Astrological New Year + Spring Equinox Rituals

As we approach the start of a new astrological year and the spring equinox, it's a great time to reflect on the past and set intentions for the future. 

This time of year is a powerful opportunity for growth and transformation as the natural world around us awakes from its winter slumber, and new energies and possibilities emerge. 

In this blog post, we'll explore the significance of the astrological new year and the spring equinox and offer suggestions for incorporating rituals and practices into your spiritual and self-care routine.

The Astrological New Year 

The astrological new year doesn't follow the Gregorian calendar but begins on the first day of the vernal equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. The astrological new year begins with the Sun's entrance into the first sign of the zodiac, Aries, which occurs on March 20th, 2023. 

Aries is a fire sign known for its courage, confidence, and initiative, and it is associated with new beginnings and fresh starts. The astrological new year is a time to set intentions for the coming year, focus on new goals and aspirations, and let go of any old patterns or beliefs holding you back.

What is The Spring Equinox?

The spring equinox marks the first day of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, and it occurs when the Sun is directly above the equator, resulting in equal hours of daylight and darkness. It is a time of balance and renewal as the natural world begins to awaken from its winter slumber and a new life emerges. 

What does the Spring Equinox Mean?

The spring equinox is seen by many cultures as a time of renewal and rebirth. It's when the natural world comes back to life after the long winter months and when new beginnings are celebrated. In many traditions, the spring equinox is associated with fertility, growth, and the return of light and warmth.

Welcoming Spring implies allowing new beginnings and opportunities to fill our lives. After the cold winter, the world is now (slowly) coming out of hibernation. Resurrected, rejuvenated, and more dynamic than ever… we can finally cook up new approaches and get creative!

The Spring is a time for initiation, so "spring fever" is here! Use this newfound stamina, vitality (and sex drive) to create more abundance, joy, fulfillment, success, and fun. 

With the promise of longer and brighter days, we are ushered towards showing up with more passion and courage. Therefore, being bold, adventurous, spicy, and active is paramount.

How is the spring equinox celebrated?

The Spring Equinox, also called Ostara in pagan traditions, is one of the two days in the year when both day and night are of equal length. So from now on, the Sun will get more and more turf until we peak during the Summer Solstice. 

Long celebrated around the world as a time of renewal and birth, the spring equinox is a time to feast, smile, get creative, shine bright, and enjoy the glorious return of the Sun after months of cold, darkness, and isolation.

The spring equinox is celebrated in many different ways around the world. Many celebrations, like Easter, were inspired by the Spring Equinox, or Ostara, the celebration of the Greek goddess Eostre. The egg and bunny symbolism of Easter reminds us of the abundance and fertility the new season promises.

In Iran, the spring equinox is celebrated as Nowruz, a festival of new beginnings that marks the start of the Iranian New Year. In Japan, the spring equinox is characterized by the Higan festival, a time for paying respects to ancestors and finding inner peace.

And in Mexico, the spring equinox is celebrated as the start of the agricultural year, with many communities holding rituals and ceremonies to honor the earth and the coming harvest.

Spring Equinox Altar Suggestions

As the spring equinox approaches, many people like to set up an altar to honor this special time of year. An altar can be a beautiful and meaningful way to connect with the energy of the season and to bring some of its symbolism and energy into your home.

  • Spring Equinox Colors: Bright, fresh colors like green, yellow, and pink

  • Spring Equinox Crystals: Rose quartz, clear quartz, or green aventurine

  • Spring Equinox Flowers: Daffodils, tulips, grass cuts, spring blossoms, buds, and pussy willows

  • Spring Equinox Herbs: Any herbs that promote balance, such as dandelion, burdock root, chamomile, or milk thistle.

  • Spring Equinox Decorations: Decorated eggs, eggshells, seeds, sprouts, and candles

Equinox Mantra.png

Astrological New Year Mantras For Each Zodiac Sign

  • Aries - I am willing to live my life in new ways that are exciting to me.

  • Taurus - My body is my home; I feed it with nourishing foods.

  • Gemini - I communicate clearly and intentionally with myself and others.

  • Cancer - I trust that my family and friends are provided for.

  • Leo - I shine brightly for the whole world to see.

  • Virgo - I lovingly let go of anything not serving my highest good.

  • Libra - I am committed to growth and opportunities.

  • Scorpio - I am transformational and present to the rapid changes in life.

  • Sagittarius - My wisdom comes when I act on what I trust.

  • Capricorn - I value my practicality and enjoy teaching it to others.

  • Aquarius - I bring people together, and that is my superpower.

  • Pisces - I flow with the shifts of life and understand it is all for the greater good.

Rituals for the Astrological New Year and Spring Equinox

Plant Seeds

One way to celebrate the spring equinox is to plant seeds indoors in your garden or in pots. As you plant each seed, visualize your intentions for the coming year, and see the seeds as symbols of your hopes and dreams taking root and beginning to grow.

Cleanse Your Space

Spring cleaning isn't just about tidying up your home. It's also about clearing out any stagnant energy lingering from the winter months. Anything that doesn't bring you joy and happiness has got to go. We often forget how much a cluttered space clutters a mind, body, and soul. 

You can cleanse your space by burning cleansing herbs or using crystals such as quartz or selenite to clear the energy in your home or office.


Take some time to meditate, focusing on your breath and connecting with the energy of the spring equinox. Visualize yourself shedding old patterns or beliefs that no longer serve you and invite new energy and possibilities for the coming year.

Set Intentions

Spring is also an ideal time to rewrite those "new year resolutions" you've been slacking off on and energize your endeavors with new intentions. As you enter this new year, reflecting on your accomplishments is essential.

So sit with your emotions and souvenirs of the last 12 months, and allow gratitude to accompany you as you set the stage for change, growth, and expansion.

Write down your intentions for the coming year, focusing on what you want to achieve and manifest in your life. You can also create a vision board or a collage to help visualize your goals and aspirations.

Connect with Nature

Spend time in nature, taking a walk or hike, or simply sitting outside and observing the world around you. Take note of the emerging growth and energy, and allow yourself to be inspired by the beauty and wonder of the natural world.

The Bottom Line 

In conclusion, the astrological new year and spring equinox are potent times for growth and transformation. By setting intentions, cleansing your space, meditating, and connecting with nature, you can tap into the energy of this season and create a strong foundation for the year ahead.

May this Spring be a time of new beginnings, fresh starts, and limitless possibilities.

Elisabeth is a writer and astrologer, based in Seattle. To connect with her more about astrology, you can connect with her via a chart reading her Instagram @elisabetham, or email her at


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