Start your meditation by stating an intention aloud or in your mind: “Thank you, Spirit Guides, for connecting with me. May I be a clear channel to receive your messages, feelings, and guidance that are in my highest and greatest good.” 

From there, get into a quiet, calm state and focus on your breath. Connecting to your guides might look like any of the following - everyone’s connection is entirely unique and valid, so there’s no need to put specific expectations on yourself: 

  • Feeling chills, heat, or tingles in a particular part of your body

  • Having a sense of peace, calm, support, and love wash over you

  • Having a random idea, memory, or inspiration pop into your mind

  • Feeling the energy of a specific color around or within you

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Ask for Signs

Even when you’re not in meditation, your guides always support you and send messages of inspiration, encouragement, and guidance. Pick a specific sign that will symbolize confirmation from your guides that you are connected with them or that you are on the right path.

Your sign with your guides might be a unique animal or bird, a favorite song, repeating number sequences like 11:11 or 3:33, or anything else that holds special meaning to you. You don’t need to hunt for your Spirit Guide sign, but stay open to receiving it in unique ways.

If you choose a sign of a dolphin, for example, it may not come exclusively in the form of seeing an actual dolphin in the water - notice when people around you mention a dolphin or when you see a picture of one on someone’s t-shirt, or when dolphins show up in your dreams.

The last thing that is an essential step in this process is to give gratitude and acknowledgment when you receive a sign! You can simply give a ‘thank you' in your mind or a small smile to let your guides know that you’ve received their message and are grateful to be connected.

Develop a Relationship 

While your Spirit Guides are here to guide you through life, it’s essential to work on building a relationship with them, just like you would with any new human you’ve met, instead of just viewing them as an informational vending machine.

When you’re first practicing connecting to your guides, don’t jump in with questions you desperately need advice on. Your relationship will thrive and grow if you can start getting to know your guides personally without the increased pressure of trying to receive information on what you should or shouldn’t do.

Plus, Spirit Guide guidance comes from a higher state of mind - so in this case, the guidance doesn’t always mean telling you what to do. In fact, if your guides always gave you the answer, they would impede your free will and potentially limit your soul’s growth.

Pay Attention To Your Intuition

Your spirit guides will often communicate with you through intuition, so paying attention to your inner voice is essential. If you feel strongly connected to a particular spirit guide, trust that feeling and allow yourself to connect with them.

You may only sometimes understand why you are drawn to a specific spirit guide, but trust that your senses guide you in the right direction.

Just like a good, reliable coach or guide in human form, your Spirit Guides are here to help you guide you back to your intuition and inner knowing, not to be your chief decision-maker in big life decisions.

Instead of just seeking answers for yourself, focus your beginning meditations with your guides on relationship-building details:

  • What emotions or sensations do you feel when you connect with them?

  • How does their energy come across to you in meditation?

  • What are they wearing, what do they look or feel like to you, and what era or archetype do they feel associated with you?

Don’t worry if you feel like you are making it up or imagining it. Our guides exist so frequently that things like their gender, appearance, or even name are very fluid and changeable. They mainly take on these characteristics for our benefit so that we can relate to them more meaningfully.

So if your guide’s energy reminds you a lot of a famous person or character - like Merlin or Dumbledore, for example - you’re not necessarily making it up! Instead, your guide is simply trying to convey their energy through symbols that you already know and are comfortable with.

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Spirit Guides FAQ

Who Are My Spirit Guides?

Your spirit guides are believed to be non-physical beings here to help you on your spiritual journey. They are thought to have your best interests at heart and can offer you guidance, wisdom, and support. The identity of your spirit guides may vary depending on your beliefs and experiences.

But in general, they are beings that have mastered the lessons of life. It’s important to remember that your spirit guides are not limited to any one particular form or identity. Instead, they can take on whatever form most benefits you and your spiritual journey.

Could my deceased family member be one of my guides?

Our loved ones who have passed on are guiding and surrounding us, similar to our Spirit Guides. I believe that the “title” of Spirit Guide belongs to those who have not incarnated with us this time (because they are highly evolved beings who are done with their Earth schooling). 

So while I wouldn’t necessarily label a deceased family member as an official Spirit Guide, they might have some other role or title that is still assisting us in some way, maybe as an Assistant Spirit Guide. 

Titles and labels are not super important in the Spirit world, so again, that’s just my interpretation to help us understand it from our vantage point here on Earth. 

Is there a way to learn the names of spirit guides?

While there is no definitive way to learn the names of your spirit guides, some people believe you can communicate with them and ask them for their names. This can be done through meditation or other spiritual practices that allow you to connect with your spirit guides on a deeper level.

Others believe you can learn the names of your spirit guides through intuition. Paying attention to your inner voice and trusting your feelings can help you connect with your spirit guides and gain insight into their identities. It’s also worth noting that your spirit guides may not necessarily have names in the traditional sense.

They may communicate with you through symbols, feelings, or other means, and their names may not be necessary in the grand scheme.

How many guides do I have?

Everyone is different, and we all have more than one Spirit Guide. However, my experience has been that we each have one leading lifetime guide with us from birth and beyond our death in this lifetime. We also have guides who come in for seasons of our lifetimes to assist us with specific tasks or areas of our lives.

For example, I currently work with my primary guide, a healing guide, a business guide, and a guide who helps me interpret and deliver readings to clients. So we all usually have between 2-6 guides at a time. 

How do I know if I have connected with my guides or not?

The good news is that you’re already always connected to your guides, whether you realize it or not! In general, you’re able to feel the validation of that connection when you receive signs you’ve asked for from them or when you feel a sense of calmness and a feeling of being supported within your Spirit Guide meditations. 

I don’t feel or receive anything when I try to connect with my Guides. What’s up?

You’re likely putting too much pressure on yourself to receive something or confirmation in a certain way. Whenever I find myself in this situation, I find two things really helpful: 

  1. Have fun! When I take myself too seriously or put too much pressure on receiving some big, meaningful message, I lighten up my energy by having a mini dance party or watching funny blooper videos on YouTube. 

  2. I give myself permission to use my imagination. If I feel like nothing is coming in, I ask myself, “If I could imagine what my guide would look like or what they might tell me, what would that be?” 

Our imagination is closely linked with our intuition (these two functions come from the exact same spot in the brain!). So when we take the first step in imagining something, our guides can help us fill in the rest via intuitive messages.

It’s like one of those improv games where you and your guides create a cohesive story by taking turns treating each sentence and detail. 

How can I learn more about Spirit Guides? 

My favorite book that helped me learn more about Spirit Guides is Journey of Souls by Dr. Michael Newton.

It is a profound and life-changing book that is not only packed with interesting information and real-life testimonies from client hypnosis sessions, but it also helps you expand your perspective about what you’re doing here in this lifetime. 


It’s important to remember that your spirit guides are here to help you, but they cannot do so unless you ask for their help and trust in their guidance. So take the time to connect with your spirit guides and allow them to offer you the support and guidance you need on your spiritual journey.

Have you connected with your Spirit Guides? What have you learned about your Spirit Guides, and how has your connection to your guides helped you?

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Chelsea Jewel is an Intuitive + Karmic Astrologer, Spiritual Coach, and Intuitive Mentor to those waking up to their own intuitive powers. You can connect with her on Instagram or via her website,


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