Moon chaser, manifestation expert, wander lover and feel-good aficionado.


Meet Andi, founder and curator of Oui, We.

After a decade as a corporate executive, Andi still needed permission to be the CEO of her life. When she committed to meditation, studying the stars, and manifestation, everything opened up for her.

Mystical practices helped cultivate her self-worth, discover her purpose, and design the life of her dreams. Now, she runs a thriving creative consulting business, curates a blog read by 1/2 million people each month, hosts a charted podcast, and empowers women to live a high vibrational and transformative life.



Andi is a soul strategist, conscious business consultant, and wellness expert based in Los Angeles.

Andi inspires the creative-minded through holistic living, mystical thinking, creativity, and travel. Her own creative and entrepreneurial spirit has led her down multiple paths, pursuing her passions with heart and purpose.

→ Founder and curator of Oui, We

→ Co-Founder of Seachangers Collective: a monthly women’s circle and entrepreneurship program

→ Lunar living, kundalini yoga, and wellness instructor

→ Host of the charted podcast, “Your Woo Woo BFF”

→ Wellness and conscious business retreat leader

→ Writer of Wanderful: The Modern Bohemian’s Guide to Travelling in Style



Andi’s clients are major tech companies, creative entrepreneurs, and conscious brands around the globe.

→ Soul strategy and workshops

→ Conscious business, communication, and creative strategy

→ New product and new business consulting

→ Tourism board, hotel, and travel consulting

→ Digital content creation: photo, video, and copywriting

→ Speaking and hosting

→ Brand partnerships and events



Andi’s Mission

to inspire YOU to find YOUR most authentic self and true confidence through holistic practices, a MANIFEStATION MINDSET, AND experiential travel.

to support you in moving from self-doubt, overwhelm & comparison, or paycheck to paycheck living and into a life of whole living and expansive creativity.