New Moon in Taurus 2023 Rituals, Journal Prompts, & Affirmations for Each Zodiac Sign

The New Moon in Taurus on May 19th, 2023, is a powerful time for manifestation, grounding, and connecting with the Earth. This exciting and calming New Moon is an invitation to awaken our senses and manifest more stability in our lives.

Each zodiac sign can use this energy to its advantage by practicing rituals, journaling, and affirmations specific to their sign. Here are some suggestions for each zodiac sign to maximize this New Moon in Taurus.

New Moon in Taurus Meaning  

We plant seeds and set intentions for the month ahead in New Moons. Astrologically, the New Moon focuses on the affairs of the sign where it falls. Taurus’s grounded and sensual sign will focus on security, practicality, safety, and comfort.

However, Taurus also governs our possessions, core values, and what we create with our bare hands. Ask yourself, where do you feel unsafe? Where do you need more stability and more ownership in your life?

And remember, when you accept yourself for exactly who you are, it becomes much easier to feel secure in the outside world. The sign of Taurus is also related to pleasure, the abundance of Spring, the beauty of nature, and the simple rhythms of life.

Setting Moon rituals around these themes can help you move more clearly and positively. Have you ever been to the woods and noticed the calm and peace emanating from the trees? That’s the deep sense of stillness Taurus invites us to drop into.

new moon in taurus ritual

So take a moment today to enjoy the smell of freshly baked cookies, run your fingers through your partner’s hair, pet your cat, or feel the grass beneath your bare feet. Taurus connects to organic real-world sustenance. Take a look at your plate, your skincare routine, and your environment.

How do you consume? What do you take into your body? And what can you practically put in place to nurture the planet and yourself better? As we stand in the realm of the tangible that Taurus represents, it is a great time to set new financial decisions and improve your relationship with money and your physical body.

Look at what you value in life (freedom, career, family, etc.), and start from there! Taurus moves slowly, very slowly. We may take unhurried moves this week, but they sure will be steady and confident. Many areas could suffer from delays, so recall that patience always pays off.

Ultimately, this New Moon in Taurus is telling us to relax! Drop into your body and stop holding yourself so rigidly. Having control over every tiny aspect of our life gives us better chances of success. But, in reality, this is often the quickest route to failure.

This reminds me of a Mitch Albom quote: “Don’t let go too soon, but don’t hold on too long.” And indeed, soul searchers, remember to tighten your grip and use that hand to touch, caress, and create instead.

Rituals, Journal Prompts, & Affirmations for Each Zodiac Sign

Here are some affirmations to assist each Zodiac Sign (Sun and Rising) during this New Moon in Taurus:


  • Ritual: Take a hike or spend time in nature. 

  • Journal prompt: What are my goals for the next six months? 

  • Affirmation: I am worthy of creating and receiving wealth and abundance in all its shapes and forms.

new moon journal prompts 2023


  • Ritual: Take a luxurious bath with candles and essential oils. 

  • Journal prompt: What are my values, and how can I live in alignment with them? 

  • Affirmation: Every new step takes me on a fulfilling, exciting, wild adventure.


  • Ritual: Write a gratitude list for everything you’re thankful for. 

  • Journal prompt: What are my goals for learning and personal growth? 

  • Affirmation: I surrender to the Unknown and accept to be transformed, from within, by the healing hand of the Universe.


  • Ritual: Create a vision board with images and words representing your desires. 

  • Journal prompt: What are my self-care needs, and how can I prioritize them? 

  • Affirmation: I trust my intuition and listen to my inner voice.


  • Ritual: Practice a gratitude meditation or visualization. 

  • Journal prompt: What are my creative goals, and how can I pursue them? 

  • Affirmation: I radiate authenticity, self-confidence, and passion. I embrace my path and purpose and share my light with others willingly.


  • Ritual: Declutter and clean your home or workspace. 

  • Journal prompt: What are my goals for organization and productivity? 

  • Affirmation: I trust the Universe to send me the knowledge I need at precisely the right time. Every new piece of information brings me closer to my Higher Self.


  • Ritual: Spend time with loved ones or connect with new people. 

  • Journal prompt: What are my goals for relationships and partnerships? 

  • Affirmation: I am open to receiving endless blessings as I show up for myself and others with power and strength.

new moon journal prompts may 2023


  • Ritual: Take a salt bath or use grounding crystals. 

  • Journal prompt: What are my goals for spiritual growth and self-discovery? 

  • Affirmation: I fully love, honor, and accept myself. Therefore, others fully love, honor, and accept me!


  • Ritual: Go on a spontaneous adventure or try something new. 

  • Journal prompt: What are my goals for expanding my horizons and pursuing my passions? 

  • Affirmation: I release the systems and thoughts that do not support my well-being and health. I take pleasure in organizing my inner and outer worlds.


  • Ritual: Create a financial plan or budget. 

  • Journal prompt: What are my goals for career and financial success? 

  • Affirmation: I allow my heartfelt wishes to manifest and give life to new beginnings. I am the powerful designer of the life of my dreams.

taurus new moon 2023


  • Ritual: Write in a gratitude journal or practice positive affirmations. 

  • Journal prompt: What are my goals for personal growth and self-expression? 

  • Affirmation: I feel safe, nourished, and protected. I allow myself to grow roots, build a nest, and believe in my tremendous inner magic.


  • Ritual: Meditate or practice yoga to connect with your intuition. 

  • Journal prompt: What are my goals for emotional healing and self-care? 

  • Affirmation: I am ready to receive love, meet the people who reflect my consciousness, and support me as I level up in my journey.

The Bottom Line

The New Moon in Taurus offers a unique opportunity for each zodiac sign to connect with their strengths, goals, and intentions. By practicing these rituals, journal prompts, and affirmations, you can harness the energy of Taurus and manifest your dreams into reality.

Fatima-Zahra, the founder of Living Simplyy, is a Holistic Astrologer, Modern Mystic, and Spiritual Mentor who wants to guide people to the sacred remembrance of their divine nature. You can follow her journey on YouTube or Instagram.

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Fatima-Zahra FARAHATE

Fatima-Zahra, the founder of Living Simplyy, is a holistic evolutionary astrologer and spiritual mentor. You can follow her on her website, YouTube channel, or Instagram where she shares cosmic insights for daily life.

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